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DED has very long-standing military laws governing the conduct of its officers.

Author Topic: Qí  (Read 5059 times)

kul Shaishi

  • Clonejack
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  • Posts: 32
« on: 17 Oct 2018, 17:48 »

This is a basic overview of Achur State of Qí

Qí underwent a crush modernization program* after meeting the Caldari During the period between during first contact and Gallente-Caldari war and also during the Gallente-Caldari war

The treaty name is The treaty of friendship alliance and mutual assistance between SuVee and Qí

In The treaty Qí citizens are Granted to dual citizenship With SuVee this is from birth as well

Also in the treaty the SuVee Scrip and the Qí yuan Exchange rate is set to each other

The military is the provincial defense unit which is most of the previous provincial army Redesignated following the foundation of the peace and order unit it has its own military Academy which is called the Qí provincial military Academy

The two historical text primarily used in Qí is the histories of the ancestors ((which is basically Chinese history heavy mythologized )) and histories of Achura

*combine the Meiji Restoration and the modern Chinese economic reforms do you understand how fast Qí modernized
If Eve has one lesson in it's narrative, it's that if you find any weird ancient space cybercrap, you should stick that shit straight into your brain ASAP, no questions.