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Author Topic: Insanity  (Read 5235 times)

Arvo Katsuya

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #15 on: 23 Jun 2010, 17:12 »

...which, interestingly enough, will likely be something playable in CCP's other project of an MMO. ;)

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #16 on: 23 Jun 2010, 18:32 »

If CCP's WoD is based on the new WoD, Malkavians will be gone as a clan. IIRC, they still exist as a "family" within the Ventrue clan, but that's all.

Just as well in the case of the Malks, really. They had an ugly tendency to be taken too far in ridiculous directions, ending up as super-powered serial-killer clowns.

...which is a lot like many capsuleers behave, but let's not dwell on that.  :P
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Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #17 on: 23 Jun 2010, 21:41 »

The last Malkie I played was Schizophrenic. Hardly a clown, really interesting character.

I wouldn't mess with him though.

Otherwise what you're saying is pretty spot on, people went off the deep end with Malks, and it was sad to see, because they were a really solid concept.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #18 on: 23 Jun 2010, 22:52 »

Oh, I've played Malks myself, too, and had good fun with them.

My favorite one was a psychiatrist lady whose derangement was simply a total, blank disbelief in the supernatural, including her own vampiric nature. She'd rationalize away even blatant evidence put right before her eyes, believing that she had suffered some sort of trauma which messed with her brain in some shape, way or form. She was a fascinating character to play, for the three whole sessions that game lasted.
Ava Starfire > There is evil.
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Vincent Pryce

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jun 2010, 03:08 »

Holy thread derail, Batman!

Yes.  The CCP MMO is based on New World of Darkness, so no Camarilla pumpkins for you sweetsykins and no Tzimisce for me. Malkavian's a re present a a bloodline in V:tR detailed i nthe Ventrue clanbook, will thye use bloodlines in the MMO? No idea.

Now back on topic;

If you wanna put the crazy in the Reppy, feel free to poke me on msn. Crazy is something I have firsthand experience in, perhaps I could offer you some insight to it all.

Isobel Mitar

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #20 on: 24 Jun 2010, 09:05 »

Which raises the further question - how does one deal with an insane capsuleer?  And (possibly more worryingly) would people notice much of a difference?  Given the death toll that the average capsuleer inflicts on a daily basis, it's a wonder they're not all complete sociopaths, so would madness (or at least certain types) end up just being seen as par for the course?

I'd agree mental problems are likely to be rather common among capsuleers. ;)

To change the angle somewhat from other replies to some brainstorming questions, if you are conciously contemplating madness, what would you like the plot twist give to your character's story? Are there consequences or directions of the story you would not like?

Who would you like to notice a difference? The characters who already know your character and who she regularly interacts with? Acquaintances? Total strangers?

What kind of reactions would you like the to get from other charcters with the madness? Fustration? Discomfort? Pity?

Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #21 on: 26 Jun 2010, 02:41 »

Thanks for the responses, folks.

I should possibly point out that I do have more laid out than I explained in my initial post, I just didn't feel like going into too much detail.  I was more bringing up a general debating point than specifically asking for help; but this is all much appreciated and being processed.

I'm really toying with two main aspects, one of which is a central plot point, the other just an incidental demonstration of the fact that she's losing it; split personality being the first.  I've chatted with several people a fair amount recently about the former, so I think I've got a pretty good basis - apparently what I've come up with is a little odd, but does actually exist.

The second is a case of violent and unpredictable mood swings.  Any ponderings?  It's a fairly simple theme on the face of it, but be interesting to hear any contributions...


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Re: Insanity
« Reply #22 on: 26 Jun 2010, 04:47 »

Cia's gone pretty crazy a couple of times ... um, or three. Maybe four.

Each time it's been in response to a stressful event and I've talked to a colleague with a psychology degree about what sort of disorder might emerge from such an event, given Cia's upbringing and personality type, and then tried to portray that.

The second time was a little more complex because I had her implants malfunctioning as well, complicating matters. But it started as a stress disorder.

As for finding a decent therapist character ... I rolled an alt.

Then Celes murdered him and I had to roll another, but that's a long story.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #23 on: 26 Jun 2010, 07:40 »

Personally, I am more appreciative of the subtle crazy than the outright lunatics. Outright lunatics and people going way out there are easy to play and also not overly realistic, given how insanity tends to show itself in most cases, obviously some are just straight up loopy.

