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Author Topic: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0  (Read 34950 times)

Samira Kernher

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In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« on: 26 Oct 2018, 08:21 »

The old thread was 4 years old, so it's now been unstickied. This thread will be updated with all current RP channels.  I will add what channels I know of, to start.

If you or your corp have an IC (or OOC) channel that you want to make available to the RP community, please have the channel owner or one of its operators fill out the following information and post in this thread (one post per channel, so feel free to post a couple times in a row). Things marked with a * are optional but encouraged:

Name: Channel name
IC/OOC: Is the channel IC or OOC?
Short Description: A summary of what the channel is. Brief preferably, but if you have a longer thing somewhere, feel free to put a link here instead.
Faction: Angel Cartel, Caldari State, Guristas Pirates, etc. - used for sorting channels in the list. "Neutral" or "Unaffiliated" is fine if there isn't one. Be as specific as you like. (Yes, a particular tribe is just fine if it applies.)
Channel Type*: Comms/discussion (ex: "The Summit"), physical location (ex: "The Last Gate", "Skadi's Hall"), etc. If this is a corporation's public channel, include that too.
Connection Type*: For comms/discussion channels: Is it text-only? Audio/video conferencing? User's choice (as in "The Summit")? For physical locations: Is there holopresence available?
Owner*: Creator or primary moderator of the channel. Also the primary contact for questions about the channel.
Operators/Mods*: Other moderation/operator staff for the channel. Other points of contact.
MOTD*: The channel's current MOTD. If part of your MOTD updates regularly (like the newsfeeds in "The Summit") you don't have to include them here if you don't want to. If you use a website for your MOTD information, put the link here.
Additional Info*: Rules or policies not mentioned in the MOTD, reference images (please link to the images rather than posting the images inline), dress code, companion channels if any, website, etc.

Note that not every channel listed is always active. Inactive channels are acceptable for this list as long as they have a unique purpose (for example, Amarr Legio Basilica is the biggest Amarr capsuleer church channel, and it has yet to see any competition in this position. It does not see a lot of use most of the time, but it is an important enough location to keep listed as it does see occasional RP when such a spot is needed).

Channels marked with an asterisk (*) are generally more populated than other channels.

IC Channels:
General / Neutral / No Affiliation
- The Summit *
- Intergalactic Summit *
- L'Amore in Ballo *
- Lilith's court
- Masariin Gazaar Receiving Center
- The Golden Masque
- The Trickle
Amarr Empire
- Amarr Legio Basilica
- Cafe Marlinea
- Imperial Congregation *
- The Good Word *
- The Holy Grape
Caldari State
- Heiian Institute
- I-RED Gariushi Lounge
- IZV Botanica Zainou
- SSI2
Gallente Federation
- Gallente Lounge
- L0'z H1v3 0NE
- Starwater Resort
- Symposium New Eden *
Minmatar Republic
- Deck23
- Icecream Audit Office *
- The Marae
- The Standing Place
- The Valley
Pirate / Outlaw
- The Heavenly Host (Angel Cartel)
- White Morning (Sansha's Nation)
Other Factions
- FreeIntaki (Intaki Assembly)

OOC Channels:
- OOC *
- Out of Character *
- Amarr.OOC
- Caldari.OOC
- Federation OOC
- Minmatar.OOC
- Intaki OOC

Please note that you are responsible for keeping the information for your own channel(s) up to date. While I will try to keep this thread up to date when I can, I can't be aware of everything and it is much easier if people can post their own channel details.

I've posted a few below as examples which you can use the quote function to grab the source for easy formatting. Alternatively, you can just grab it from this code block.

Code: [Select]
[b]Name:[/b] Channel name here.
[b]IC/OOC:[/b] Is the channel in or out of character?
[b]Short Description:[/b] [list][li]Quick summary of what the channel is.[/li][/list]
[b]Faction:[/b] Does it have a faction affiliation?
[b]Channel Type:[/b] What kind of channel is it?
[b]Connection Type:[/b] Audio/video, text-only, etc.
[b]Owner:[/b] Channel owner here.
[b]Operators/Mods:[/b] List of moderators here.
[b]MOTD[/b]: [list][li]Put the MOTD here.[/li][/list]
[b]Additional Info:[/b] [list][li]Info like TS servers...[/li]
[li]...Or related IRC channels[/li][/list]
« Last Edit: 06 Jul 2019, 07:34 by Samira Kernher »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #1 on: 26 Oct 2018, 08:37 »

Name: OOC
Short Description:
  • The companion channel for The Summit IC channel but also used by various people just for general banter. You may want to idle here even if not in The Summit, as many people do. Usually just as busy, if not busier, than The Summit.
Faction: N/A
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Demiurge Ialdaboth
Operators/Mods: Esna Pitoojee, Morwen Lagann, Silver Night, Jekaterine, Pieter Tuulinen, Saede Riordan, Vincent Pryce
  • //OOC Channel//

