Minor point to contest about above; the entire playerbase represents -independent- capsuleers who have gotten their pilot's licenses and who may go back and work for empires (loyalists, mission runners, etc), but aren't necessarily in the empire navies proper.
The NPC navies have thousands of capsuleers we don't ever interact with, and that's not who you are pew pewing for missions or belt rats or whatever, usually just the dev actors who are actual other capsuleers. It's why you can kill hundreds of baseliner ships without breaking a sweat, you are going up against baseliner ships and crews.
Limitations in the dev toolkits and mission scripting from the beginning of the game probably have more to do with this than plotting, etc. Gotta make your player feel big and strong pew pewing lots of ships and blowing them up.
The way the lore USED to be, and I'm not up on things lately, was that the entire eve playerbase and all the 0.0 power blocs represented a tiny fraction of actual empire navies and their capabilities. IE if the Caldari State wants to go shit on Cloud Ring or Querious or whatever, whatever player bloc goonbearhoneyswarmwhatever would be easily brushed aside (according to old lore). I think they've retconned this a bit over the years like the null blocs are now suddenly scurry and strong enough to scare the empires?
That never made any sense to me, none of the 4 empires would train a bunch of capsuleers and say 'hey go have fun and multiply and challenge our rule.'
I always reasoned that by signing the Yulai accords, the empires all agreed to 'release' a tiny portion of their capsuleer graduates as independents.
It's like if you today got trained by the US AirForce for years and they spend millions of dollars on you to fly jets they dont let you graduate and then hop on the first flight to mercenary life and fly for the Taliban or whatever.

gotta goose the null egos