What's the issue with Miqo'te? They are the khaajit version of the game, albeit less cheesy I find (not fond of the anthropomorphized animals of the Elder Scrolls, they feel just awkward). They fit perfectly well in the fairytale tone that the FF license has often had...
I saw quite a bit of diversity in the game actually. Lots of miqo'te yeah, but equally if not more lalafells. Au'ras are starting to get more and more spread also, even with them being a 3.0 race... Rogaedyn, true, are a bit lacking but I saw several males (they are so nice when tanks play them, easy to spot and select...). I saw a female one yersterday.
Honestly, I would tend to say that the only race that is a bit lacking in numbers on that server is Rogaedyn... Especially females, but I have seen some. For the other races I have seen more or less equally both genders. I'm pleasantly surprised, I was expecting a huge lack of balance..