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That one of the primary exports of the Amarrian Theology Council is booze? (Theology Council in-game info, Market Activity tab).

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Author Topic: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)  (Read 19713 times)

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #45 on: 20 Oct 2015, 02:58 »

"Yes. Fashion has a tendancy to get around. That young man with the soiked hair style over there's probably a mixed blood like us. Considering his suit, it seems like he's able to get a steady job despite his heritage. One of the effects of freedom laws I suppose."

The gentleman in question sports the defined brows and cheekbones of a Civire, but with the roundness towards the jaw typical to Luminaire Gallente. His hair is short and spiked up, dyed at the tips a fire red in contrast with black.

"This is of course just a casual observation on first looks. I wonder how truly comfortable his life really is, whether there is still some element of racism in the corporate buildings. Perhaps subtle, rather then overt."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #46 on: 20 Oct 2015, 07:41 »

"It wouldn't surprise me at all. People really seem to think of blood as something important. Matari, Caldari, Amarr ... all of us kind of stuck on it.

"Even that thing I just said about our Civire blood. Civire have a reputation for aggression and bluntness, but how much of that is just people ... expecting Civire to act like Civire? Even us? What's blood and what's culture?

"... I wonder whether the Gallente have gotten past things like that, focusing so much on standing out as individuals. Or maybe they're just more embarrassed about it?"

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #47 on: 20 Oct 2015, 10:42 »

"I'm not sure they're immune to racism. Not so long ago, there was a case involving a young Matari man killing several ethnic Gallente. Allegedly it was in self defence against what he percieved to be a racially motivated attack. It certainatly stirred tensions up between erstwhile allies."

He sighs softly. "I think the Gallente strive for individualism more as a rebellion against their hodgepodge of races and cultures, rather then being a progression from base discrimination. When officially 'race' doesn't matter, you've only really got 'the self' to fight back with."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #48 on: 20 Oct 2015, 16:59 »

"I certainly wouldn't say 'immune.' Wasn't there a lot of anti-Caldari ... violence, and vandalism, back at the start of the Pendulum War? Before it even began? ... It doesn't seem like something they want to believe in, though."

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #49 on: 21 Oct 2015, 09:55 »

Utari stiffens slightly at the mention of violence. "Yes. I remember that, rather clearly actually." He looks away for a moment, his face darkening before regaining its usual diplomatic composture.

"Officially, the line of the Federation has always been one of tolerance to cultures and faiths so long as they don't cross certain boundaries, such as political, moral or the like. It's an uncomfortable truth for the Federation that they have just as much xenophobia as the other CONCORD signatories. Theirs just lies under the rug rather then up on a poster."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #50 on: 21 Oct 2015, 10:06 »

"If you can slide it under a rug, doesn't that imply that there's maybe a bit less of it?"

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #51 on: 21 Oct 2015, 10:16 »

"Perhaps a little less, yes. No doubt being raised to believe in everyone being equal and equally special in their own snowflake way helps in that regard. But that doesn't mean tensions aren't there.

When everyone is made equal, there are always issues that some might be perceived to be more equal then others. Humanity seems to love its hierarchies."

He takes a moment's pause once more. "I must apologise to you both if my ingrained bias is painting a rather grim view of the Federation. I guess I have deep seated reasons beyond just my faith, not least considering my father's blood was spilled on this planet. Please do feel free to interject a counter argument. Both of you."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #52 on: 21 Oct 2015, 11:13 »

"Well ... I think it's one a lot of Caldari share, though, some more strongly still. I know ... or ... think ... you're not a believer in the idea that the True Amarr are the Chosen of God, fated to conquer and rule. You're okay with seeing their power weaken. Otherwise, there's no way you'd be supporting House Tash-Murkon, right? So it's not inconsistent for you to be talking about racialist ideas as bad.

"... but ... like you say, you do seem to have some strong feelings about the Federation, so ... hm. Those paths are pretty well worn. Hundreds of billions of Caldari feet have tread that ... same ground. And that's kind of my background, too.

"I can see the troubles without even having to open my eyes, and that's sort of the problem. I guess what I'm more interested in is ... I'd like to know what you find to admire, here, and in the Federation, generally.

"It's clear what you think is bad about the Gallente, Utari. But ... what's good? Or even just okay?"

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #53 on: 22 Oct 2015, 10:27 »

Utari takes the time to consider his answer before replying.

"Well, aside from the plants here? Despite my use of it in a negative example, I actually like the look of water lilies.... Pressed as I am for a proper answer, I suppose art is one thing."

