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that "Operation Trinity Vanguard" was the code name for the defense of the Incursions in Anyed, Antem and Imya. The Anti-Incursion fleets contisted over 800 pilots from CVA, KotMC, Moira., Star Fraction, FCORD, SYNE Coalition and countless other corps and alliances.

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Author Topic: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015  (Read 39653 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #45 on: 22 Jan 2015, 03:45 »

I thought a bit more on this and while I think that most factions got dealt huge PF blows past TEA at various points (especially Caldari first and then Minmatar), I think it seldom fails to explain why some factions have died (minmatar, once one of the most thriving) and some other haven't (the caldari still thriving).

All of this to say that I think there is a severe shrink not of roleplayers in themselves, but a blantant lack of loyalist entities. It's completely void and doesn't help to create the safety net you are talking about. Most of the RP base are playing the independent freelance capsuleer type, where a lot have no clear political loyalties, or changing ones. It's completely different to what we had 3-4, or even worse, 6 years ago.


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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #46 on: 22 Jan 2015, 03:54 »

Can't play a boring loyalist. It's so much more edgy and special to be a sansha/blooder/sani sabik/slave/whatever is opposed to loyalist faction X.

Anyanka Funk

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #47 on: 22 Jan 2015, 04:06 »

I agree with miz. We need more sansha/blooder/sani sabik/slave/etc. That are also loyalists. Especially sani sabik minmatars.  :twisted:


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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #48 on: 22 Jan 2015, 04:18 »

Now if the people who want to play the pirates could just leave the FW alone, grow a pair and just go pirate I would be rather happy. It does the RP community no favors to squeeze out the loyalists by polluting what could have been a good place to foster loyalist RP with their presence.

My loyalist enemies are nowhere to be seen, elbowed out by blooders, sansha, angels and "mercs". Now I'm going to have to drop any efforts I'm making towards loyalist or inter-faction RP just to wardec and hunt blooders trolling around my FW.

Seriously people, own your special snowflake status and go do your own pirate faction things, be you sansha, angels, blooders or whatever. Stop infesting the other factions, making them ridiculously unpleasant to be a part of.



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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #49 on: 22 Jan 2015, 05:02 »

PIE seem to be doing just fine with PY-RE's merc elements knocking about.  In fact I'd argue they shine all the brighter when stood next to the tarnished morality PY-RE (not to mention many others) accepts as a cost to keep such elements on it's roster and maintain an effective presence. 

I really don't know where the 'edgy' name calling came in as a default for dealing with PF/RP problems far more fundamental than individual choices and other game play activities.  Pirate role players roleplay what they are interested in.  The same way a DnD rogue player isn't neccessarily RPing a klepto-douche just to be 'edgy', but instead explore alternatives to lawful activity as a means for good or selfish (evil-implied) reasons. 

TBH at this point 'pirate' is a misnomer for Blooders, Angels, Sansha, Serps and Guristas - they are effectively rogue states.  In many cases they are almost the antithetical mirrors of their 'parent' faction.  Guri are wild-child biker gang-esque saboteurs and more besides, retaining the fierce competition of the Caldari and a militaristic bent to keep their activities and technology sharp.  They still have structure, direction and ferocity in the face of adversity - defining Caldari traits, but in an almost anarchistic strain. 

The Angels and Sansha stand out, but even then they are a mixture of their 'proximity' factions: Ultra-hierarchical 'meritocratic' placement on Nation society (Flavours of Amarr and Caldari dark side, heavy on the 'slavery' hook), ad-hoc but brutal assertion of dominance in almost clan-like structures supported by a slave under class in the case of Angels (Flavours of Minmatar tribalism taken to an eat-the-weak extreme plus Amarr slavery as a heart-string tugging 'bad guys' vibe).  (Ultra simplification here, I intend no disservice, just wish to make a point before everyone dies of old age reading this)

Suffice to say, my opinion is that 'pirate' roleplay is no less valid, nor more edgy, than 'loyalist' roleplay.  Some loyalists 'edge it up' (to borrow a tired and oft ill-aimed phrase) all the time; I assume because they find the exploration of those precarious elements exciting, fun or it gets them desired attention.  Haters gonna hate - it works and you and I might not like it, but what works survives.  Tl;dr edgy has been co-opted to attack others so often it pretty much translates as 'i don't like this' rather than a legitimate complaint these days. 

