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Author Topic: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"  (Read 23271 times)


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Re: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"
« Reply #30 on: 24 Jan 2019, 19:14 »

I have now witnessed one of my own threads on the IGS become derailed by an OOC discussion masked as an IC discussion about who are true RPers™ and who are not.

Really shows how relevant this thread is.

So what you're saying is that RPing about the disconnect between the IGS crowd and the rest of New Eden is doing it wrong? Gosh, I didn't think we were allowed to say that here. It's not OOC nor is it about who's True RPers or not. It's very simply someone lamenting that places like the IGS has become for all intents and purposes a joke to pretty much any entity with strength in New Eden, while once upon a time that was very much not the case. It's in fact the complete opposite of what you're whining about.

The "RP Community", or more accurately the In Character Forum Userbase used to include very big and influential names in Eve/New Eden. Now it very much doesn't. In Character, how would you put that? There wasn't this huge gulf between "RP community" and the people who play the rest of the game. They were for all intents and purposes the same in many respects. In addition, that meant that IGS active entities and organizations were dunking on each other with strength and fury no one currently active there can match. And yes, I don't really count one or two individuals from entities that otherwise have zero presence there to be very IGS active. You can't really proclaim the existence of a "community" without it having a line separating it from the rest of the entities out there, can you? So there'll be insider organizations and outsider organizations, and when that reflects IC then there'll be insiders and outsiders there too. I also note you conveniently skip the fact that the capsuleer in question has done the same with MC, outright saying so, and lamenting the need.

Lamenting the need for outsiders whenever there's need for muscle is OOC now? More importantly, apparently you get to be the RP police who declares what is and isn't IC? You get to call someone's RP "OOC", do you? Do you see the staggering irony in that you are calling someone's RP "OOC" and "not True RP" while accusing them of doing that? The level of attempting to rewrite reality to suit your agenda is Trumpian in scale.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"
« Reply #31 on: 24 Jan 2019, 21:02 »

That's an interesting point from some of you;  I think most would just use a bit of handwavium regarding the IGS and relative popularity or 'importance' of things going on there.  I mean even at the height of IGS channel popularity it was easily 50% derp on the daily, you had to use numbing amounts of handwavium to imagine it to be not the case or that anyone would care about it outside of that group of members.  I mean how can you be IC important when the channel is crickets and there's 4 people in there?

I think one always has to do a bit of Orwelian doublethink to make it all square up; you kind of have to ignore a lot of the actual representation and structure of the eve player subscribers and imagine things a bit differently to get into things sometimes for it to hold together.   

The basic setup of the IP, that everyone in the channel is an immortal demigod capable of ludicrous destruction and murder and rich beyond the wildest dreams of billions of baseliners, never quite jives with being a 2 month old character, or running a tiny RP corp with 4 members and thinking you are doing anything remotely resembling those things.   Or being a big bad space pew pew character when there are much bigger fish out there. 

It'd almost be better if everyone was a peon, and unimportant, and relatively unknown, and everyone could get their space egos checked a bit and work on human and interesting characters and interaction


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"
« Reply #32 on: 24 Jan 2019, 21:05 »

Is the issue that someone is using big non rp groups to dunk on things and that's being frowned upon IC?

Louella Dougans

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Re: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"
« Reply #33 on: 25 Jan 2019, 10:44 »

Is the issue that someone is using big non rp groups to dunk on things and that's being frowned upon IC?


The issue is that a couple of organisations that don't post on the IGS much as a whole, have some people within it who do. And when those people came into conflict with others, the weight of those organisations were brought to bear. And people complained that it wasn't "true roleplay".

And other people are whining that everything was soooo much better back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and wailing that organisations with the ability to easily whack the structures that CCP have made mandatory to have a war, as a whole, generally do not post much on the IGS. Dressing these whines up with enough IC flowery phrases as to pass muster on the IGS.

Stick a Fortizar somewhere as part of some RP thing, and it takes a fair amount of effort to destroy it. More effort than a big chunk of the organisations that heavily post on the IGS can reliably bring.
So those organisations bring in friends. But that doesn't work too well, when the Fortizars are in highsec, because of the suspect status for outside logistics, which allows others to intervene. So the only way to destroy a Fortizar without all the weird suspect things, is to have the assaulting party be big enough, which often means mercenary groups, who generally don't post much on the IGS.

A+B are at war, A has a highsec fortizar, B doesn't reliably have enough ships to assault it. So C offers to help. Now the A fortizar will fall to a B+C assault. But, the logistics will generate suspect status. Which allows D to intervene and attack B+C's logistics ships. Without which they can't take down A's fortizar. So, B can either, get everyone in C to abandon their corp/alliance and join B for the duration, or find group E which can bring a big enough single-corp force that the logistics won't go suspect and allow D to shoot them.

And if E aren't people who post much on the IGS, then A goes "lol B hired mercenaries, B are weak" and other such silliness.

So, in short, some people are having fun making things explode, and other people are whining that explosions were better in the past, and that people aren't having fun in the correct way, the correct way being what it was 15 years ago, not whatever the kids of today are doing.


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Re: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"
« Reply #34 on: 25 Jan 2019, 17:46 »

Fun part here is that you can't back up a single fucking word of that post. Every single line in it is pure strawmanning and fabrication. It's in fact quite impressive.

Silver Night

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Re: Thebeka and the Danger of "Real Roleplayers"
« Reply #35 on: 26 Jan 2019, 01:13 »

[mod]Thread seems to be going off the rails again, so locking it. [/mod]
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