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That Evanda Char's voluval mark is the "Track of the Wolf"?

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Author Topic: Conversations between the player and the podder.  (Read 10779 times)


  • Dex 1.0
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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #15 on: 03 Aug 2010, 20:26 »

me: Dex we need to talk.
Dex: Not now, I am busy.
me: Ya, its about that.
Dex: I said not now!
me: There are some ...
Dex: You are still talking?
Koroe: Jump when you get a chance.
me: real world ...
Dex: Corp to run!
me: ideas ...


  • Dex 2.11b
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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #16 on: 03 Aug 2010, 21:42 »

Me: OK, now let's start manufacturing some ships!
DK: <Sigh> So you've changed your mind again?! Not trading, not corp management, not non-podder combat, not low sec capsuleer combat, no more wormholes, done with the standing grinds and then ....
Me: Hang-on a sec, I've just gotta work this out. What the hell does this do? This is all too confusing
DK: Just slow the hell down and look at what you're doing when ...
<Alt-tab to eve-wiki>
DK: So I'm alone again, this is frustrating
Me: I'm back, and now I know how to do it!!
DK: Great! So we can finally settle down and do this ...
<Alt-tab to spreadsheet>
DK: And alone again.
Eisha: I'm still here.
Me and DK: QUIET YOU!!


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #17 on: 04 Aug 2010, 03:26 »

So...everyone's characters hate them.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Some of them hate me less than others, but yeah, QFT.


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #18 on: 04 Aug 2010, 03:50 »

Seriphyn: You're so fucking jealous. I get exponentially more laid than you.
Me: >_>
Seriphyn: Look, you scrawny git. I'm also double your fuckin' weight, and I've got tattoos and shit. The fuck you got?
Me: <_<
Seriphyn: You wish you were me. Face it. You even bought that bloody Iron Gymâ„¢ and signing up as a Royal Navy officer IRL so you could.
Me: <_>
Seriphyn: See, and you're such a nice, pleasant guy IRL, that you have me all aggressive and violent and shit to see what it's like to be so, to get out all the anger, hate and angst that-

Okay, that's enough lol.


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #19 on: 04 Aug 2010, 08:22 »

Y'all look like you're having fun.

Casi: WTF is up with you?
Me: Me?
Casi: Yes. You play all quasi-intellectual information warrior hacktivist, but really you just work for the megacorporate culture to advance the interests of your traditionally-valued heteronormal family, with no thought given to the oppressive effects of your consumerist choices on the wider civilization.
Me: (weakly) ...well, not "no thought"...
Casi: I'm not done here. And then you have me running around, breaking into datacenters run by organized crime, then making friends with them, then working for a secretive government organization pursuing its own agenda, none of which matches my agenda. And yet you sit there working to defend megacorp networks from people just like me!
Me: ...
Casi: Oh, and I know about all the other capsuleers you play around with. You don't think I know, but I do. Oh yes.
Me: That's my business!
Casi: Which makes it my business. I'm your main, right?
Me: (muttering) We'll see about that.

Bong-cha Jones

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #20 on: 04 Aug 2010, 09:35 »

Me:  Let's go run some missions, we need to make money to buy a Viator.
Simon:  Ok, but that's getting old, dude.  Could we spend an hour exploring first?
Me:  Well, sure, that's what the Imicus is for.  And it'd give us an excuse to break out the Daredevil!
Simon:  Sounds cool, let's do that.  Hey, don't forget to set that corp red, they shot one of our corpmates yesterday.
Me:  Ok, after downtime.  I gotta sort out a blog post first.
Simon:  Neat :)

We, uh, we get along really well.  And we're kinda boring.
Formerly Simon Coal.


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #21 on: 04 Aug 2010, 11:19 »

Jak: Oi, scruffy!
Me: Gimme a break, it's the weekend.
Jak: That doesn't excuse the fact you haven't shaved since Monday.
Me: It could.
Jak: We're not that good. Listen, I want to get something straight here.
Me: Shoot.
Jak: So why, exactly, are we involved with these people?
Me: Who?
Jak: The idiots that think shooting at pirates all day is going to accomplish anything.
Me: Hey now! It might not be very profitable, but it's actually making a difference. If we manage to make the lowsec relatively safe we could really revitalize the entire area. We can actually look on something and say 'we left a mark'.
Jak: Goody for you! I, on the other hand, can choose to be rich and powerful instead of sitting ina battlecruiser all day and shooting suicidal rats.
Me: Ah, but here we also run basically second-in-command over a bunch of people we can arbitrarily punish whenever we feel like.
Jak: We hurt them because we love them.
Me: And the sadism.
Jak: Yeah the sadism's a pretty big part of it too. Fine. But I want something special tonight.
Me: I'll get the good whip.


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #22 on: 04 Aug 2010, 13:31 »

Grae: Say, ol chap, why do I get drunk so often? My behavior at such times is quite unbecoming my status.
Me: Because I get drunk a lot.
Grae: Oh! Well then....another round?
Me: Don't mind if I do!

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #23 on: 04 Aug 2010, 14:43 »

Grae: Say, ol chap, why do I get drunk so often? My behavior at such times is quite unbecoming my status.
Me: Because I get drunk a lot.
Grae: Oh! Well then....another round?
Me: Don't mind if I do!

And then you start blathering nonsense in The Summit. . .


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #24 on: 04 Aug 2010, 15:49 »

And then you start blathering nonsense in The Summit. . .

In there, who can tell?

