The issue is with a "moving' grid, mechanically, and how it interacts with a bunch of other parts of the game, namely the coordinate system used for warping people around.
Warping around in EVE is little more than selecting a set of coordinates in 3-dimensional space and moving to them, with the local sun as 0,0,0. Bookmarks are just recorded sets of these coordinates. The reason this works at all is because objects are, with the exception of ships and drones, stationary relative to the sun.
The reason that a moving grid (the requirement to have planets rotate AND for district satellites to always provide a view of the district in question) won't work is the same reason it's difficult to catch a small ship that's moving around running a MWD or AB just by using probes to get warpins - by the time you enter warp, the target's already moved a fair number of kilometers from where it was when you got the warp-in (again, a specific set of coordinates), and by the time you land, depending on how far you had to warp, it's even
further away. Interceptors regularly hit speeds between 3 and 5km per second. It's pretty damn difficult (near-impossible) to catch a ship that's moving quickly just by using probes.
Basically, anyone creating a bookmark on a 'moving grid', or warping to something on one, be it a fleet member or a probing result - even a ship that is stationary relative to the satellite - is going to have to deal with the fact that the grid is many kilometers away from where they were supposed to land by the time they do land
unless CCP comes up with a new mechanic for local coordinate systems for the satellite beacons.
I don't see that happening.
District satellites orbit about 12,000 km from the surface of the planet they orbit. The velocity rounds to about 1,337 m/s if we assume an Earth radius, which we actually can't, because all planets have their own stats in EVE. Caldari Prime has a radius of 30,217 km, for example. That'd be 3,070 m/s. (Edit: Note that I'm assuming the day length on CP is still 24h - it likely isn't, but that particular piece of information is not available to players - only the orbital period.)
Recall that CCP does NOT have anything resembling realistic values for the planets and stars in New Eden. We play in a universe where stars are 20-30 billion years old, "temperate" planets have temperatures that "average" below freezing or near-boiling, or have gravity two, three, even four times as strong as Earth's. We have a fucking moon orbiting at
twenty-five percent of the speed of light in Eram, for fuck's sake.
I also don't see CCP doing anything to fix
that problem anytime soon either.
In short, New Eden itself says "fuck your math and physics, I do what I want," and this kind of change would require enough changes to mechanics and the amount of data being streamed between the server and client (not just verifying coordinates during warp, but synchronizing the graphical effects of the rotating planets) doesn't make this seem like anything more than people reading entirely too much into things.

DUST-side I see these changes happening easily.
EVE-side I very, very seriously doubt we will see any visible changes.