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Author Topic: Character names: History, reasons, etc.  (Read 128277 times)


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #15 on: 04 May 2010, 19:51 »

2 names, so 2 explanations, same as the Chatsubo thread, though paraphrased for here.

Koro's actual name is Nacittal Denorvan. Nacittal comes from the 11th sutra, and is the concept of the (violent) destruction of a person's inner darkness, allowing them to overcome the finite nature of the self and become a part of the universal being via being filled with love for all things. This name has become very ironic, in that Koro's love for all life has become corrupted by his wife into a desire to kill everyone because it's what he has to do to save them.

Koronakesh, his capsuleer callsign, is the amalgamation of syllables from his deceased friends Kolnosi Nelwor, Ronsa Geraint and Vecta Kesh.


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #16 on: 07 May 2010, 02:20 »

My three major characters in order of creation date:

Jowen Datloran: Derived from Joe Dalton as in the Lucky Luke comic. I twisted the name to make it less recognizable. Jowen shares no personality traits with Joe, though.

Kretin Arnon: I knew this guy should be a Blood Raider supporter so I created his portrait and name with that in mind. I wanted a rough pronounced first name and a softer last name. Incidentally I later found that Arnon is a solar system in EVE.

Myyona: On the contrary, Myyona is named after the solar system Myyhera in The Bleak Lands. This system is the closest high sec system to Sahtogas and Oyonata where Kretin was operating. Also, Jowen used to mine there in his Dominix. Myyona is indeed born in Myyhera, and her name properly means "daughter of Myyhera" or "you there from Myyhera" or something.
« Last Edit: 27 Aug 2011, 16:59 by Myyona »
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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #17 on: 11 May 2010, 01:57 »

This story is a little lame, but it's worth telling just for the mild humor. That, and I haven't made a post to date, so, here we go. >>

I actually had no idea what to name my character, so I did what I always do in tough situations; start adding and subtracting letters and stop when it looks good on paper. "Senn" I know from my sparse German practice translates to "farmhand," which made it sound to me like a common sort of name. My character was meant to be a man from very nondescript origins as a tube child, so that fit nicely and looked space-y to boot.

As for "Typhos," it was a completely random series of letters that I thought sounded sinister enough to fit my future plans to make Senn into a bit of a shady figure, and although it's a bit cliche, I figured he would end up a smoker. Later on, I decided "what the hell" and put "typhos" into a google search. What came up pleasantly surprised me. The Greek root word typhos means "smokey" or "hazy."

Good job, me.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2010, 02:03 by Senn Typhos »
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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #18 on: 11 May 2010, 02:22 »

I suck at naming characters. I don't think of a history, I don't think specifically much.

I just create a character, with slight backstory in mind, and then I start letting my hands move relatively randomly over the keyboard until I've got something at least slightly reminiscent of a name. Usually, it ends up being some derivative of something I've recently gotten imprinted through text or visual input.

In short, if I spend more than ten minutes at a character creation screen, it means that I've passed out or am too drunk to find the 'create character' button.

So yeah. Shame on me.

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #19 on: 11 May 2010, 09:24 »

Most of my charachters names are from old paper and pen roleplaying charachters.

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Shae Tiann

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #20 on: 12 May 2010, 12:19 »

I wasn't going for anything exciting when I created Shae's name. Hell, for all I knew, I wasn't going to be sticking through the two-week trial version.

'Shae' just sounded cool. I've always had a thing for characters with 'S' names (a habit I try to foil as much as possible).

'Tiann' does have a history. I knew a girl names Tianne in school, and I always thought her name sounded awesome. When I was trying to think up a surname for Shae, I tested a few different names, but I liked the flow of Tiann.

Debes and Bellum Eternus have both accused me of naming my character after Satan, which is nothing more than coincidence, and I never even noticed it til they mentioned it. I would never use a pre-existing character's name for my own characters.