Andreus Ixiris

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #25 on: 06 Aug 2010, 05:11 »

Andreus: Wait, which one of us is meant to be the pastiche of the other?
Me: Oh for fuck's sake...

Kimochi Rendar

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #26 on: 12 Aug 2010, 06:40 »

Kim: We need to have a chat...
Me: What's up?
Kim: Okay what the hell is the big idea with giving me a face that looks like I've been through a meat grinder??
Me: You're alright now aren't you?
Kim: Yeah, after nearly destroying all my friendships and living like a goddamn hermit for the past six months!
Me: It was an essential part of your character development... You needed to toughen up, you know? Act more like a space pirate and less like a giggly sex kitten.
Kim: You could have just asked, but ooohh no - you had to go and give me a frigging complex instead.
Me: It made for a good story! Classic Break the Cutie stuff...
Kim: Are you kidding me? You made my life hell for almost a year for the sake of a good story!?
Me: Well it had to be believable, you can't make that kind of personality change overnight. Besides, you looked totally badass with the eyepatch -
Kim: Fuck. You.
Me: - And from the sounds of things, my plan worked perfectly.
Kim: Yeah well next time you decide to have something horrible happen to me, I'd appreciate it if you consulted me first! I may be a figment of your imagination but I have needs too you know!
Me: Alright alright, I'm sorry.
Kim: Oh while we're at it, these boots are ridiculous - I'm getting blisters just looking at them! Could I get some flat shoes for a change? Or at least a pair of jeans that aren't made of leather?
Me: No.
Kim: You're such a geek...


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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #27 on: 13 Aug 2010, 05:32 »

Me: Listen, I'm getting uncomfortable with the direction you're going.
Miz: *growls low*
Me: Don't make me fetch the newspaper.
Miz: *growls low*
Me: I'll do it... seriously, you're in a deep relationship with a Khanid! Sure, she's not a slaver, but for the love of God... Khanid, former slaver, former Sani Sabik... I had to have you bled dry to get that shit over with!
Miz: *growls louder*
Me: ... I'll be nice. How about I write you a blogpost where you kill some slavers or blooders, is that okay?
Miz: *growls low*
Me: ... I'll take that as a yes.
Gherena: Oh screw this, what is it with that little growly bitch? I'm a perfectly well-rounded character with charisma, far more openness and capability of roleplaying in a multitude of areas, and you give that wee witch all the attention?
Miz: *growls low*
Me: ... yeah. Err... I'm kind of scared of her.
Gherena: One day I'm coming for you.
Derena: Oh just be quiet. You think you have it bad? I'm stuck in Jita or in an Orca, rarely seeing more than the market or a belt once every fortnight. Screw all of you!
Miz: *grins wickedly*
Me: If you're so tired of it, you deal with her!
Miz: *still grins wickedly*
Gherena: I'll be good.
Derena: I'll be good.
Meiahara: Erm... can I be good too? I've finished all the T2 invention skills to 4.
Me: Just... go crank out more research points or something.
Kaela: Want me to speak up? I can make you all blush, I'm sure.
Me: Aaaaand we're out of space for this post.
Kaela: Plenty of room, actually. So this one time I was naked and...
Me: *hits post*

Senn Typhos

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #28 on: 13 Aug 2010, 07:02 »

Me: So, essentially, I need you to be socially awkward and be all strictly-postured and stuff. Can you do that for me?
Senn: ...
Me: Killer, just like that. Now, we just need to select a tragic metaphor for your life. I'm thinking, a stray dog. What do you think?
Senn: ...
Me: Okay, good input. How about we take ten, get some pizza and Dr. Pepper, and we'll come back with fresh minds and spitball some more ideas.
Senn: ...
Me: Not a Dr. Pepper fan, huh? Personally I love the stuff.
Senn: ...
Me: I'm just saying, it's got that spicy flavor. Pepsi is so bland, it just irks me. Coka-Cola is always good though.
Senn: ...
Me: Well, anywho. From an IC perspective I know we're new to the game, but, I think if we play our cards right we can make you into an impressive display of a soldier gone AWOL, without being a cliche mercenary. Hands in, "Byronic hero" on three.
Senn: ...

PS. This is incredibly accurate. Ask my corp mates.
An important reminder for Placid RPers

One day they woke me up
So I could live forever
It's such a shame the same
Will never happen to you

Shal Firestorm

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Re: Conversations between the player and the podder.
« Reply #29 on: 13 Aug 2010, 09:04 »

Drua: Oh hey! I've been created! Cool I was worried you left the game and I'd just be stuck an idea.
Me: Nah, I was just on a break.
Drua: So, question...why am I a chick...
Me: Well, it said your bloodline's females were known to be capable for extreme kindness or cruelty and all and that kinda fit my idea more so it didn't really matter to me what gender you were.
Drua: Ok, cool, cool, one more thing...why do I look like Cindy Loo Who grew up to have a mental disorder?
Me: What, that hair looked neat.
Drua: I thought you guys were supposed to know fashion...
Me: Oh come on, most of the other options looked like you got into a fight with a lawnmower at a goth bar!
Drua: I see others with nice short cropped hair...
Me: Well...everyone has that...
Drua: Ok so why do I have this crazy look on my face?
Me: Well you're an ex-slave thrill-seeker so I imagine...well you ARE a little off balance up there.
Drua: Oh wow, crazy ex slave turned terrorist, you really dug deep for me didn't you?

Shal: at least he's roleplayed you, you're only a day old and he's played you more then me
Me: Quiet you...
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