Which basically means nothing to the huge blocs. When your titan blobs count in the several hundreds, you aren't going to have much trouble organizing a few freighters per gate, nor is the cost going to be particularly bothersome. You don't even need to take titans, or even supers entirely into account either. This will let these already giant entities deploy normal capitals - dreads, carriers, faxes - fatigue free throughout New Eden in next to no time.
The logical conclusion to the way these gates are designed is that the big entities will be able to drop in on any mid to large size fight. If it causes tidi, they'll have plenty of time to drop in.
... so the fights will stop happening, if they're not under the friendly super umbrellas, or are small and inconsequential.
I thought they were tinfoiling earlier on /r/eve , but the more I see, the more it does look like they're trying to Serenityfy TQ, largely splitting New Eden up between a very few super coalitions making space "safe" and the same approach to Hisec becoming "safe". They just want the steady bear subs milked.