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #21 on: 12 May 2010, 12:21 »

...I actually always thought you did it for "Shatan" myself. :o

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #22 on: 12 May 2010, 12:34 »

Since I've started RPing (I didn't know that RP existed when I created Silver) I mostly mix and match from agent names and things that sound appropriate. Usually I go to Eve-agents, pick a random corp from teh right faction, or a mixed-race corp, and have at it. I think I tend toward a certain rhythm with the names - maybe just the same number of syllables. I realized I have also tendency to start names with A for some reason, though it is more apparent in incidental NPCs I create than a trend in characters I actually play.

Examples of this mixing and matching: Amieta Invelen, Sarakai Voutelen, Hilion Narath, Malaneth Serir, Demen Jadat (all alts of mine).

I don't actually remember how I came up with 'Silver Night'. It was a long time ago.  :|
« Last Edit: 12 May 2010, 12:38 by Silver Night »


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #23 on: 12 May 2010, 13:22 »

Choosing a name...that obstacle between you and getting to play the damn game, and the cause of so much heartache and anguish as you realise that you're going to be playing this damn thing for a hell of a lot longer than you anticipated. :) Still, I have no regrets, and Wanoah has entirely subsumed my online identity and this has subsequently overlapped into real life too. People actually call me Wan in real life. O.o

I didn't know what I was doing. I thought Brutors looked kinda cool and went with that. I flailed at the naming bit; needed instant inspiration and found in the form of a track listing for a compilation of 70s funk I was listening to. Wanoah is a track by Black Heat. I stole it. Reminding me of blaxploitation movies, it fitted well with my early character concept of a guy trying to make money by whatever means, and sometimes less-than-legal means at that.

Later, I added a surname: Msana - Swahili for 'smith.' It amused me. :)

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #24 on: 12 May 2010, 13:26 »

I still have friends call me "Joron" due to my SWG persona, so I'm with you on that, Wan. ;)

Shae Tiann

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #25 on: 12 May 2010, 21:11 »

...I actually always thought you did it for "Shatan" myself. :o
See, I would never have drawn that conclusion, myself, until... I think it was Bellum who pointed it out first and I said, 'Huh?' and then he had to explain it to me. I'm not religious!


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #26 on: 12 May 2010, 21:32 »

But you use it to your advantage now, right? ;)


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #27 on: 13 May 2010, 03:47 »

Ze'ev is Yiddish/Hebrew for 'Wolf', although IC I tell people it's Feythabolan. Been using it and variations as a character name since I was a wee brat just starting to roleplay on the internets.

Sinraali just sounded Caldari-Finnish enough for me.
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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #28 on: 22 May 2010, 21:42 »

Was wondering if there was a thread like this around. Cool.

When I originally began playing the game with a trial account, I started out as 'Darius Malachite'. About around the time my trial ended, I discovered on my own reading through the lore that the Caldari language was mostly Finnish/Japanese. So... seeing everyone around me with characters 5+ years old I decided to simply start over when I can now, than to regret it later.

'Arvo' is Finnish for 'worth/value', and 'Katsu' is Japanese for 'victory'. is a wonderful tool for that sort of thing. :)


Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #29 on: 26 May 2010, 17:25 »

Elysa Varbolt, Ashley Ryltan and the Tyrathlion surname are all from old stories I wrote, way before I started Eve.  For some reason, I didn't use the original Tyrathlion name and just went with Mortis.  I was coming to Eve from Freelancer, where I had been an irrevocable pirate, and... eh, just felt like something kind of menacing.

Repentence was the first character I created after I started RPing.  I did have an industrial alt (who is occasionally mentioned, but I don't RP with), but I wanted to take advantage of the double-training-no-SP-start thing, so I conjured up the story of Mortis' black sheep troublemaker little sis.  I was pondering on what kind of a family would call their son 'Mortis', and came up with a fairly pious bunch.  Thus, I eventually came up with the four Tyrathlion siblings - Mortis (born Judgement, incidentally), Purity, Charity and Repentence.  Purity has appeared very briefly, and Math'ra shudders to this day after his encounter with Charity.

And yes, I know 'Repentence' is mispelled.  It's a proper name, I'm allowed :P

On a more obscure note, the name of the entity that ambles around in Ashley's shell, the Masque, is a Warhammer reference.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2010, 06:38 by Mortis Tyrathlion »
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