in previous presentations/ fanfests/ devblogs/ etc. CCP have talked about Incarna, and have seemed a bit lost for words to come up with answers to "what is Incarna for ?"
One thing they did mention was the possibility of player businesses, and possible careers. Although they seemed rather half-baked. They mentioned "hairdresser, bartender, tailor" as possible "careers" in Incarna. Yes. Quite. A battleship pilot cuts hairdos on the side. Anyways...
However, with these microtransaction clothing and accessories, it has kind of torpedoed even those half-baked ideas they did come up with. What role is there for a "dressmaker" when the NeX store exists ?
Incarna still seems like having Big Questions as to what it is for.
And this remains a very important questionmark hanging over Incarna in my mind certainly. If the answer is "its basically one big vanity display cabinet" then I think there is every reason for the community to continue to be very annoyed about the amount of development that has gone into this. If on the other hand there will be non-Nex content delivered then I'd like us to start hearing about it sooner rather than later.