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Author Topic: POS Research Lab Question, or “Why can’t those fools design a functional interfa  (Read 2256 times)


  • Wetgraver
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So I’ve got a POS. It’s got labs on it. It’s got more lab slots than I have skills to make use of.

I’ve got alts. They have research skills. They aren’t in my corp.

Based on the options that come up when I hit “Manage Assembly Line,” it looks like I should be able to grant access to the labs to other people based on standings and such like. However, when I attempt to do so, it fails miserably.

Does anyone know if what I’m trying to do is possible, or if it’s just a pipe dream? Is there a workable guide to it somewhere that I haven’t found yet?



  • Dirty Pirate Bitch
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Usually setting the person/Corp blue fixes that. Also knowing the bubble password helps a lot with any issues regarding skill-enabled ranges. If in doubt, pick up and move the crap over yourself and use the tower in-situ on the alt(s).
do { aLittleDance(); make(aLittleLove&); cin.get(down); } while(tonight);
Quote from: Raynman37
Go down to the end, take a left at etc and you should see usr right there in front of you.


  • Wetgraver
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Doesn't seem to have worked. I've had the standings sorted for a while. The bp I want to research is in the same system with the pos and labs. I've tried doing it from the personal hangar and from a corp hangar. When I try to select a location for the research, the pos labs simply don't show up for the alt.


  • Demigod
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I do believe they need to be in the same alliance for ME/PE research. (Invention and copying requires corp membership.) It's been a few years since I dabbled in this, however.


  • (a.k.a. Axel Kurki)
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People in the same alliance with Scientific Networking can remotely use the labs for ME and PE research. BPO in a station-side office on the same system, research away. I have not tried, but I believe that the POS settings may be broken in this regard.

Jocca Quinn

  • Wetgraver
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If you want the alts to do ME and PE (tech 1) research they have to be (at least) in the same alliance. The bpos they work on have to be in one of their corp offices in the same system as the POS.

If you want them to do Copying, Invention, Reverse Engineering or any ME / PE research that uses consumables (ie some t2) then they have to be in your corp (the corp that put up the POS) as those jobs require access to the POS lab hanger.

The settings on the labs that say "public use" do not work and never have. My guess would be that those settings were put into the interface when POS were first released so that when the backend coding of those features was completed it would be easier to tie to the interface.

TLDR. CCP and none iteration of features .....