My only real bug bears are mary suedom and people trying to win at rp.
I feel that a lot of this can be prevented or at least gently corrected through good RP education. It can take a lot of patience to explain to someone why their MarySue'nes is, in fact, such, and then help them refine it to encourage others to interact with them. I completely agree with the idea of just ignoring those that 'do their own thing' but I think it is also important to gently let them know that their choices 'might make it hard for others to participate' in their story.
I really feel like there should be an RP 101, kinda like EvE Uni is for game mechanics... basic stuff, in a basic format like:
1. there is no "winning" in RP. The closest thing to winning is having someone else accept the premise (plot) of your characters story and choose to interact with it.
2. give and take: the best RP involves letting your character lose something, whether it's as simple as an argument, or as complex as a bodypart, family member, or purpose in life. The best RP happens when a character grows
2a. growth: if your character doesn't grow in some fasion, they become less and less belivable and even worse.. less and less interesting.
.... and so on.
We have all these new alphas and I've already had many talking about "I want to RP but I don't really know how..."
If I were to try to write up something simple, not too long, and with good intentions... would that be helpful for folks in our RP community to link for newbros wanting to RP?