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Worldbuilding Inspiration


Herro doods.

As usual, I never find this stuff until well after it would have been useful. Well it's probably still useful, just late. Anyway, in case you have a side project and would like to flesh it out some more, the following is a series of questions designed to help you do that.


Also, if you have any similar tools or techniques, feel free to drop em here.

Also also, my phone is a bastard.

Hey all. For planetary worldbuilders, something interesting came up in this week's Nature issue, regarding exoplanet experimentation. Might feed into work related to terraforming as well.

Shannon Hall -
"The labs that forge..."

The news post may be archived before long, behind the paywall. If you don't grab the PDF within the window of availability, let me know and I can upload a copy. Cheers!

Elmund Egivand:
I keep a ton of things on my Pinterest board for writing inspiration purposes. Have a look-see.

Tannia Ambrye:

I'm stealing that link from you. Perhaps you don't want me to, but I have to. Sorry.  ;)


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