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Author Topic: I-RED Story Arc Series, Season 3: Through The Looking Glass  (Read 6848 times)


  • Cold Wind's Blade
  • Omelette
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  • "Dead man walking."

OOC Disclaimer: Welcome to the third installment of the I-RED Story Arc Series. As with previous seasons, we hope to create content that people can participate in and enjoy. But first, a few disclaimers:

1) Throughout the course of this arc, you will have an opportunity to participate in live events. Some of these events will be more text-based in nature, and others will require a physical in-game presence. With the latter comes the risk of losing your assets, as with anytime you undock in EVE. You have been warned!
2) Continuing along the same train of thought as above, because these live events are being put on by I-RED members (aka real hoomanz) that means that the times and days we will be offering them will be somewhat limited. We will try to accommodate different people in different timezones, but alas there is only so much we can do.
3) Conflict! IC conflict is welcomed. OOC conflict is not; leave this at the door. You will have opportunities to work with or against I-RED. We welcome you to do what your character would deem most logical, but just remember that your decisions have consequences! If you do something against I-RED, don't expect us to forgive and forget ICly, but of course OOC we  :cube: you!
4) Have fun and get involved if it makes sense for your character! If this particular arc doesn't seem to fit what your character would get involved in, don't worry! We have plenty of arcs (I-RED related) and story lines (non I-RED related) planned for the future.

Thank you,
Swagmaster AKA Kor

Through The Looking Glass



In the Caldari State, the megacorporations are in a never ending competitive race. A race of power grabbing and influence building. A race to create new technology. A race of science. For the Ishukone Corporation capsuleer subsidiary, Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive, this race is just as alive. But what happens when the pursuit of power and influence clouds the intentions of a seemingly genuine exploration mission? When the pursuit of science and technology conspires to breed a living nightmare? The relentless drive to be the best can sometimes lead down a dark and unforgiving path. And in true Caldari fashion, "saving face" is just the name of the game when things go south. On this journey, you will have the power to seek the truth. Will you conspire against I-RED and hold them accountable for their wrong-doings? Or will you choose to help keep their mistakes under wraps, and perhaps be rewarded generously for your service? Peel back the layers and see true colors through the looking glass...

Events So Far

Eager to join in the research buzz surrounding the mysterious and enigmatic Drifters, I-RED funded the creation of the Anoikis Research Division (ARD). Headed by the renowned ancient races scientist, Dr. Petrus Rouvier, I-RED had high hopes that projects initiated under the ARD would provide the organization with valuable insights and breakthroughs.

I-RCN News Article

The first major project was announced by Dr. Rouvier - a deep-space exploration mission into Anoikis headed by himself. The daunting mission called for a heavily modified Falcon-class recon cruiser. Dr. Rouvier explains that the mission's goals were to help better understand the topology and nature of deep Anoikis space.

I-RCN News Article

Controversy and uncertainty gripped the news headlines. Weeks had gone by without I-RED acknowledging the bold expedition, and eventually a leak from the infamous GalNet leaks site, GalactaLeaks, reveals strange happenings aboard the ill-fated mission into Anoikis deep space.

I-RCN News Article

Time turned and people moved on from past controversies, much to the gratitude of I-RED officials. Eventually a new research project headed by I-RED's internal research firm, the Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute, focused on the study of shattered worlds from the Seyllin Incident managed to secure an incredible discovery - life dwelling on the broken fragments of 35-RK9 I.

I-RCN News Article

Controversy was stirred up once again when rumors of sightings of Dr. Rouvier circled among news outlets. Was it really him? Were there any other survivors? I-RCN noted difficulty in validating the rumors, but then again, I-RCN is a corporate-run news outlet...

I-RCN News Article

Unable to contain the persistent probing into the matter by various news agencies, I-RED came clean about the whereabouts of Dr. Rouvier, who was under the care of the medical wing of I-RTI. How he managed to be recovered from deep in Anoikis space was never answered, however. Much less the whereabouts of the rest of the expedition's crew and the ship itself.

I-RCN News Article

I-RED's research project focused on studying shattered worlds of the Seyllin Incident turned up another big discovery - the existence of a bacteria dwelling alongside algal colonies on chunks of floating rock drifting around the husk of 35-RK9 I. The properties of this strange new bacteria remain unclear.

I-RCN News Article

I-RCN confirmed the fact that the controversial Dr. Rouvier is assisting in ongoing research on the newly discovered algal and bacterial colonies found on floating chunks of 35-RK9 I. As in the previous rare sightings of Dr. Rouvier, opportunities for questions was limited and most questions that were asked remained unanswered. Still, the study into the newly discovered organisms is sure to be in good hands now with his presence on the research team.

I-RCN News Article


Chapter 1: The Fly On The Wall

It has been just over a month since I-RED announced the discovery of strange new life found dwelling on drifting chunks of the shattered world of 35-RK9 I. There was a surge of scientific buzz surrounding the new discovery at first, but it seems to have gone rather quiet as of late. Is it because the new organisms discovered proved to be of little scientific interest? Or is there something more going on behind closed doors?

I-RED sends a lightly encrypted signal for assistance almost simultaneously as a strange message appears on the Intergalactic Summit. Is it coincidence or is something more going on? I-RED calls upon their friends to scour the region of Syndicate for a stolen vessel. Under normal circumstances this would seem to be an internal affair I-RED can handle on its own, but it must be important for them to be seeking out such assistance. You must choose to answer the call. Will you brave the dangers of Syndicate to help old friends? Or will you use this situation to your advantage.

Event Kickoff

IshuNet-Blue Communications

I-RCN News Article


Upcoming live event: 17:00 EVE Time, July 2nd (AKA this upcoming Monday for all you US TZ folks)
EDIT: Moved event 1 hour earlier cause I got plans later that day.

This live event will provide an opportunity to work with I-RED, against I-RED, or remain neutral. The event specifics will be announced in more detail closer to the date of the event. For now, though, I can tell you that having scanning skills and a scanning ship may come in handy. Maybe even be a little combat capable while you're at it. :p

For those interested in aiding I-RED, I-RED uses the mailing list "IshuNet-Blue" for sending out requests to those interested in assisting with various needs. Feel free to sign up! For everyone else, event alerts will be made on a couple other more neutral mediums so keep your eyes peeled.


Update: 06.17.19 - If it hasn't been obvious already, this story arc is on an indefinite hold for the foreseeable future.
« Last Edit: 17 Jun 2019, 14:04 by Korsavius »
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17


  • Cold Wind's Blade
  • Omelette
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  • Posts: 435
  • "Dead man walking."

Chapter 1 live event coming this Monday! Looking forward to see who comes along.
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17


  • Cold Wind's Blade
  • Omelette
  • Offline Offline
  • Posts: 435
  • "Dead man walking."

The in-game portion of Chapter 1 has concluded. More updates to follow. :)
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17