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Author Topic: [Chronicle] Uplifted  (Read 10523 times)


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #30 on: 21 Dec 2010, 03:32 »

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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #31 on: 21 Dec 2010, 07:51 »

Rogue drones are an entirely different sort of horror altogether, and one I'd like to explore further in the near future.

I wrote a story about that! :D


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #32 on: 21 Dec 2010, 09:52 »

When haeldone gave the briefing about how the communications of a system went down, I joked about how much it was like the horizon mission briefing.

And yep. there we go.

So, Ze'ev?  Make with the creation of a Seeker swarm Sansha bug antidote.

The cure will be worse than the disease, I can tell you that right now. Besides, I've got my hands full with Kyonoke.
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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #33 on: 21 Dec 2010, 11:45 »

When haeldone gave the briefing about how the communications of a system went down, I joked about how much it was like the horizon mission briefing.

And yep. there we go.

So, Ze'ev?  Make with the creation of a Seeker swarm Sansha bug antidote.

Pfft, like I said. People just need to hide and take muscle relaxants. Messy. Smelly. But probably effective.


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #34 on: 21 Dec 2010, 14:48 »

People just need to hide and take muscle relaxants. Messy. Smelly. But probably effective.
I think you just outlined a new religion.

Arvo Katsuya

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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #35 on: 21 Dec 2010, 14:50 »

When haeldone gave the briefing about how the communications of a system went down, I joked about how much it was like the horizon mission briefing.

And yep. there we go.

So, Ze'ev?  Make with the creation of a Seeker swarm Sansha bug antidote.

Barring blantantly metagaming (which we will no doubt see in the IGS), I don't think he can seek research for a treatment towards something that isn't knowledge to everyone yet. I believe we simply have to RAFO.

Shame I haven't played Mass Effect 2 yet, to be able to get all the jokes said. While this certainly paints more in detail to what makes Nation horrifying, I'm curious when we will get to read more of the humanized parts to it and all the hints surrounding it to why being a supporter has validity to it.


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #36 on: 21 Dec 2010, 14:55 »

I'm curious when we will get to read more of the humanized parts to it and all the hints surrounding it to why being a supporter has validity to it.
Sadly, that looks less and less likely to happen, Arvo.  At least on CCP's part, imo, given the depictions in "The Plague Years" and now "Uplifted".


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #37 on: 21 Dec 2010, 15:20 »

I can think of a few angles for a supporter to take. "Those chosen must undergo a brief period of discomfort in exchange for their uplifting, much as a patient receives an injection to cure a disease." Or somesuch.


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #38 on: 21 Dec 2010, 15:34 »

Well, yea.  I still think they're trending toward "Sansha are evil and Kuvakei's an ubermadman, so just deal with it".  I see these two competing views:

Sansha?  Yea, they're gonna punch through your face with superECM and nanites that take over your motor functions!  Then they're gonna suck you up into a drop ship with a tractor beam!  And if you don't come with them?  They'll turn your family into mindless drones and send them to murder you!  Ughhhhh!!  SANSHA -- it's got electrolytes! ::pheer::


Sansha?  Oh, they're more powerful than you think.  Feel that soft caress down your spine?  The hair standing up on your neck?  That's their carefully dispersed memetic virus slowly insinuating itself into your world view and making you want to give yourself over to them.  You love Nation, don't you?  Yes.  You just... never realized it... somehow, until this moment.  Welcome, my child.


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #39 on: 21 Dec 2010, 15:41 »

Do not try to RP Sansha as good guys using your OOG/OOC morality, or the general, accepted moral code on the Internet. It will NOT work.

Instead, you have to adopt a Citizen Astur "extreme means to an end" approach. Nation ARE the good guys, but only if you adopt that morality, and don't try to use your OOC sensibilities. Jia-Lei Lian RPs as such; they're not actually that crazy IRL I imagine :P

It is roleplaying after all. IC, you RP them as the good guys, but OOC you are aware of these pitfalls.


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #40 on: 21 Dec 2010, 16:13 »

they're not actually that crazy IRL I imagine
Oh? :3

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #41 on: 21 Dec 2010, 16:41 »

Do not try to RP Sansha as good guys using your OOG/OOC morality, or the general, accepted moral code on the Internet. It will NOT work.

Instead, you have to adopt a Citizen Astur "extreme means to an end" approach. Nation ARE the good guys, but only if you adopt that morality, and don't try to use your OOC sensibilities. Jia-Lei Lian RPs as such; they're not actually that crazy IRL I imagine :P

It is roleplaying after all. IC, you RP them as the good guys, but OOC you are aware of these pitfalls.

I concur.

Don't get me wrong I'm happy that people are choosing to play Sansha loyalists and/or stooges. I think that it should be easier for them to express that properly.

However this is an OOC conversation and OOC there is no upside to the Sansha.

Most of the other human factions can be shown to be sympathetic in one way or another. The Sansha are tools of a madman that would put the average Bond villian to shame. Somehow I doubt life inside the faction has any of the moments of love and humanity that even the Blooders are shown to be capable of (in The Burning Life).
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #42 on: 21 Dec 2010, 17:18 »

Barring blantantly metagaming (which we will no doubt see in the IGS), I don't think he can seek research for a treatment towards something that isn't knowledge to everyone yet. I believe we simply have to RAFO.
I see no reason why a competant capsuleer investigating the groundside operations over the last few months would be unable to have gathered the information that was presented in the chronicle.  I would agree that anyone suddenly claiming they have a cure/countermeasure is full of shit, but the nature of the uplifitings is hardly a secret on the level of LolJamyl.

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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #43 on: 21 Dec 2010, 19:53 »

Do not try to RP Sansha as good guys using your OOG/OOC morality, or the general, accepted moral code on the Internet. It will NOT work.

Instead, you have to adopt a Citizen Astur "extreme means to an end" approach. Nation ARE the good guys, but only if you adopt that morality, and don't try to use your OOC sensibilities. Jia-Lei Lian RPs as such; they're not actually that crazy IRL I imagine :P

It is roleplaying after all. IC, you RP them as the good guys, but OOC you are aware of these pitfalls.

Very well said. :3
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Re: [Chronicle] Uplifted
« Reply #44 on: 21 Dec 2010, 20:29 »

There are other angles on it, too, ofc.
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