Asking people to leave a lucrative and free war declaration (with two whole enemy 'factions' to fight) to assuage a drought of 'loyalist' RP without evidence of that even being a cure is, to be direct, unfair.  Our piratical comrades in RP have no alternative through which they may prosper while striking at their perceived enemies.  I for one refuse to sleep on a bed of nails for the sake of exposition and the preservation of other's RP foibles: in all things the game client trumps narrative desires. 

Many of those pirates, and I speak from experience of having myself worked with TS-F and talked with Milo about Anshar, have 'grown a pair and gone full pirate'.  It is simply just not sustainable in the long term unless you have alternative sources of income, and such structures live as long as the interest of those willing to maintain them.  In the interests of robustness in the face of 'patrons' leaving the game, being able to finance your piracy through the destruction of enemies and the baiting of fights (and claiming of territory if opposition doesn't amass to drive you out/give you that fight) is a godsend.  It sustains you through the lowest common denominator - the loyal fleet member who desires only to F1 at the FC's behest or solo pvp and fight for fun.  The income becomes a consequence of activity without the need for complex supporting structures.  Liberation from patronage is important for a corp's survival - I'll always help my friends with industrial support when I am subbed, but I'd hate for my absence to spell the death of SRP or sustainable pvp for them. 

To crystallize my position and response to a single thrust: Asking people to move on because you don't like their roleplay isn't going to solve anything.  There aren't any more loyal roleplayers waiting in the wings but those vets who might return and newbros who will hook up with their chosen factions in time anyway.  I think it does a disservice to many 'loyalist' corps such as PIE, I-RED, MOIRA and so forth to say they have been elbowed out by pirates (or independent capsuleers to include non-roleplayers); they continue to live, prosper and roleplay with impunity. 

The simplest solution is unfortunately out of our hands: Give us pirate factional war and your wishes would become incredibly reasonable, and most likely acted on without the merest of urging.  When CCP gives you a low sec territory war sandbox, chock full of sand but with only four colours of shovel, you're going to get some fans of the off-shades instead picking the next best thing, as much as you might hate those darn dirty lime-green shovel-lovers compared to your pure reds, yellow, blues and pastel greens. 
« Last Edit: 22 Jan 2015, 05:07 by Aelisha »


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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #50 on: 22 Jan 2015, 05:32 »

All of this to say that I think there is a severe shrink not of roleplayers in themselves, but a blantant lack of loyalist entities. It's completely void and doesn't help to create the safety net you are talking about. Most of the RP base are playing the independent freelance capsuleer type, where a lot have no clear political loyalties, or changing ones. It's completely different to what we had 3-4, or even worse, 6 years ago.

I think it's a matter of player investment and buy-in with factional RP. In the past a lot of that buy-in with a faction was through player agency -- discussions with others about a faction, organizations created to explore a certain aspect of appeal of that faction. That ability to explore and create due to the inherent vagueness of the background fiction meant that in a sense you could own a little piece of a faction for yourself or your group that was validated and reciprocated by other players.

That paradigm has shifted a lot in my view due to the increasing solidification of background lore PF culminating with Source. Buy-in and player investment with a faction is a process that is now, more than ever in the hands of CCP to provide validation for player, and roleplayer efforts made in the name of a faction. However with Eve is that while Live Events such as the research race are fantastic, it doesn't change potential dissatisfaction wanting to be a factional loyalist in a game in which opportunities for reward/validation of efforts are limited and the ability to impact or interact with the game world beyond other players practically non-existent.

Given such a scenario, I think it's only natural the trend might be to go, "You know what, all that factional fiction is cool but since it all exists behind a glass case we'll never be able to touch why not just have fun with other people in the game we enjoy playing."
« Last Edit: 22 Jan 2015, 05:35 by Gesakaarin »


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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #51 on: 22 Jan 2015, 05:37 »

@ Aelisha

You made a lot of assumptions, including that I hold my opinion because I don't like their RP. That's not the case, however much I consider it a dead end with no room for turning around for characters. I hold my opinion on this because of what I see in the game. I see loyalists losing the desire to "come play" as it were. I see loyalists OOC snap and flat out yell at pirates to please get out of their faction's militia, because it puts them in a lose-lose position where they either have to embrace the bad or start throwing out wardecs they can't possibly win.

