As we know from the lore, the Caldari Navy is the most technically advanced of other navies (desciption of the corporation:
[spoiler]The Caldari Navy is smaller in personnel and total ships than both the Federation Navy and the Imperial Navy, yet they have more battleships than any other fleet and the average age of the Caldari ships is considerably less. This is because the Caldari are constantly replacing their oldest ships with newer ones, with better hi-tech equipment. The strategic doctrine of the Caldari Navy is simple: to be able to defeat any other navy in the world. Most experts believe it is.[/spoiler])
And the the Navy is supposed to be sponsored by all the megacorporations together. However, recent conversation with Jandice from "Out of Character" channel has shown, that Navy doesn't even need help of Megacorps. There was said, that during the Jita burn event, amount of sales daily has dropped only by about 10%, that turned to be... 60 trillions of isk. Easy calculation can suggest that the Caldari Navy daily would get over a trillion of isk a day in sale taxes and broker fees! Which should be more than enough to buy about a titan a day, and, eventually, blot out the Luminaire sun with Caldari titans.
I had an idea to write about it to Navy representative (while they collect sleeper thingsies) to confront her about where are our titan fleets and why we don't attack "bad guys", however, I quickly found out, that I can't find any data on amount of isk exchanged daily in Jita. Does anyone have ideas how to obtain this sort of statistics?..
But regardless of exact value, it indeed seems that the Navy should receive enormous income from the Jita 4-4, which seems to outshine not just all other navies, but also all other station owners and capsuleer corporation.
So. Where are Caldari Navy titans?..