    The place for deep-core soundholing.
    Companion channel to
    - DON'T BE A DICK - Respect others! This includes not making racial, ethnic or homophobic slurs. Make them, and you will not remain here very long.
    - Take heated discussions to private channels.
    - If you have questions, ask!
    - If you're looking for roleplay or for a corp to call home, the channel memberlist and evemail are a good start.
    - Recruiting or looking for an RP corp? Check here.
    - Looking for channels for RP? Starting one? Look here.
    - When linking images, DIRECT-LINK TO THE IMAGE (right-click, open image in new tab, copy-paste link). And warn people if it's NSFW!
    - Don't commit
    word crimes!
    - If all else fails...
Additional Info: N/A
« Last Edit: 19 Nov 2018, 13:51 by Samira Kernher »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #2 on: 26 Oct 2018, 08:44 »

Name: The Summit
Short Description:
  • The Summit is arguably the one of the most active and frequented roleplay channels. It regularly hosts a wide variety of personalities, drawn from across many of the organizations in New Eden. Levels of conversation vary from day to day, and as it is basically something of a mirror of the Intergalactic Summit forum, there is often a wide variety of topics being discussed.
Faction: Neutral
Channel Type: Comms/Discussion
Connection Type: Video conferencing by default, with audio-only and text-only options for users
Owner: Gaven Lok'ri
Operators/Mods: Esna Pitoojee, Morwen Lagann, Silver Night, Jekaterine, Pieter Tuulinen, Saede Riordan, Vincent Pryce
  • ((For Out of Character discussion, join OOC. No 'bracketing', please.))

    THE SUMMIT - v4.00

    Everyone who doesn't make a nuisance of themselves has a right to speak here. This channel is open to all groups and factions. Disagreements are allowed, but direct insults and extended tears of crude language are not.

    Be Tactful.

    [OPERATORS] - Contact by mail or private channel with complaints, reports, or questions!
Additional Info:

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #3 on: 26 Oct 2018, 08:50 »

Name: Out of Character
Short Description:
  • General out of character banter. Official EVE Online out of character channel.
Faction: N/A
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: CCP
Operators/Mods: CCP
  • Welcome to Out Of Character!

    This channel is for out of character discussion relating to Live Events and Roleplay in EVE and DUST.

    Out of Character is owned and operated by CCP.

    We also operate a counterpart channel with the name 'Intergalactic Summit' which is strictly for in-character interaction only and will be where our live event actors are stationed when present in game.

    Please be aware that this channel is CCP owned. All rules and policies regarding player conduct in EVE Online apply here.
Additional Info: N/A

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #4 on: 26 Oct 2018, 08:54 »

Name: Intergalactic Summit
Short Description:
  • General in-character banter. Official EVE Online in-character channel.
Faction: Neutral
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: Video conferencing by default, with audio-only and text-only options for users
Owner: Communications Relay Committee (CCP)
Operators/Mods: Communications Relay Committee (CCP)
MOTD: Additional Info: N/A

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #5 on: 26 Oct 2018, 09:05 »

Name: Amarr.OOC
Short Description:
  • General out-of-character about Amarr-related topics and roleplay.
Faction: Amarr
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Gaven Lok'ri
Operators/Mods: Aldrith Shutaq, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Maria Daphiti, Samira Kernher
  • This channel is an OOC chat channel for anyone involved with or otherwise interested in discussing Amarrian RP.

    (Note: 'Interested in' means that people who do not play Amarrian characters are welcome in this channel. IC prejudice should stay in IC channels.)

    Amarr Lore Resources:
    Praetorian Temple Library

    Amarr RP Venues:
    Imperial Congregation (Empire-loyal, Chat Channel)
    The Good Word (All-access, Chat Channel)
    The Holy Grape (Empire-loyal, Bar)
    Cafe Marlinea (Empire-loyal, Bar)
    Amarr Legio Basilica (Empire-loyal, Church)

    Amarr RP Corps/Alliances Recruiting:
    Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris (Empire-loyal, FW)
    Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque (Empire-loyal, PvE/Industry)
Additional Info: N/A

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #6 on: 26 Oct 2018, 09:21 »

Name: Federation OOC
Short Description:
  • General out-of-character about Gallente Federation-related topics and roleplay.
Faction: Gallente Federation
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Aedre Lafisques
Operators/Mods: Tressith Sefira
  • A channel to help nexus Federal RP. Meet people!

    If you see something, say something! Please leave us a line and logs or send them to someone you trust if you'd rather have them speak to us on your behalf. Work/life balance doesn't mean we're not just on the other side of the client! Thanks for helping us out.

