Why not creating subsidiaries for the cooperative ? You would have the mother megacorp above, with a lot of subsidiaries for everything in life, from Elusenian Estates to Elusenian Foodstuff, Elusenian Shoes, Elusenian Garbage and so on...
That way, when you purchase your little piece of home, you do not purchase the land, you do not purchase the house, and people would be rather "meh" to see that they just rent them. Add more value to that by making them able to purchase shares of "Elusenian Estates" (or whatever it can be called) and thus gain a little power in exchange for their money.
It's the same principle you already have with voting rights. You are an elusenian citizen, you own a few shares of the mother corp, you can vote. You "own" a restaurant of the Elusenian HaveAGoodMeal Company(tm), thus you own a few shares of that subsidiary as well, and it makes you able to have a shareholder power over all the foodchain with all the other people owning restaurants and relatd stuff (thus, a food collective).