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The Serpentis stole one of the six Soltueur-class Titans from the Gallente Federation?

Author Topic: [Character] Hibou Heluene  (Read 1042 times)

Hibou Heluene

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[Character] Hibou Heluene
« on: 14 Sep 2014, 21:20 »

CONCORD DED Public Capsuleer Datasheet

DED Callsign: Hibou Heluene
Birthname: Nahine Heluene
Age: 24
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Blood Type: B
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Ethnicity: Intaki
Origin: Artist
Political Alignment: Unaffiliated Dove

Date of Birth: YC 92.10.16
Place of Birth: Caslemon VII

Education: University of Caille
> BFA Program, YC.110-114
> Capsuleer Program, YC.114-116

DED Threat Assessment: Harmless

Personality Assessment:
> Temperament Designation - Idealist / Counselor
> Inwardly focused, driven by desire for understanding and expression. Strong ethical core. Cautious, keen to notice details, relationships, and potential for innovation. Prefers listening to talking, but can speak powerfully under the right conditions. Often fixates on tasks and goals to the point of distraction. Tendency to draw spiritual connections in relation to life events.

Physical Assessment:
> Fitness Classification - Intermediate / Unspecialized
> Passed all standard cardiopulmonary and flexibility examinations with no difficulty. Lead department in squat output for 45-50kg weight class, YC115-116. Minimal full-body strength training.

Family Background:

Nahine (her name by birth) spent her adolescence as a ward of the Federation, moving between families in the poorer rungs of society on worlds well-removed from the Federal seats of power. It was a particularly jarring experience as she had lived as part of a happy and healthy family up until the age of 14, when her mother suffered depressive metanoia and was institutionalized.

There is a thread of tragedy weaving through the history of Nahine’s family. Her mother Taaraja is an only child whose parents, natives of Intaki V, passed away only a short time after her mental breakdown, not able to attain convalescence for their daughter before their departing. Her paternal grandfather was killed during the Waschi Uprising, while Nahine’s father Cen was just an infant. After Mordu pledged to help the Intakis there, Nahine’s grandmother took her two sons away to the Placid region to live with extended family.

Cen himself grew up with his mother and brother in relative safety, raised on tales of his father’s service and sacrifice, as well as the treachery of both the Caldari and Gallente governments. He pursued a technical education, becoming an engineer and eventually earning a living as a reactor technician aboard supply ships that traversed the region. It was on an extended leave during a summer festival on Caslemon VII that he met his future wife Taaraja. It was in the autumn of the following year than Nahine was born. The family was aglow with love, seemingly unswayed by the mixed fortunes of life in the cluster.

In YC 106, amidst the vitriol of the upcoming Gallente Presidential elections, Cen became increasingly disquieted by the anti-Intaki sentiments that came to pervade the political media, and felt a threat encroaching on his family from within the Federation. Seeking out a means to align his trade with his ideals, without having to move his family to the lawless space outside CONCORD’s aegis, Cen eventually committed to a 3-year contract as an electrician’s mate with Mordu’s Legion, sure that the pay and experience would satisfy his needs as a provider and as a man of ideals. He kissed his wife and child goodbye, and never returned.

Months later, with the news of Cen’s demise, Taaraja was devastated. Unable to bring herself to care for her child or look upon the outside world, she was committed to a psychiatric facility, leaving Nahine with her maternal grandparents, neither of whom would survive another year. She was soon left without a home, and local authorities introduced her into the Patrie District Child Welfare system, where she would spend the next four years desperately trying to reconcile her identity with the hand fate had dealt her, often becoming enmired in juvenile misbehavior. In reaching out to her peers within the system, some of the young toughs came to call her by the nickname 'Hibou', a boy's name meaning 'dove'.

Educational Background:

The PDCW-appointed case worker had suggested to Nahine that art therapy might help her in coming to terms with the difficulties she was facing, as well as provide an outlet which would occupy her enough to distract her from the often unsavory activities of her unfortunate peers. It turned out to be a tremendous influence on Nahine in her quest to ascribe meaning to her experience. She initially pursued the expressive and interpretive realms of the arts with great dedication, using various means to explore her feelings on loss, injustice, and an uncertain future. While productive in the sense that she was developing an early approach to creative vision, the work itself was as pedestrian as would be expected for one her age.

In YC110, she received an unsolicited grant for a full ride to the University of Caille. While the source of the funding remained a perplexing unknown, she accepted the bargain and enrolled as a fine arts student. It was during her initial examinations that her capsule candidacy was discovered. Initially, the admissions board told her that she would not be able to pursue the program even after her primary degree was completed, due to the kind of financial investment involved, but not 48 hours later, she was informed that her grant had been upgraded to include full enrollment in the capsuleer program as well.

The University pushed hard for her to accept the terms and pursue the capsuleer program, but Nahine was determined to continue exploring the realms of the arts, using her free education to expand her knowledge of her peoples’ history between the Caldari and Gallente empires, and in turn transforming the inherent tensions through her own personal lens. Her particular gift for finding and re-purposing the essence of the apparati of political and military domination did not go unnoticed by her instructors, who took care to cultivate her talents.

Her undergraduate exhibition “Ricochet: Hybrid Sculptures in Sound”, where she employed a T-12 Ion Pistol to shear various resistance-coated Gallente and Caldari hull fragments, recorded the weapon strikes through a industrial-grade micro-magnetometric sensor cluster, analyzing the material harmonic resonances through a filter designed to recognize human vocal patterns, gained some esteem when her work revealed a disturbing similarity between the frequencies of certain harmonics with those of human calls of distress and terror. The department was impressed enough with her work to create a 12 minute holoreel of the creative process and commemorate the exhibition.

