Ghost, I would altogether rather not progress further into the direction of "YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG", so I am probably not going to answer anything further than this, but to be fair to you:
1) I don't remember having a discussion specifically with you about the Sansha stuff OOC, so I cannot really comment whether you fit into what I have a problem with.
2) I do absolutely not have a problem with Sansha supporters who actually have more complex motives for it than "my implants made me do it" and/or "rawr I am an evil baby-eating monster".
3) What I do have an issue with is people who argue not only that their characters can and do have more complex and even benevolent motives for supporting Kuvakei, and push propaganda IC, but also OOCly push the view that actually most of the people abducted are going voluntarily, Sansha is creating a paradise for them instead of using most of them to his borg-like purposes, and even if he does do that, being converted to part of his hive-mind is actually a pretty ok thing to do to a person.
I should probably add that what I have an issue with is not limited to Sansha. There's also a bunch of Minmatar players who attack civilian installations to blow them up and get upset if you OOCly call it "terrorism", a couple of Amarr players who ICly hold slaves but OOCly claim it's just fine to do that because they provide for them nicely, etc. It has lately come up most strongly with the Sansha but that's probably more due to the storyline in general being on the top than the faction itself.