So this is a concept I have been trying to gain some traction with but I keep running into the issue that first, I am hitting my "bitter vet" phase and second it seems like most people who RP like to either RP Black or White without shades of Grey. LM is a newer character that I started about a year ago to stave off the bitter vet thing by making a "hard-core" Minmatar Freedom Fighter. My old character was a guy who flew most everything, had flown for most everyone and ha no substance to me anymore and no great use to me other then for whomever I was flying with at the time to say "hop in your Nyx or Erebus and get ready for hot-drop o'clock".
Concept as it is now:
"According to Minmatar legend, Mir'mulnir was a three headed viper that lived in a volcano hated and reviled until a daemon came to the world and began to devour it. Mir'mulnir was reluctantly decided that whatever world would be left in the wake of the daemon would not be a world that Mir'mulnir's brood would be able to thrive in and so the viper slithered forth from its nest in the volcano to either kill the daemon or to be killed.
Mir'mulnir knew that she would have only one chance to strike the daemon yet she also knew that the monster was impossibly fast. She decided that she would lay in wait near some rocks and hide two of her heads. When the daemon finally crossed her path it instantly devoured the two heads then began to move on, thinking that she was dead and this is when she struck with the one head she had left.
The daemon died quickly but Mir'mulnir took no chances and swallowed the monster. When she returned to her nest she gave birth to the Mir'mulnir Tribe."
The Mir'mulnir are a hybrid tribe of Thukker and Nefantar and, as such are often vilified by those in the Republic as being either criminals or race traitors. They are Tribal Traditionalists whom disdain the Republic as much as it looks down on them. That being said they fight alongside the Tribal Liberation Forces though their storied history often sees them acting as scouts, light attack forces and diversionary elements to larger fleets as many Fleet Commanders distrust flying with the Tribe when they are flying anything that could possibly pose a threat to the fleet itself.That is the concept of the Corp/Tribe I have been trying to get off the ground, but the man is also a thing I have issues with. To start I sort of wanted to create a sort of Machiavellian sort of character working slowly with the tools of subterfuge, violence and economics to bring about an end result, the reunification of the Seven Tribes of Minmatar under a Tribal Traditionalist government apart from the failed Republic or in its place.
I didnt mind the idea of playing towards the terrorist aspect of the character, but I wanted to play the "smart" terrorist who would see violence as a tool in his tool belt sort of like a hammer and chisel is used when sculpting only when it needs to be used. Commerce, Economics, playing markets against one another would be tools that he would fall back upon more often then not.
The problem I am having is expressing this on IGS and Summit...without becoming a card board cut out villain cackling "muwahahahahhahaha!" as I dont want to be a "bad guy" but fleshed out character. If anyone would like to throw some pro-tips my way id appreciate it.