And frankly, I do question the testicular fortitude of those who run to the militias after making decisions regarding their characters' loyalties that puts them at odds with the empires. You make the decision to become enemies of all the empires, bloody deal with the consequences. Having the cake and eating it is frankly in poor taste, particularly when it comes at the expense of others. I can remember one person wildly embracing the loss of standings across all Empires during an event and being exceedingly miffed when that was reversed again. I don't think I've seen anyone else go to that kind of length to be willing to take the consequences of their actions in Eve, and that is what Eve has always been about.

Ember Vykos

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #52 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:00 »

Easy access to PVP is probably one of the bigger reasons some of those groups invade FW, and honestly...I don't blame them. Sometimes you just want to pew...FW is an easy way to do that, and if they want to cater to whatever part of their character would join FW for destructions sake (or whatever else) then let em. Sure if it makes absolutely no sense...then I can raise an eyebrow or two, but I'm not gonna say they can't or shouldn't do it.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
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Samira Kernher

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #53 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:03 »

They're not doing it for easy access to pvp, they're doing it for easy access to isk. PvP is easier to access by remaining neutral in the warzone and shooting all sides.

Anyanka Funk

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #54 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:08 »

What samira said. Much easier and way more fun to get paid from killing amarrians than grinding level 4's in Delve or Stain.

And if people are snapping ooc about pirate roleplayers in militia, they need to grow the fuck up.

Samira Kernher

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #55 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:15 »

When a militia is 90% pirates, both RP and OOC, there is good reason to be mad about it.

Ember Vykos

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #56 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:27 »

They're not doing it for easy access to pvp, they're doing it for easy access to isk. PvP is easier to access by remaining neutral in the warzone and shooting all sides.

Yeah I forgot the whole LP thing. Still I'd rather have the PVP and be able to keep at least some semblance of sec status lol. I can see both sides, but I don't really see what the big deal is if pirates are in the malitias other than from an IC sense perspective. Think you could enlighten me as to why you and Miz and probably others see this as such a problem?

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon

Evi Polevhia

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #57 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:35 »

When a militia is 90% pirates, both RP and OOC, there is good reason to be mad about it.
Militia are 90% non roleplayers acting like douchebags.

Samira Kernher

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #58 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:57 »

They're not doing it for easy access to pvp, they're doing it for easy access to isk. PvP is easier to access by remaining neutral in the warzone and shooting all sides.

Yeah I forgot the whole LP thing. Still I'd rather have the PVP and be able to keep at least some semblance of sec status lol. I can see both sides, but I don't really see what the big deal is if pirates are in the malitias other than from an IC sense perspective. Think you could enlighten me as to why you and Miz and probably others see this as such a problem?

Because I have literally no reason to fight for 24IC when it is a militia of blood raiders instead of Amarrians. Thre's no reason to take systems when you're taking it for and alongside blooders instead of Amarr. Simply, you can't take pride in fighting for your faction when the people you're fighting with aren't loyal to your faction, and will actually actively do things to spit on and tarnish your faction. One or two groups is okay, but when it ends up being nearly the entirety of it there's just no point. The 24IC might as well just be declared a pirate organization and hunted on sight by Amarr at this point.

And Evi, its much worse with Amarr militia. It's not just asshole players, it's people literally going around pulling stunts like what Nauplius does. It's actual self-declared blooder corps. That can't be just ignored.

Lyn Farel

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Re: State of the Eve RP 2014 - 2015
« Reply #59 on: 22 Jan 2015, 06:59 »

When I was in FW, and started since almost the beginning of it, it was already the case as it will always be for a lowsec environnement : militias were full of pirates, and we spent time to try to diplo them out of their ways, or just war dec them as a whole when a few of them were so bad that even all the other dirty elements ganged up against them.

Pirates have always been the overwhelming majority and it reflected ICly in that we spent our time yelling at them ICly, and even more, yelling at the 'system' (the authorities) that allow scum of all sorts into the militia. Well, in fine, it had it pros and cons, but the pros certainly were that it provided RP incentives for us to talk about something. Nothing new here.

And for people shifting loyalties everyday, I think that's something that can be taken ICly. You lose reputation when doing so, and so I am not sure of the need to bring it up here.
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