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Author Topic: Amarrian language  (Read 4659 times)

lallara zhuul

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Re: Amarrian language
« Reply #15 on: 01 Sep 2011, 11:27 »

Why would the TC or any religious institution in the Empire give the information concerning an old language to any database that could be accessed freely?

Religion is about control, one of the major things that was the difference between the catholic church and the protestants was that the protestants wanted the bible to be translated to languages that people could actually read, instead of only the clergy having the capability to do so.

Amarrians are xenophobic and very aware of the dangers of information and technology getting out of control (the whole Takmahl thing, even the Tetrimon stuff could qualify.)

There is no reason whatsoever for any capsuleer to have access to the 'real' Scriptures or even have minor capability to translate them in any way possible.

There is no better way of keeping the power in the hands of the Theology Council than by keeping the knowledge of the languages that are used in the Scriptures in the minds of the few... and they would do anything to keep it that way.

EDIT: Actually I should not have said that, because in less than ten minutes someone has decided to make their Mary Sue even more Mary Sue by being able to read the 'ancient Amarrian' therefore making them instantly more special than anyone else.
« Last Edit: 01 Sep 2011, 11:29 by lallara zhuul »

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Matariki Rain

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Re: Amarrian language
« Reply #16 on: 01 Sep 2011, 13:20 »

Uh, not very important but I was pretty sure that it is actually Christian priests that can't be married nor wear the beard, while orthodox priests can do both.

Orthodox are Christian (well, in this context, where we're not talking about Orthodox Jews or orthodox anything else), and I specifically said Old Catholic. (Sneaky capitalisation of proper names.) Old Catholics have been making their own decisions about things like clerical marriage and the ordination of women.

In the world of Eve we have artificial intelligence translators, augmented reality implants and datasheets with FTL uplink to a galactic network.  With these technologies, translating a language you don't know would be done automatically and probably not something a space captain would even think twice about.   

We've had at least one major breakdown of civilisation and "dark age" since people came through the EVEgate. And the write-up explicitly says that today's Amarrians can't read these.

I'm finding it intriguing that pretty much every response has been to say that that doesn't mean what it says. :) (The responses are all possible: this seems to be another example of something being written which leaves us unsure if it was "understood and intended" or if it's "not fully integrated with everything else we know".)

Horatius Caul

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Re: Amarrian language
« Reply #17 on: 01 Sep 2011, 20:02 »

Why would the TC or any religious institution in the Empire give the information concerning an old language to any database that could be accessed freely?

Religion is about control, one of the major things that was the difference between the catholic church and the protestants was that the protestants wanted the bible to be translated to languages that people could actually read, instead of only the clergy having the capability to do so.

Amarrians are xenophobic and very aware of the dangers of information and technology getting out of control (the whole Takmahl thing, even the Tetrimon stuff could qualify.)

There is no reason whatsoever for any capsuleer to have access to the 'real' Scriptures or even have minor capability to translate them in any way possible.

There is no better way of keeping the power in the hands of the Theology Council than by keeping the knowledge of the languages that are used in the Scriptures in the minds of the few... and they would do anything to keep it that way.

EDIT: Actually I should not have said that, because in less than ten minutes someone has decided to make their Mary Sue even more Mary Sue by being able to read the 'ancient Amarrian' therefore making them instantly more special than anyone else.
My interpretation of the Amarr religious situation is that linguistic restrictions were in fact a large part of the Pre-Reform Empire, allowing the theocratic elite to maintain power. After the reforms, the institutional religion was greatly weakened and the current aristocratic structure took its place as government.

It would have been in the new order's interests to weaken the Theology Council on all fronts available, including that of language.

lallara zhuul

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Re: Amarrian language
« Reply #18 on: 02 Sep 2011, 01:17 »

The 'new order' needed the support of the Theology Council to validate the formation of Privy Council, they needed the Theology Council to validate the decision to disband the Council of Apostles and raise the Emperor to the station as the only spiritual leader of the Empire.

The 'new order' needed the Theology Council to validate the Moral Reforms.

Something more recent that can be read as Theology Council not wanting anything threatening their place as the sole institution that can interpret the Scriptures and validate religious dogma.

The Tetrimon brought back the unaltered Scriptures to the Empire and the Theology Council did not let anyone else have access to them as they were 'verified', suddenly after the process was finished there was evidence found that the Tetrimon was committing treason against the Empire and decimated completely.

The 'new order' owes their place in the Amarrian society to the Theology Council, of course they would benefit from the fact that the Theology Council would be weaker, but it would mean that the Empire would turn more secular, which is something that the ruling elite does not want.

Without divine mandate to rule, there is no nobility, there is no Heirs.

There is no Emperor.

That mandate comes from a specific way of interpreting the Scriptures.

To keep the status quo the access to the Scriptures has to be limited, limited to people that will be educated in a certain way of thinking that will certainly give interpretations that is part of the dogma.

Even in our time there is a part in the bible that says that it can only be interpreted by a certain kind of mindset and that a 'natural man' cannot understand it.

What I am talking about is taking that to a societal level, turning it 'grimdark', adding in 20k years of experience in social engineering and a plan.

One thing that has not happened in the known history of the Amarrians, is civil war.

There has only been the Reclaiming which, according to the history (Scriptures), has always been successful.

There was no civil war when Jamyl was handed the Throne by the Theology Council.
There was no civil war after Vak'Atioth as the Emperor failed the whole Empire.
There was no civil war when Khanid left the Empire.
There was no civil war when Takmahl were driven out of the Empire.

All of the information from the past of the Empire is edited.

Only way to do that in a way that does not threaten the stability of the Empire is by having one institution that gives out the edited information which is needed in the situation that is in the Empire at any current time.

What would have the Emerald City been like if every joe, dick and harry would have had access to the rooms of the Wizard?

Just one girl broke the illusion and destroyed the whole regime.

That is why the Theology Council does not want anyone else to have access to the Scriptures or even the capability to decypher them.

The puppet masters do not want anyone to see behind the smoke and mirrors.

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