...hoping nobody actually expects me to produce a bunch of academic papers on the slow destruction of divergent Intaki subaltern polities. Because damn, I need some time for that
On my desk by Monday morning ok for you?
Actually my last post there on the IGS regarding other groups does hint towards my OOC feelings on Intaki RP. It would be nice for a non ILF or non IPI group to be around to interact with. Even more so if they were based in Placid and stopped by the Viriette constellation from time to time. If anything it would mean the ILF didn't
appear as if we want to steer or dominate Intaki RP purely by the nature of being one of the very few Intaki corps out there.
I remember when Anshar Inc. first arrived in Placid and became quite vocal. There was the impression within the ILF that they might be more Syndicate aligned than Serpentis and there was actually a conversation within the corp about working with them on one level or another. Unfortunately for us, the Serpentis line seemed to dominate and with the booster trade and "stuff" with I-RED that followed (and me being shot in the face while ratting
*cough* Milo *cough* ) our hands were tied RP-wise and it was a shame that we didn't get to explore things between the two groups more. I'm interested to see what Anshar return with and whether we can expect to see them in Intaki at some point.
More Intaki-oriented corps can only be a good thing so if Simon is becoming more active (and IGS suggests he is) then I look forward to what ever happens next.