    Federation New Character Quickstart Guide

    Federation RP Channels

    Gallente Lounge - This venerable venue rests high atop the Aidonis Elabon Building, one of the few skyscrapers that grace the Caile skyline on Gallente Prime.

    Symposium New Eden - A virtual chat open to all who are interested in learning about the Federation and her peoples.

    Starwater Resort - Located in the dome of Tourier I - PPBP the Starwater Resort is an open paradise for every capsuleer enjoying water and drinks.

    L0'z H1v3 0NE - Located in Lirsautton I - CreoDron Factory, this venue caters to DRone aficionados.

    Federation RP Corporations

    Eleutherian Guard - Small RP Faction Warfare corporation, new player- and casual-friendly, with access to Alliance and Coalition level activities. Contact Desra Mascani. Eleutheria is our RP channel.

    IGS Threads of Interest:

    Isonomia: Successor to the VA - If you are interested in joining this RP organisation, which doesn't require leaving corp, contact Tressith Sefira.
Additional Info: N/A
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2018, 11:19 by Samira Kernher »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #7 on: 26 Oct 2018, 09:31 »

Name: Caldari.OOC
Short Description:
  • General out-of-character about Caldari-related topics and roleplay.
Faction: Caldari
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Silver Night
Operators/Mods: Silver Night, Julianni Avala, Makoto Priano
  • OOC channel for people interested in Caldari RP - on whichever side. Everyone who is interested is welcome!

    Minmatar.OOC Amarr.OOC Federation OOC

    Channel Mods: Silver Night, Julianni Avala, Makoto Priano

    Caldari RP channels:

    IZV Botanica Zainou

    Heiian Institute


    I-RED Gariushi Lounge

    Caldari RP Corps/Alliances:
    Yamagata Syndicate

    Phoenix Naval Operations


    Revenent Defence Corperation

    Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.

    Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive

    None currently. Remember to grab your Union Day skins!
Additional Info: N/A
« Last Edit: 28 Oct 2018, 11:00 by Samira Kernher »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #8 on: 26 Oct 2018, 09:57 »

Name: Minmatar.OOC
Short Description:
  • General out-of-character about Minmatar-related topics and roleplay.
Faction: Minmatar
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Ayallah
Operators/Mods: Ferra Orta, Jocca Quinn, Khaprice
MOTD: Additional Info: N/A
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2018, 10:03 by Samira Kernher »

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #9 on: 27 Oct 2018, 17:44 »

Name: C3SRC
Short Description:
  • The Coordination Channel for Consolidated Space Rescue Cooperation.
Faction: None
Channel Type: Comms/info
Connection Type: User's choice
Owner: Che Biko
Operators/Mods: Aria Jenneth, Eran Mintor, Gaufres, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Manwe Todako, Olga Drottning, Samira Kernher, Shingozu Ayogu, Ston Momaki, Tahrmal Nalthkh, Vinh Trahn.
  • Coordination Channel for Consolidated Space Rescue Cooperation
    Welcome. This channel was created in order to increase coverage and efficiency of Search&Rescue patrols.
    Note: This channel is not secure. Keep that in mind when you share information.

    In the following list of systems, you can possibly find containers with marooned people at the border gates, Operators are encouraged to connect to this channel when patrolling and to update this list after their patrols.
Additional Info:
« Last Edit: 28 Oct 2018, 12:47 by Ché Biko »


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« Last Edit: 28 Oct 2018, 11:56 by kalaratiri »

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #11 on: 28 Oct 2018, 11:32 »

Name: Imperial Congregation
Short Description:
  • A meeting-place for Imperial, Kingdom, and Mandate loyalists - or any others loyal to the Faith, intended both as a place they can meet and talk without being harangued by nonbelievers/enemies and where they can safely plan or prepare things away from any potentially hostile eyes.
Faction: Amarr Empire / Khanid Kingdom / Ammatar Mandate / Other faithful
Channel Type: Comms/discussion
Connection Type: Audo/video, holofeed
Owner: Esna Pitoojee
Operators/Mods: Aldrith Shutaq, Karmilla Strife
  • "Surround yourself with the faithful. Stand together, for there is no strength like it under the heavens."
    -Book of Missions 71:21

    This channel is meant for those among the faithful to converse free of interjection by those outside of the faith, allowing for deeper conversation and topics pertaining to theology and doctrine. This channel is closed to all except those loyal to the Amarr Empire, the Khanid Kingdom, the Ammatar Mandate and the Amarr faith.

    For those interested in learning further, a resource is:
    Praetorian Temple Library.

    Questions? Comments? Complaints? Contact moderators
    Esna Pitoojee, Aldrith Shutaq, and/or Karmilla Strife.

