So I'm doing this in Delve, solo, and it is going well so far.
I went in at first with a few billion and a Loki to gain standings and move assets. You only need +0.9 standing to Blood Raiders corp to get all agents available. Took me a few months because I'm lazy. After that I was set. Eight or nine level four Blood Raider missions will get you enough loyalty points and ISK (20mil ISK) to buy an Ashimmu BPC.
But doing level fours get boring after a while without reason. So since I figured the basic mechanic of living in Delve I wanted to see how hard it would be to start in Delve with a new toon. First. I wanted to see if I could work my way up with Anya. I started by making a diaper ship and figuring out which missions I could solo.
All level one and two easily solo'd in t1 Punisher with t1 crystals. Every level three can be solo'd with t1 Punisher/t1 crystals, even the Mordu's Legion missions but they are not worth the time. All level four drone missions can be solo'd in aforementioned Punisher as well.
So starting out with basic skills, t1 Punisher, and some BPO's. Takes about three to four level three missions to get enough loot to build a new Punisher. After that do enough missions to buy an Ashimmu BPC and run the level fours even faster.