Just as an aside.

Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #24 on: 26 Jun 2010, 10:32 »

Personally, I am more appreciative of the subtle crazy than the outright lunatics. Outright lunatics and people going way out there are easy to play and also not overly realistic, given how insanity tends to show itself in most cases, obviously some are just straight up loopy.

Just as an aside.

Oh, certainly.  That's why I'm happily taking thoughts and suggestions on board, to try and get a feel for the subtle bits.

Silver Night

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #25 on: 26 Jun 2010, 17:29 »

Like a lot of RP, I think it is done best when you stay subtle with it. It's easy to be too eager, but the impact is greater when just how fucked up your character is comes out slowly, over time.

Mathra Hiede

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #26 on: 28 Jun 2010, 21:23 »

Like a lot of RP, I think it is done best when you stay subtle with it. It's easy to be too eager, but the impact is greater when just how fucked up your character is comes out slowly, over time.

This is something I am delving into slowly with Math'ra

As he progresses the trauma and details from his past lives resurge and cause problems that he himself can't explain in detail, and tries to hide from the people around him.

It shall be interesting when he finally snaps infront of someone /o\

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Chell Charon

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #27 on: 05 Jul 2010, 17:14 »

Ohboyohboy. Insanities. :D

On that secondary symptom of mood swings. You could make the cause of that to be physical. Several illnesses mess with brain and/or hormone levels, causing variable symptoms. Some are relatively easy to handle once diagnosed.

Doctors will first look for a physical reason and should they find one they may very well lump all symptoms on it. And placebo effect could even curb outward symptoms of primary for a while, until you relapse.

a Physical illness that wont cure itself if you get podded? Blame DNA. Though if you just have a genetic tendency to it (Some cancers for instance). You might still relapse every now and then with the mood swings too.

PS. Malkavians were fun to play. Once did the whole fluffybunnyMalk thing, though acting all fluffy bunny was the sane thing (Not a threat) while working on getting where he deserved to be (Megalomania)  :twisted:
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Re: Insanity
« Reply #28 on: 11 Jul 2010, 07:30 »

The strangest reactions I get from quite how disturbed Meb is, is how tolerant people are of her.  :s

She's that obvious a schitzo that nobody notices anymore and just takes both sides of Meb as Meb 1 and 2.

Then there's the blood...

...the corpses she turns into dolls to substitute a childhood gone missing...

...the rampant killing of any one for any reason...

...the fondness for sometimes helping the weak and defending against injustice...

I find I often lose track and would probably do better just rolling dice to decide her mindset every few hours.

Some people treat her as just a little girl who does bad things and others as teh evilestest ocultist slaver in the 'verse. I think it comes down with how much other characters believe or know about what she does. With what I play her as, I'd try to put as much of the universe as possible between me and her, were she real. I just ran with the idea of abject crazy as I played her over the years. She started off quite a good girl once upon a time.

But enough of Meb...

I find there's so much more in depth, deep (in depth deep lol  :bash:) psychosis out there that should be explored. Things like depression, mania, paranoia, obsessions, dystrophia... hell the list goes on. I'm suprised more pod-pilots aren't as fucked up. The blatant abuse of human lives seems to just happen around them. Even without blowing up ships and subsequent crews (Yes ships have crews), you're constantly putting lives at risk unless you spent your entire pilot life in a tiny frigate or interceptor.

Then there's the paranoia, the power at their control... the constant dying/rebirth???

I must admit, it's easier, although still very hard, to get in the mindset of a crazy character when you have experience...  :twisted:
« Last Edit: 11 Jul 2010, 07:33 by Mebrithiel »

Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: Insanity
« Reply #29 on: 11 Jul 2010, 10:03 »

"Insanity: a perfectly rational adjustment to the insane world."
-R. D. Laing

I think that sums up my opinion on the matter. Unless you're looking for a particular 'disorder' to act out (OCD, schizophrenia, multiple personalities, meglomania), I think it might be prudent to consider who you want to be considered insane by.

To humanity, running out and getting killed for no other reason than the thrill of combat would seem rather...unbalanced, but to fellow capsuleers it might be understood or even appreciated.

What is NORMAL? Only in having established a standard can you classify something out of place.
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