One of OPs examples were training a science skill...
Which in a way is pure information, pure knowledge, which is something where overwriting empty gray matter through an uplink would actually be pretty useful.
If science would be just about regurgitating old facts.
It is not, especially when we are talking about research, where the science 'skills' that the capsuleer has comes into play.
To me, the science 'skills' are just like the rest of the 'skills' that the capsuleer has.
Changing the capsuleers brain so that it interfaces better with hardware so that the overall usefulness of the hardware become more efficient and whatnot.
In other words, when you get a research agent, you lease out your brain for their mainframe so you can help them crunch numbers more efficiently.
Hence you get more RPs the higher your science 'skills' are, that you can use to buy datacores, that you can use to 'invent' t2 items by decrypting ancient data with blueprint copies with the specialized hardware that is your brain.
Just like in the game mechanics.
Which is pretty interesting on itself.
The mindlock that the people can suffer from being stuck in the pod and bombarded with data so they go into a full body sensory overload is not something that us space bound capsuleers suffer from.
Mindlock is not a problem for the guy working in a pod and just twiddling about with monitoring and adjusting the communications data in the chron.
So... is there 'lesser' capsuleers about.
People that have similar implants that the capsuleers have, that can be used to change their brain matter into more efficient parts of hardware, who just rent out their services to different corporations as living circuit boards.
Most of the older capsuleers seem to be doing exactly this as they never seem to undock.
Hell, a person who is about to die and has a perfectly functional brain could have their whole brain overwritten to be a wetware circuit for a mainframe to get money for their family.
Perhaps this is the reason why the Sansha are so capable in the matters of science, they have mainframes built out of specially modified brain matter so that they can run all sorts of simulations much more efficiently than the more morally restricted peers in the empires.
Just a few thoughts floating about before I go hunting for brekkies.