This is a level 3 storyline mission, never saw it before, albeit it seems to be quite old.
Ambush in the DarkI just received news of a very grave incident that just occured in the system XXXX a few hours ago. A convoy carrying our esteemed CEO was ambushed by an unusually large and organized pirate strike force. But fortune shone on us tonight, for due to the extraordinary bravery of our CEOs valiant escort team, he managed to escape unharmed, although slightly traumatised as you might expect. We lost many good men in this unfortunate incident, including the commander of our escort team ... may he rest in peace.
Now I'll get right to the point. We believe the pirates managed to capture some of the crew of the cruiser which was escorting our CEO, as we found the wreckage of their ship close by the encounter location, lacking the bodies of most of the crew. Gallente Federation special forces have been called in and are scouring the area for any traces left behind by the pirates, which so far remain at large. We'd like you to help out in the investigation. We know of a popular pirate hideout in XXXX, please search the area for any clues left behind.
Odd thing, the last phrase after "XXXX" in the direct chat with the agent says:
please search the area for any clues which might help us, and bring any prisoners you manage to acquire back to us for interrogation
The InterrogationAfter checking our logs we noticed that only some of the prisoners you brought back were part of the crew that was captured after the pirate raid on our convoy. The rest apparently are former members of one of the pirate ships you destroyed, who managed to escape from the blast that destroyed their vessel. I need them transfered to some colleagues of mine at another station for further interrogation, hopefully the specialists there will be able to extract out of them the information we need to track down who was behind the ambush on our CEO.
The KidnappingWe need urgent help with intercepting a group of vile kidnappers who just managed to snatch the niece of our CEO while she was visiting her uncle in this very system. We believe the perpetrators were a gang of mercenaries led by a felon working for the illegal organization, the Odamian Renegades. I'll fill you in on the details of that organization in your mission journal.
What I need you to do is capture this agent of theirs, alive if possible. We must have him here for interrogation, as we suspect he is the missing link between the kidnapping and those who are truly responsible for this heinous crime. We need to get to the bottom of which organization stands behind these grave assaults against our people. And it so happens that we know the whereabouts of a certain pirate who has had many dealings with this Odamian agent in the past, who we hope will be able to lead you to him. The only catch is he will most likely require a bit of 'convincing' on your part before he parts with the needed information. I'll upload the bookmark to his location into your NeoCom, once you have extracted the information from the middleman then I expect you to find the Odamian agent and bring him back to me.
Additional mission text
Odamian Renegades
The Odamian Renegades named themselves after the system where their organization was founded, in the Gallente controlled Placid region. The founders themselves were mostly made up of adventurers traveling from the Gallente capital system, Luminaire, searching for fame and fortune in the frontier. There they came into contact with Dakeur Hullan, a charismatic pirate veteran who had been working for the Serpentis organization until an unfortunate incident saw him outlawed from their territory, with a sizeable bounty on his head. Despite his misfortunes, Dakeur still had numerous contacts throughout the criminal world, both inside Serpentis and Gallente controlled space. With Dakeurs experience within the underworld of the Gallente Federation and his co-founders surprising piloting skills, the Odamian Renegades quickly garnered a reputation as a powerful and infamous drug smuggling syndicate within the Gallente territories.
The renegade i must kill to get get an access key is named Drazin Jaruk
Using chruker's site i got this description for Drazin
Drazin Jaruk is a old veteran of the underworld who is a longtime affiliate of the infamous pirate organization, the Angel Cartel. He has countless contacts with various pirate organizations, and has been jailed dozens of times in the past.
He has recently been released from his last prison sentance, and therefore does not carry a bounty on his head and is not a legal target for assassination.
Accel gate pop up info
This asteroid field has just recently been settled, by a group of pirate freelancers. A hastily erected mobile habitat floats idly in the midst of the giant rocks, while three groups of mercenary ships lazily orbit various asteroids in defensive positions. One of the ships clearly has the markings of your target, Drazin Jaruk, who seems to be the leader of this bunch. You also notice another acceleration gate nearby, which you guess, judging from it's fairly clean exterior, has been only recently installed. Where it leads to is anyone's guess.
A certain guy named lynk shows up in the last deadspace area, checking chruker's again:
Lynk is a known freelance mercenary who is well connected within the criminal element outside of Concord patrolled space. He operates a powerfull cruiser, and is not to be taken lightly.
Possible LeadsWhile we wait for the interrogation of the prisoner you captured in your last mission to finish, I'd like you to transport a data chip that we retrieved from his belongings to Quier IV - Moon 3 - Freedom Extension Storage. We'd like it decyphered and I know of the perfect man for the job, who is residing on that station. We aren't sure if there is any incriminating evidence in the data, but we'd like to make sure nonetheless. When you get back, then hopefully our interrogators will have found some more leads.
Incriminating EvidenceYes, the interrogation went well. We managed to extract out of him who he was working for. Apparently he had been contacted by an agent from the Odamian Renegades, a criminal organization which has been making quite a name for itself recently in these parts, and paid a vast sum of money to kidnap our CEO's niece. A foolhardy task, but he did manage to pull it off and transfer her into the hands of the criminals.
Also the data disc you transported in your last mission has revealed even more to us. It contained the precise meeting points between the kidnappers and the Odamian agent for the past few weeks, as well as the exact coordinates for the next meeting which is to take place any minute now. I'd like you to fly over there yourself and ambush the Odamian goons at that location. Try to be quick, I don't know how long they will stay there waiting for their contact to arrive.
