Jade, thanks. I'm a bit annoyed that a small part of me wants to feel offended that you suggest using 'cheap' BC's fit for main-battle duties supported by logis, or that 'herp, she thinks I don't know of/never though of gank-cruisers and stuff like that derp', when I was the one asking for advice. I did, and you answered, and noticing that I'm thinking along these tracks already is good to know.
I'll be digesting the part of this that is new to me, for example the more terror-centered angle to bombers and the whole 'feed em an empty hauler' to get them eager and flashy before you hit them. That one sounds down-right evil but what do I care 
FWIW, nevermind an empty hauler. Fit it out for surprise buttsex. One of our guys hilariously died to one such hauler just this morning.
http://www.rotekapelle.com/killboard/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=64581He went to decloak/bump the viator and found himself scrammed, webbed, and jammed. One of our guys used the same tactic to bait and kill a lot of the solo dictor camps around our area, jumping a bait bestower in, letting the sabre bubble itself, then webbing and scramming it while backup jumped in to kill it.
There are a lot of ways to do this. Combat logis are another hilarious option. A lone logistics ship is the most helpless thing in the game.
This is a fairly nasty setup against anything that can't permanently run a tank and is eating sentry fire/rat fire. Would make an effective gatecamp crasher tackler if you had nearby support, but you need to be wary of ships with high tracking. AC boats will tear it up. Anything with 90% webs will tear it up. Things with pisspoor cap stability and/or non-great tracking will wither and die in a very slow motion war of attrition wherein you take about 4 damage per volley from their guns and you deal about 14 damage per volley with yours while capping them out and enjoying your 65k EHP (no implants), 70m sig and 550m/s speed. The sentry guns will kill your target for you. It's very much like a Pilgrim, actually, but even less scary and far more survivable. And with more DPS (lol).
[Oneiros, solopeeveepee]
Damage Control II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Void M
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Valkyrie II x5
Ultimately I foresee that that the biggest 'problem' with this will be to build the needed member-count of willing people to help out and how we bring the fight in between. I've a few ideas on this but I think the biggest test will be patience - my own and theirs. Well, at least it's something to think about whenever I consider actively returning to New Eden on my main toons.
Recruiting a competent group of people and keeping them on track towards a common goal is probably one of the hardest things to do in EVE.