The HP Pavillion in your first link is sufficient, and competitively priced. The inclusion of Chromecast is a nice bonus though not really enough to sweeten the deal beyond the machine being in budget and up to spec for playing eve in middling settings.
One thing to be wary of is that you may find that any subsequent changes in your target game(s) will obsolete your system quickly, but you have made it clear that a laptop is important to you. I assume you;re aware of this as a result.
I performed a brief search through ebuyer to see if I could beat the deal but can't find anything that comes close (closest deal was 50 quid more without Chromecast).
Just remember to get a burned DVD of your preferred operating system as these things come laden with borderline Malware (or 'Support Software' as they refer to it) so a thorough nuking of the hard drive and re-install (REMEMBER YOUR OS LICENSE KEY IT SHOULD BE PRINTED ON THE DEVICE) is in order to really ensure you're the one using all system resources. If the key is not printed on the device, phone the point of sale operator and request it.
As a final purchase, maybe look into a thermal mat of some kind as the heat that laptops build up on even the most lightweight of graphical processes is significant and will shorten the life of your product. above is just an example, but reasonably priced if you're planning on staying still for a long time with your laptop.
PS: Some reviews suggest this alternative