Turbo-delayed response time!
Saw it way back in early January, saw it again with some friends.
My reaction remains... disappointment. Sheer, overwhelming disappointment.
First off, let me say that as a piece of filmmaking, it's perfectly fine. Very well shot, pretty well acted (Boyega and Ford especially), only criticism I can make is that they seem to have mixed in the music somewhat softer than on previous films so it wasn't always as noticeable.
With that said, however, plotwise it was an absolute disaster.
- Let's start with the Starkiller base. Excluding, for a moment, that it's somehow a less powerful weapon than the Death Star that they felt it somehow necessary to build into an entire planet (and plonk a huge bullseye on), the old 'big superweapon with a big weakness' thing is getting beyond ridiculous now. A small thermal exhaust port was understandable; it was literally overlooked. Putting a critical piece of your infrastructure on the surface where anyone can fly up to it is rather more inexplicable.
- On that note, the First Order's incompetency in general is staggering; in fact, at times the movie seems to solely run on nothing but their inability to do anything right. Basic measures are neglected ("Hey, let's not keep our shields up while in hostile space, have combat patrols outt here, put more than one guard on anything, or have more than one locked door between a prison cell and the hangar bay...") and very often broke my suspension of disbelief. The only remotely impressive thing they did in the film is make good speeches.
- If the First Order were incompetent, it seems they've only survived because the Republic is now fully brain dead. For starters, the entire Rebellion/Republic military allegedly disarmed after the Empire's end... despite the First Order still being out there, quite hostile, and seemingly controlling large swaths of space. 1.3 million planets, and not any of them said 'uh, no. We'd like our guns and starships, just in case.' The 'Resistance' is apparently formed of 2 squadrons of X-wings, a couple small transports, and a few thousand people. I know we all love underdogs and stuff, but that felt just ridiculous to me.
- Apparently the reason no Republic fleet could be summoned to stomp Starkiller Base flat after the shields went down is that they were all concentrated around the single capital system that was blown up. No anti-piracy patrols, no roaming border fleets, nobody else anywhere. At all.
Onto a completely unrelated topic, the movie occasionally seemed to show us things we didn't have to see but neglected to give us hints about what we really needed to know.
- For instance, seeing Rey's parents spaceship take off... I mean, we all understood what had happened.
- Conversely, during the final fight between Rey and Kylo Ren, apparently what was actually happening was Rey tapping into her rage and 'dancing with the dark side' to overpower him; this is why Kylo offers to train her: He can sense she is using the dark side. Then, she was supposed to reject the Dark at the end and refuse to give in and kill him - a call back to Luke's duel with Vader in episode VI. None of that came through, however; all we saw was Rey somehow get mad lightsaber skills then flee because, oh yeah, there was a giant trench between them.
At the end, I felt more bored than anything else and couldn't help but ask: We gave up Thrawn, Zsinj, Mara Jade, Wedge and the Rogues, Booster Terrik and more for this?