It's always been incredibly difficult in EVE to want a thing or event to happen dynamically vs the amount of people that need to know about the thing for it to actually happen at all.
One one end you have the more 'realistic' RP end of the spectrum; sharing little, dropping tiny, tiny hints about things, hoping people will take some RP bait and investigate of their own volition a bit more.
Then the other end of the spectrum, you basically have to shout from the highest mountaintop PLOT PLOT PLOT HERE. COME PARTICIPATE. And even then your turnout or interest will be less than you had hoped.
I've done both options, sort of.
When it comes to shouting, I was indeed expecting at least a little more interest in digging up dirt, especially because I OOCly invited the press to do so, but if the media aren't even willing to investigate a little, who will?
Interestingly, the "realistic" approach has brought Ché closer to having a side of his character exposed that he would rather not have exposed, multiple times. Sometimes it really surprised me that it had happened.
But most times, I avoid the whole dynamic vs. plotbaiting thing by having my character have goals as opposed to having goals for my character.
Not that there aren't any things that I would like to happen, but the suspense of not knowing which ones of these things will happen, or when, or if any of them will happen at all is quite enjoyable for me.
Sometimes, when a secret comes out, it can be more fun if a character has been able to keep it secret for years instead of months. Longtime friends of this character could have a "I thought I knew her/him. WTF?!" experience that would be stronger than if they had been friends for a short time.