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Author Topic: Licensed to Carry - or Not?  (Read 6353 times)

Morwen Lagann

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Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« on: 27 Mar 2011, 17:20 »

Obligatory "holy crap, Morwen's starting a discussion thread for once" comment here.

Right. Now that that's out of the way: something that's been on my mind for a while, ever since reading TBL, and again with the Future Vision trailer (and some of the subsequent discussion in the thread about it), is the prevalence of capsuleers carrying weapons on them wherever they go.

We're all familiar with the routine - someone walks into the Skyhook or the Last Gate or the Broken Piano and hands over a sidearm or a knife to the guards/bouncers/drones at the front door, goes about their business, and then picks them up when they leave.

But TBL, as well as the description of the High-Tech Small Arms item ingame, seem to give the impression that this shouldn't be the case. Or, at least, makes it curious why, if people would need to be carrying these HTSAs in order to carry them outside of private hangars and corporate facilities and the like without causing issues with security systems, that they would need to turn them over when visiting a bar.

Just seems a little odd to me, to have to turn over a gun that under the (implied) majority of circumstances, can't shoot anyway, to get into a bar or restaurant. Why bring something you can't use, if you'd have to turn it over anyway? On the other hand, if you can't use it even if you bring it, why turn it over?

Also, on top of that, why are we the ones carrying weapons in the first place? Don't we have security staff to handle that for us?

I dunno. It just doesn't make that much sense to me. Thoughts? How do you approach the situation?
Lagging Behind

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Mar 2011, 17:28 »

The fiction/content problem of EVE about obscure and remotely accessible items of PF means that other 50% of players won't know about this "rule".

But yeah, this is basically why Seriphyn is normally never armed on station; capsuleer sections are "secure", or something


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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Mar 2011, 17:30 »

Miz used to carry a sidearm when she went to places where she might be her own last line of defense. While places like TLG and such ensures the safety of those entering (from others than Veto) you're not safe on the way to or from the bar as far as I know.

However, she's kind of unique in that respect among my characters. None of the others carry weapons of any kind anywhere. If going to any places that may be risky, they'll bring a pack of guards to ensure safety or rely on the time-honored tradition of fucking off at high speeds should the defecation hit the oscillation.

I don't really care much about what TBL and the latest trailer shows. We have established a gun-culture in New Eden's RP community and I doubt it'll change much.


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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Mar 2011, 17:33 »

I tend to assume that our characters, with net worths normally in the millions of ISK (or higher) and thousands of employees (crew, etc.), wouldn't normally need to carry any weaponry. I generally play it as though I have at least a small security detail of bodyguards when in public areas.

That's not to say that a capsuleer always has them present (e.g. when resting in one's personal quarters), but it makes sense to me this way.

Mizhara's statement regarding a gun culture strikes me as generally correct, but I've grown up in a twice-over gun culture (high-crime urban area in Texas) and I've still never fired a gun in my life. So not all capsuleers need to do things the same way. :)

Cmdr Baxter

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #4 on: 27 Mar 2011, 18:20 »

Edit: Let me reword this a little bit.

I was stationed in Korea at the height of the "beef riots" in 2008-2009. At one point we had demonstrators outside our base's entrance, and the base CO called out the auxiliary security force. The protestors moved well away from the gate when the first sentries hit the perimeter towers armed with M16s. I don't pretend to be an expert in human psychology, but seeing men and women wearing flak vests, web gear, toting weapons, and in uniform most likely had an impact.

I prefer to think in this context with Baxter carrying a sidearm. If he's walking down the corridor on a station - even in secure areas - people are a little less likely to do something stupid in his presence. The reality of this happening? Probably close to zero. But on the off chance that it does happen, he's ready.
« Last Edit: 27 Mar 2011, 18:34 by Cmdr Baxter »


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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #5 on: 27 Mar 2011, 18:47 »

See, I think of our characters less like the perimeter sentries (or the thugs walking around my meatspace neighborhood) and more like Erik Prince or Warren Buffet. Sure, they might be carrying, but if they do, it's more out of affectation than actual use.

Saede Riordan

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #6 on: 27 Mar 2011, 19:31 »

For me the answer is fairly simply. Nikita's a street kid, she carries guns less for protection and more out of force of habit. She's not used to being as well protected as she is, and doesn't want to feel helpless. So she arms herself to the teeth, even though most of the time she's got enough guards to populate a moderately sized city.
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Ember Vykos

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #7 on: 27 Mar 2011, 19:42 »

I had Ember carry a gun to still give her a connection to her military career. That and because she generally though that if you want something done its best to do it yourself and that includes personal protection. Sure she might have had a guard or two in most places, but she wanted to be prepared herself just in case.