Over the course of her undergraduate education, the spectre of merging with the pod still hung in her imagination. The promise of a life of new possibilities, of perceptions and sensations beyond the stultifying confines of the human purlieu, and of the freedom from her past, overcame her fears of losing herself.

Yet, her commitment to leave behind her birth body would remain her single greatest regret.

Capsuleer Background:

Nahine is a raw graduate, clone grade alpha. She abhors the loss of life that seems to exude naturally from capsuleers by their mere existence. She believes that she has accepted a curse, a devil’s bargain, by merging with the capsule, and she must salvage what remains of her true being in pursuit of the teachings of the Idama and the alleviation of suffering. As she has just recently been introduced to the Sisters of Eve via the UC career agents, she is inclined to support their humanitarian efforts, even their beliefs are not her own.
« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2014, 00:30 by Hibou Heluene »

Hibou Heluene

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Re: [Character] Hibou Heluene
« Reply #1 on: 14 Sep 2014, 21:35 »

There are a few areas that I am concerned about in terms of violation of PF
  • In particular, the Waschi uprising timeline and fitting her family into that set of circumstances.
  • The acceptance within Federal borders the widow and offspring of an exiled Intaki. Maybe I could rework this that they were smuggled in?
  • The handwavium of the Federal Child Welfare system.
  • The availability in the Federation of basic grade infantry sidearms to civilians.

If anyone has any corrections or would point me to some info I missed, I would be glad to make changes.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [Character] Hibou Heluene
« Reply #2 on: 14 Sep 2014, 22:01 »

1) I admittedly know nothing about the Waschi timeline, so I can't help you there.
2) I think levels of acceptance would depend on where they were within the Federation, not just from planet to planet but even city to city on a given planet. Since Hibou (Nahine? You list her as one thing up top but use another down below) at least is a natural-born Federal citizen (Caslemon is in Essence, and only 5 jumps away from Luminaire), I doubt smuggling anyone anywhere would be particularly necessary, and she would (in theory) have rights protecting her and such. I'd guess the same for her mother but I didn't see you mention if she was born elsewhere.
3) Seemed OK to me. If you're concerned about stepping on anyone's toes, CCP or otherwise, you can always narrow the scope of the FCW as pertains to Hibou - make it more local rather than Federation-wide. I would be surprised if the Federation didn't have a multitude of programs along those lines, too.
4) I personally suspect that sidearms are a ~luxury~ in some parts of the Federation, and a near-necessity in others. Presumably, most anyone with a license and/or certified training (and, I would hope, a clean record) would be able to acquire one easily. The scope of its use would probably vary wildly depending on locale, but if it's just a question of how she acquired one for her project, she probably could have gotten the school or a project advisor to requisition one if you don't think it is something she would have done herself.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Hibou Heluene

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Re: [Character] Hibou Heluene
« Reply #3 on: 15 Sep 2014, 00:13 »

1) I admittedly know nothing about the Waschi timeline, so I can't help you there.

No worries.  Thank you for the reply.

2) I think levels of acceptance would depend on where they were within the Federation, not just from planet to planet but even city to city on a given planet. Since Hibou (Nahine? You list her as one thing up top but use another down below) at least is a natural-born Federal citizen (Caslemon is in Essence, and only 5 jumps away from Luminaire), I doubt smuggling anyone anywhere would be particularly necessary, and she would (in theory) have rights protecting her and such. I'd guess the same for her mother but I didn't see you mention if she was born elsewhere.

I will try to clarify the nickname. I also was really unclear about the smuggling bit, which would have been the grandmother bringing Nahine's father into Fed space after her husband dying at Waschi. He himself (Nahine's paternal grandfather) would have been too young to actually fight in the war, but would have been descended from Intaki who supported the Caldari. So the grandmother would be left in Caldari society with no vocation and two mouths to feed, widow of an exiled Intaki, an exile herself, with only extended family in the Federation. Once there, her child would grow and eventually father a child within the Federation, making his daughter Nahine a citizen as you said.

3) Seemed OK to me. If you're concerned about stepping on anyone's toes, CCP or otherwise, you can always narrow the scope of the FCW as pertains to Hibou - make it more local rather than Federation-wide. I would be surprised if the Federation didn't have a multitude of programs along those lines, too.

I think you're right, narrowing the scope is a good idea considering how many citizens there are. I'll focus on the constellation as a manageable territory.

4) I personally suspect that sidearms are a ~luxury~ in some parts of the Federation, and a near-necessity in others. Presumably, most anyone with a license and/or certified training (and, I would hope, a clean record) would be able to acquire one easily. The scope of its use would probably vary wildly depending on locale, but if it's just a question of how she acquired one for her project, she probably could have gotten the school or a project advisor to requisition one if you don't think it is something she would have done herself.

Another good point, as I didn't mean for her to own weapons. Something like a requisitioned piece from local law enforcement, used in a supervised venue only after some basic training, sounds reasonable to me.
« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2014, 00:31 by Hibou Heluene »

Ché Biko

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Re: [Character] Hibou Heluene
« Reply #4 on: 15 Sep 2014, 08:16 »

Hmm, have not read most of it (I try to avoid OOC knowledge (yeah, I know it's a public datasheet, but Ché did not read it yet)), but I hope Ché bumps into her sometime.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Hibou Heluene
« Reply #5 on: 15 Sep 2014, 12:48 »

Hibou, like the howl ?

Anyway, the good thing with the Federation is that you can explain almost everything since every world is unique with its own customs.