"Bel learned to dance in the Federation, not that club pop stuff of course.. I think.. but classical dancing from all kinds of backgrounds. She's quite the talent at it. And, while I'm not a fan of the extremes that art can take in the Federation, I do admire atleast their love for creating beautiful things. That's possibly the Ni-Kunni influence in me talking, my great grandfather was a sculptor you know. I like that here on this planet as well as far as I've seen, they're trying to keep their additions to the landscape matching with the rest of the city."

"I guess I also respect, if not totally agree to the extent of, their pursuit for inclusiveness. You know I bow to all above me in the Empire, but my main political allegiance is to the Tash Murkon family. Heirarchy needs to be established, but I don't believe one's racial heritage should burden your family forever. If one has capability and talent, one should have avenues for promotion. If one is incompetant, one should have avenues for demotion."

"That's not to say I approve of 'positive discrimination' but none the less, I appreciate they aim to include all in their vision for humanity. Even if I personally think it's the wrong one. Oh, and their love of business, there's good reason the Amarr Empire signed a trade deal with the Gallente."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #54 on: 22 Oct 2015, 14:55 »

"I have been liking the art. It's ... not as formal as it was in the Empire. And, it ... exists, which puts it ahead of a lot of the State. It does take some sort of ... upsetting forms, but I guess if you're going to let people do whatever they want your results are going to vary.

"Business ... I'm not sure any major player doesn't love business. It's a way of getting power without having to fight over it. Maybe if Achura were more materialistic we'd have more real influence in the world.

"We'd be ... really different, though. Harder to tell from the Caldari."

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #55 on: 23 Oct 2015, 05:18 »

Utari gives a slight nod as he listens. "Perhaps. The Achur however always struck me as being a little more connected to their spirituality then the Caldari."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #56 on: 23 Oct 2015, 07:56 »

"Without ... quite disagreeing, each people practices its spirituality in its own context.

"This world taught the Caldari the importance of material resources. Achura has always been reluctant to let us keep ours. The Caldari forever prepare for winter, spirituality or no, but the Achura know that the moment you are happy and well-fed will be the time you lose everything. Roofs will fall, possessions will blow away, people will die.

"Maybe the world will be kinder, after. Maybe not. Either way, you get the transient nature of things stuck in your face a lot. And there's a lot of reason to ... remember ... people you've lost, when death can come so abruptly.

"Of course, now we've got storm and earthquake-proof Caldari cities sprouted all over the landscape, and Achur settlements are looking pretty modern, too. But then, the Caldari haven't really had to fear winter in a few hundred years, either.

"It seems like the Gallente tend even more towards atheism than the Caldari do. I wonder why that is."

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #57 on: 23 Oct 2015, 08:49 »

"It certainly seems the Gallente lean more towards atheism. That reminds me of a conversation I had with Mr Lafisques at the PPC. He said the Gallente seem to have faith in man. As in, a faith in the basic good of humanity and their fellow man. I get the impression it's sort of a pseudo-religion founded around an idealised concept of a good person, reinforced by the culture of liberty." 

"The Amarr pray at the Altar of God. The Gallente seem to pray at the Booth of the Voting Office, and at the Table of Creativity."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #58 on: 23 Oct 2015, 23:00 »

"That doesn't ... seem quite right. Sure, they seem to be happier to let individuals be whoever they want, but I'm not at all sure they think that individual is going to make ... good choices reliably at all.

"My antecedent would have agreed with you about worshipping another god, but the one I think she would have identified is the god of 'Rights.' She used to invite Gallentean partisans to catch her a right, saying she wanted to mount it on her wall.

"To which end ... I think maybe it's less about having faith in people, and more about standing aside and letting people make their mistakes if they're going to. Maybe you help them up, after; maybe you don't. Either way, you let them make their own choices, even if those lead to disaster.

"Maybe that implies some sort of faith that they'll get it right, but ... the focus seems more anti-hierarchical than really ... to expect good things from humanity, generally. I guess, to put it another way, it seems sort of, 'Don't you go sticking your stupid mistakes down my neck.'"

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration] Caldari Prime Tour (IC)
« Reply #59 on: 24 Oct 2015, 08:07 »

"While I normally wouldn't be one to argue against a Gallente on their views on their own people, what you've presented seems like it might a bit closer to the mark."

Utari stops for a moment, and takes a quick gaze around the park. "I think that's about all this place has to offer untill the warmer seasons start. Shall we go see what the business centre is like?"
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