You have never been moderated for encouraging RP, and noone has been moderated for 'challenging' a 'big contributor'. Moderation comes as a result of violating the guidelines. Full stop.
Whether you address a specific player or people who engage in a particular sort of RP ('Slaver vs Heathen', 'loyalist shit', etc.) you are still being insulting and flaming.
It doesn't really matter who 'you' is in "You are stale and old and you violently oppose anything new, weird, and offhand." It is still a generalization, and insulting, and flaming.
It is a forum dedicated to Eve RP, but it
has rules and guidelines. We do require people to be polite, and post constructively, and not insult each other, among other things.
A few quotes from the FAQ:
This forum is an OOC place for EVE roleplayers to discuss the game and roleplaying. It is a place to exchange ideas and share information. It is a place for positive, polite debate. It is a place for discussion, not arguments.
It is a place for civil and courteous conversation. It is not a place for flamewars, bullying, point-scoring or other asshattery. (The Mods reserve the right to define 'asshattery' as behaviour not in line with the forum's purpose). It is not a place for people to show how 'wrong' others are. It is not a place for the ventilation of personal vendettas. It is not a place for insults, either veiled or explicit. It is not a place for telling other people they are 'doing it wrong".
Q: So you want us to act all lovey-dovey?
A: Yes. Deal with it.
Q: Doesn't being polite to people I disagree with make me a hypocrite?
A: No. It makes you a grown-up.
Q: Isn't that against my right to free speech?
A: Right again. Deal with that, too.
Q: Isn't all this subjective?
A: Yes. The Mods do their best to be fair, but inevitably, this is a subjective standard. Another thing for you to Deal With.
Q: What about free and frank debate?
A: Strange as it may seem, given some of the forums on the internet, but it is possible to have an honest exchange of views without being rude, hostile, offensive, aggressive or bullying. That kind of behaviour destroys communities, virtual and otherwise, and Will Not Be Tolerated.
Q: So I can't disagree with anyone's RP?
A: Sure you can disagree. Just do it politely, I'll even venture to say nicely, and remember that they have as much right to their opinion as you have to yours. For example: Player A writes: "I see the Intaki as space hippies." Player B answers: "Of course they aren't space hippies, there are no hippies in Eve." That would be the WRONG way to answer. The RIGHT way would be something like "Really? I see the Intaki as more techno-buddhists. That's how I play my character, but hey, it's a big Cluster, right?"
Those are among the guidelines you agree to when you sign up. I know not everyone
likes them, but not liking them doesn't mean that they don't apply to you. You can characterize it as 'everyone is a winner, let's all hug' if you'd like. I would suggest instead that if you have a position that stands on it's own merits, it will ultimately win out based on that, rather than on the particular sort of rhetoric used.
You might start by explaining how you would build things that are new, rather than getting involved in tearing down the things you feel are old.
If you would like a board that encourage a more robust style of debate, you might try Chatsubo. That difference is a large part of why some of us went off and created Backstage in the first place.