    ((This is an IC channel, moderators reserve the right to remove anyone that is continually out-of-character, those in direct opposition to the Empire and the Amarr. No nudity, vulgarity, or threats. If you find yourself in uncivil conflict with another member here please consider carrying on any arguments in private.))
Additional Info:
  • Although it should not need mentioning, the point apparently needs to be made that you will be held to certain standards regarding loyalty to the included nations / the faith. Claiming you are faithful and repeatedly, continuously not acting the part will get you removed. This rule is, of course, flexible for those returning to / learning about the Faith.

  • The Imperial Congregation is not a place for your character to try and enforce his/her version of the Amarr faith. You are welcome to have discussions about the nature and/or validity of aspects of the faith; however, insisting that another character leave the channel because their faith is not in line with your character's is not acceptable. The correct course of action here is to report the situation to a moderator if your character feels that a heretic is in the channel. Abuse of this rule will not be tolerated, but will be handled separately.

  • Talking back to a moderator never helps. Never. Got a problem with one, IC or OOC? Report it to Esna Pitoojee.
« Last Edit: 28 Oct 2018, 12:29 by Samira Kernher »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #12 on: 28 Oct 2018, 11:38 »

Name: The Standing Place
Short Description:
  • A Minmatar open forum coms channel, for Minmatar characters and close, trusted allies and friends.
Faction: Minmatar
Channel Type: Comms channel
Connection Type: Audio Video or Text, like Summit
Owner: Ava Starfire
Operators/Mods: Saede Riordan, Anabella Rella
  • Traditionally, Minmatar Clans would designate a single location, where important clan functions and rituals would be held, and these locations are known as 'The Standing Place'. During most functions, any member of the Clan could make her or his voice heard, and all others would be expected to remain silent, allowing all to say their piece in turn. These locations are normally quite sacred and well-hidden. This channel is a place for Minmatar and close allies to make themselves heard, converse with other Minmatar away from outsiders, and connect with their kin.

    This is an In-Character channel for Minmatar and close, trusted allies only, with lots of different people in it. Respect their rights to be heard, to interact with others, and to be involved. If you're wondering whether what you are about to say has anything to contribute to the RP, odds are it doesn't. This is a comms channel only: there is no 'Virtual location' associated with TSP. If you wish such a channel, feel free to visit Skadi's Hall. ))
Additional Info:
  • No characters who are in the 24th IC, or have a current or former affiliation with slavery in any form. True Amarr, Khanid, and Ni-Kunni are welcome provided they do NOT meet any of the above restrictions.
« Last Edit: 28 Oct 2018, 11:49 by Samira Kernher »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #13 on: 28 Oct 2018, 11:46 »

Name: Deck23
Short Description:
  • Neutral meeting place for Minmatar of all backgrounds. Includes a restaurant and tribal side-rooms.
Faction: Minmatar
Channel Type: Physical location
Connection Type: Physical only. No holo access.
Owner: Zoolkhan
Operators/Mods: Mizhara Del'thul
  • Accorded Neutral Ground - Deck23 description and content. Please read before participating.

    Rules (both IC and OOC, consider your character informed before entering):

    1. No violence.
    2. Take heated arguments elsewhere.
    3. There will be no harassment based on faith or allegiance.
    4. What happens in Deck23 stays in Deck23, except for vague and infuriating in-jokes on the IGS and the Summit.

    Breaking the rules will have consequences determined on a case by case basis.

    Deck23's only acknowledge of the recent warzone control feat is a small printout of a minor article on the subject, hung on one of the walls full of other small notices.
Additional Info:

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 3.0
« Reply #14 on: 28 Oct 2018, 12:05 »

Name: The Golden Masque
Short Description:
  • The Golden Masque is a combined restaurant and ampitheatre, whose central feature is a large, spherical holoprojection field 50 meters in diameter that can be used for viewing Mindclash and PVP tournaments in addition to holoreels and numerous other forms of entertainment.
Faction: Neutral
Channel Type: Physical Location - Restaurant/Ampitheatre
Connection Type: Holopresence available
Owner: Morwen Lagann
Operators/Mods: Lunarisse Aspenstar
  • Welcome to The Golden Masque!

    Please red both of the descriptive links below (last updated 2013/7/20):
    The Golden Masque Extended Description
    > The Golden Masque Rules & Information

    With no official events scheduled, the Masque's decorations have been reset to their default state; the walls providing a sweeping panoramic view of space around the Yulai IX station, and the projection sphere displaying a fully-detailed model of the station in all its original glory, prior to the events of YC110.
Additional Info:
  • Characters needing a neutral venue for a roleplay event are invited to contact Lunarisse Aspenstar to review the request and for scheduling/facilitating
« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2018, 13:29 by Samira Kernher »
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