I ran one of these with some folks a year or so ago using ROLL20, an online solution. Worked well. RL interrupted of course, but I look to give it another go.
I'd like more folks to be involved, since TZ issues always cause problems with groups of online, overseas groups, and mine like to shift as well (my work schedule changes with little notice). I have some ideas to hopefully overcome or mitigate some of it.
Those who have played before know, I run an uncommon method of GM'ing: Pure Sandbox. Do whatever you want, go wherever. I'll set you off on a path, lots of separate plot hooks, none forced, go off the beaten path. Be heroes, be villians, all good. You will lose characters. I will kill them, but not stupidly. New ones are always ready to be made (WFRP is incredibly easy on the toon creation side). I don't do much prep, I draw a lot of crude, off the top of my head stuff, to make sure that whatever unplanned choices you make can be played.
Anyone interested, let me know here, won't be up and running for a week at minimum, but that's time enough to make characters. I have the necessary books on dropbox if you need them. Previous players can use their already existing characters.