Different thing entirely. CQ/Incarna/Animation is very much not part of the gameplay of Eve. Hell, it wasn't even when it existed. The game of Eve Online is internet spaceships. The industry, the bearing, the pewpew, the cooperation and interaction with or against people and so on. Focusing on something that is completely detached from that, adds nothing to that but pointless dev distraction and funding, is very much not equivalent to focusing on either of the secs etc.
As for those statistics, you may have forgotten that this is Eve Online and the norm is having a ton of alts. Pretty much everyone in low and null also has one or more highsec alts for trade, hauling or other purposes while your average highsec bear main will rarely have anywhere near as many. In all likelihood, you'll find that a very significant chunk of your 'highseccers' are actually low/null folk on an alt.
Whether or not an argument is 'old' or not is pretty irrelevant, if you don't have a good counter argument.