The new character I'm working on in my head(yeah with all the pretties at fanfest I started a trial with the intent of coming back in game so like I said before no one escapes the EVE) probably wont be carrying a sidearm though I may still give him a knife or something, but its all undecided at this point depending on how his background turns out when I'm done with it.

IRL I carry a gun pretty much everywhere I go except those places that I can't, and then it stays in the car. I'm not sure why really. I live in an area with a very low rate of violent or gun related crimes, but I always want to be prepared, and I guess I would rather have it and not need it as need it and not have it.

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Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #8 on: 27 Mar 2011, 19:57 »

The question I'd be asking is whether the level of security and screening people have is effective enough to root out hostile weapons. Sure, they might find a pistol, but what about nano plagues or poison needles, or the infamous knife-shoe boot?! :D

In an RP environment, I can see the implementation of an all-encompassing security option to prevent someone from causing activity that may be outside the bounds of the setting.


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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #9 on: 27 Mar 2011, 20:01 »

Kaleigh, that's an interesting point. How well does your executive protection detail handle advance work? What sort of screen do they maintain?

* Casiella toddles off, musing.

Shal Novastorm

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #10 on: 27 Mar 2011, 21:52 »

For me the answer is fairly simply. Nikita's a street kid, she carries guns less for protection and more out of force of habit. She's not used to being as well protected as she is, and doesn't want to feel helpless. So she arms herself to the teeth, even though most of the time she's got enough guards to populate a moderately sized city.

More or less the same logic I use for my character. He just carries around a pistol and knife, but it's the same general logic of 'well better to have it and not need it' already mentioned. No matter how many guards you have with heavy weapons, it's been shown even in real history that sometimes it pays to have personal protection that doesn't rely on other people.


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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #11 on: 27 Mar 2011, 22:30 »

The desire to be armed at all times may be in some cases a side effect of both the power-maddening effects of the capsule and the fact that pretty much every ship is armed in some way or another, such that some capsuleers feel naked without a way to visit death upon others in their easy reach.

That said, Ze'ev-c is a doctor, not a soldier, and he only carries when absolutely necessary to make a point or when he's sure shit is going to go down, both situations he tries to avoid at all costs.
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Inara Subaka

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #12 on: 28 Mar 2011, 00:08 »

Inara has limited training with firearms, and what effectively amounts to just more than 'exercise' training with a blade (running through stances/movements for physical health). She can use both, but there is a reason she has bought some of the best security Curse can provide.

Realistically, there's no foolproof security system. It's simply not possible to enforce. "The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." is a great way of explaining it. There's always someone that's one step ahead of the game; modern example is ceramic weaponry that's difficult to detect.

IRL I carry a gun pretty much everywhere I go except those places that I can't, and then it stays in the car. I'm not sure why really. I live in an area with a very low rate of violent or gun related crimes, but I always want to be prepared, and I guess I would rather have it and not need it as need it and not have it.

I leave mine in my vehicle (1) and room (3), but agree wholeheartedly. Safe > Sorry

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #13 on: 28 Mar 2011, 00:11 »

Shin habitually carries a small needle gun with her, ever since Graelyn had her kidnapped. She also makes frequent back-ups of her clone, and employs both software and meatspace security agents to handle her personal security. Considering her history of nanotechnological and biotechnical research, they're likely both well-equipped and imaginative about the way they work.

In any case, it's a plenty big universe. While I imagine it's difficult to wander around the CAS station in Cistuvaert while openly carrying, not every station would be this strictly controlled.

Bong-cha Jones

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Re: Licensed to Carry - or Not?
« Reply #14 on: 28 Mar 2011, 00:35 »

Also, on top of that, why are we the ones carrying weapons in the first place? Don't we have security staff to handle that for us?

Simon has a security detail.  It's basically a cranky Jin-Mei woman with a machete and a gun, plus some drones with deployable shield fins and non-lethal tasers.  He still carries a combat knife though, for the best of reasons:  it's fancy bling!  He can't fight with a knife at all, but it's a high-tech, basically useless, limited run done by Duvolle to prove the concept.  It's expensive as all get out, looks cool and sends a message to people familiar with Duvolle Labs.
Formerly Simon Coal.
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