The Flu OutbreakWe have a major flu outbreak here on XXXX. Because of this our antiviral drug supplies have grown thin, and we're afraid we'll run out soon. We have a lot of personnel here, we wouldn't want half of them taking sick leave due to our lack of medicines. I ordered the purchase of some antiviral drugs at Athinard VII - Moon 2 - Astral Mining Inc. Mineral Reserve and would like you to transport them here. Please hurry, our staff is depending on you.
The Secret MeetingThe agent mentions a more detailed explanation, but the short story is he received a secret comm transmission to offer info on the Kidnapped niece, and offered a meeting a at specific location. You are to check it out despite it smells like a trap.
Very interesting indeed. You've done us a good service, XXXXX. Now let's just hope that these Serpentis scoundrels can reveal the true location of our CEO's niece.
Meet with the Odamian Envoy ships and open a dialogue with them. Then proceed to attack the Serpentis convoy in the adjacent area, capture their leader. When this is finished return to your agent.
Info pop up once you arrive at the deadspace location, with nice twist
Welcome, agent. I presume you are the one who reduced our base to rubble. That really ... complicated our operations, and caused our leader to become quite ... angry. Even so we don't blame you for it, you were simply following orders.
We were quite surprised to find out that the authorities had discovered the location of our outpost which you destroyed. We were certain that we had been betrayed, and during our thorough investigation of the matter we discovered that not only had we been betrayed but also framed by our most loathsome rivals, the Serpentis. They were the ones who kidnapped the girl and started this whole mess, we had nothing to do with it. Their obvious motive was to trick your government into attacking our base, which paralyzed our operations in the area, and resulted in the loss of most of our clients in these parts.
Although we found it hard to believe at first, we have a long-standing relationship with the Serpentis and regularly supply them with goods they cannot acquire through other means. Their meddling in our affairs makes no sense. But the evidence is overwhelming, and therefore we must act.
Now here is where you come in. We led you here for a reason, this acceleration gate leads straight to a Serpentis convoy, ferrying some very valuable goods which they purchased from us. It's escort team is not prepared for a sneak attack, and so this should give you the perfect opportunity to strike. Capture their leader, and your people may be able to acquire information leading to the girl through him. I'm sure he will give you the answer you seek, and hopefully end this crusade against our corporation.
As you will undoubtedly notice, the acceleration gate is open. There are no guards, feel free to jump through it. But be warned, keep your distance from us or we will be forced to attack and defend ourselves. We came here only for dialogue, not conflict.
A Battleship NPC sits 100km from your arrival point....and according to eve-survival, its an optional target. I Chose not to engage.
Then you warp on a deadspace area full of serpentis
Defend the Civilian ConvoyA Serpentis strike force was spotted entering this system earlier today, wiping out some of our patrol ships in a surprise assault! We received a distress signal, only moments ago, coming from one of our civilian convoys traveling towards a supply depot in XXX, it has been attacked by these pirate forces. Please undock immediately and fly to their rescue, before it's too late! I'll supply you with a bookmark to their exact coordinates. Now hurry!
Pop-up at arrival
As you approach the convoy, you notice the charred wreckage left behind. None of the transport ships survived. However the Serpentis ships are still at the scene, and attack you immediately. At least you can extract some revenge for the brutal slaying of the civilian crew on board the industrials.
Interesting twists after completion, the attack on the convoy was a diversion, and the agent tells you the former captives being interrogated were set free by Serpentis infiltrators.
Retrieve the PrisonersWhile we were scrambling to defend our convoys from attacks by the Serpentis, a few of their agents broke into our prison module and managed to escape with the prisoners. Our interrogation of them was not complete, we still don't know where their base is located, so we are quite desperate to get them back here. We know where their ships are headed, and we request that you intercept them before they manage to jump out of this system. This might be our last chance of getting them before they vanish into deep space, so please hurry!
Final BattleOur intelligence team has just informed us of fresh new evidence, which apparently points to the girl being held in a Serpentis stronghold in XXXXX. According to our sources she is being held in the Central Hub structure of the base, where she will be executed if their demands aren't met. It is our civic duty to see to it that she is returned to her family safely before those despicable Serpentis villains murder her.
There is a fundamental flaw with our plan however, the Serpentis are fully aware of our intention to free her and have sent in a fleet of their battleships to guard their outpost. Now I certainly do not expect you to fight against such odds, but I firmly believe you capable of infiltrating their base, rescuing the girl and escaping with your ship, and life, intact.
We have located a series of acceleration gates leading straight to the Central Control Hub. The Serpentis fleet guarding it will be expecting a large force of attackers, which will give you the advantage should you fly in there with a fast, agile ship, to avoid direct confrontation. Once you arrive at the final area, all you have to do is destroy the Central Control Hub and retrieve the girl from the ejected safety capsule, all of their Control Hubs have this mechanism to save their high-ranking personnel from death should the structure be obliterated. We hope that they consider the girl important enough to save in this way as well. If not ... well there is not much other choice. If we send in a fleet of ships they will simply kill her when they realize they have lost. We need to hit them fast and hard, before they know what hit them. That is the only chance we have of getting her out of there alive.
Now, if you do not find the girl alive after destroying the Central Control Hub, then active your warp drive immediately and get out of there! I wouldn't want to lose you needlessly, XXXX. But rest assured, should you fall then I will personally make sure the pirate scum pay the price. Good luck.
This is the first time i've seen several BS in a lvl3 mission, and quite nice bounties, so as a last stage, its quite profitable.
Why its called "Guristas Strike" if i never fired a shot against them is beyond me

, the mission text and overall "storyline" is a welcomed change in contrast with the usual storyline offers