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Author Topic: It took a really big hose, but...  (Read 10157 times)

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #30 on: 29 Jan 2014, 05:39 »

Before TonyG, Ishukone was almost leading Caldari corporation. What happened with them, is a clash of two "mountain goats": Gairushi and Broker, who rammed their horns of pride to each other, obliterating themselves and millions of lives around in process. After that, Ishukone turned from leading to rear Caldari mega, it became black ship, and it rotated around Mens Reppola. The damage done to this corporation's name, from my opinion, is way greater than damage done to the name of Caldari Constructions. CCP has removed Heth, but Reppola is still here.

I'm not sure if Ishukone was a leading Caldari Mega prior to TonyG since KK and SuVee have always been described as the largest powers in domestic State affairs in terms of size of employees, political authority, and asset ownership. I'd say the point I'm making is that Hyasyoda seems more Caldari Liberal than Ishukone is. Hyasyoda to me sees being Liberal as pursuing a specific agenda of breaking down protectionism, trade barriers, and tariffs in foreign markets as a means to move in, corner certain fields and destroy the competition there by being better. It's economic liberalism, or an interstellar globalist agenda that has the specific goal of benefiting Hyasyoda over the foreign competition.

While Ishukone and Hyasyoda might appear to share that view, Hyasyoda retains specific traits of being isolationist, suspicious, and almost xenophobic which doesn't appear to be a cultural leap out of the Caldari mindset which can on some levels be described as such. With Ishukone however, and especially with the narrative written by Tony G they don't seem to believe solely in economic liberalism abroad as the means to benefit your own - but in fact seem to hold to liberalism as a political and ideological motive as well. A perception issue perhaps, but one that isn't helped when Ishukone alone seems to pursue deals with the Federation in news articles.

Lyn Farel

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #31 on: 29 Jan 2014, 07:25 »

It's the same difference between Tash Murkon and Kor Azor. The latter is liberal by politics, the former by Udorian pragmatism.

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #32 on: 29 Jan 2014, 07:31 »

Then if CCP is seriously trying to imply that Ishukone is politically liberal in the sense of actually embracing things like individualism, pluralism, cultural tolerance, etc., then what are they? Just Gallenteans with Caldari affectations?

Lithium Flower

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #33 on: 29 Jan 2014, 08:14 »

I am sorry, I think I used wrong word again. I mean, Ishukone was prominent corporation, not the largest, but rather successful. After all, they brought hydrostatic capsule to the State.

What bothers me, that current depiction of Ishukone shows them not just like liberals (like Hyasoda), but rather like... pro-gallentean?

And this depiction of "Just Gallenteans with Caldari affectations" is, unfortunately, true from only one side. Because there are no such gallente corporation, that would promote Caldari ideals and act as a fifth column against Federation. What would happen with this corporation? Suddenly Mentas Blaque boom boom pewpew, whoosh~ no more corporation, and they lick all together Roden's boots. And Caldari? You can have your unruly Ishukone till the end of days, with the only force that could bring it in line dissolved as terrorists.

Good job, CCP. Good job.

Maybe with next patch they just add to description of Caldari "They are failures. They are evil. They will lose. Don't join them. Join federation. Free LP and exotic dancers for every signatory".

Sorry, I am simply getting tired of this.

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #34 on: 29 Jan 2014, 08:29 »

Sorry, I am simply getting tired of this.

You mean the CCP/Tony G narrative of: The triumph of freedom-loving Western Democracy (Federation) over the evils of Fascism and Communism (State)?


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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #35 on: 29 Jan 2014, 09:22 »

I wouldn't say no to anything tat makes Practicals more than b-movie collectivist Randroids.  We have a slew of opportunities for exploring all of the megas and their impact on society, but atm it seems to be 'Military Liberals', 'Military Patriots', 'practicals' and then 'generic research group, add bloc prefix as required'. 

Suvee is a 40% land owner in the State at large.  This represents enormous diversity of holdings even with most of it potentially being empty space for development, agriculture or industry (empty as in non-residential, non-metropolitan - aka culturally void as the societies there are so small as to be absorbed entirely into generic corporate culture as opposed to local factors). 

NOH is an entertainment corporation.  What constitutes entertainment in the State?  We get a slew of 'shady drug manufacturing and naughtiness' in the PF that just doesn't do justice to an interstellar media and commodity producing giant.  How does NOH penetrate the culture of other megas to retail its products?  Is NOH in partnership with other mega-subsidiaries to provide tolerated products and media to the masses?  Even better, is NOH intrinsic to the cultural sanitising of foreign media for the Caldari public? 

CBD.  Import/export... I see.  What precisely?  Are they a buy low sell high lot with a logistics backbone?  How are they a mega corporation if all they do is move product?  On an interstellar and international scale I assume this could become a realistic option, but why another mega wouldn't subsume them into a full vertical monopoly that would benefit both organisations escapes me.  Do they have some horizontal holdings that stabilise and feed them, with import/export being their noticeable contribution to the State? 

There are many more questions on this topic, but the above are particularly vexing in my opinion.  The Practical bloc is extremely under-developed to the point of being moustachioed capitalist villains in the PF, and it is my hope that myself and like-minded players can begin to round the faction out, based on the (in game) realities we have experienced moving between larger power structures as traders, industrialists, freelancers and even privateers on occasion. 

I applaud the efforts of Liberal and Patriot roleplayers and hope that by beginning to address these deeper questions, from our perch as capsuleers holding Caldari values, we can add more life to our faction.

I absolutely agree the Practicals are underdeveloped. They are described as being the most pro-Heth, but at the same time willing to bail on any cause if it stops being useful for them.

CBD is...what? If all CCP does is say "zomg, look at their import/export", they start to look like the Eve mash-up of Maersk Line and a high-risk investment firm. While Maersk Line IRL is impressive, they sure as hell wouldn't qualify as anything "mega".

And for NOH, the only large entertainment markets we see explicitly mentioned is gambling and gladiators. So sure, it would make sense that they would probably be the most in control of casinos, gladiator leagues, etc. But again, as you said, how does this qualify as a mega? It wouldn't be that hard to describe their holovid presence, their international presence (if any), their other business markets that have made them large enough to be a mega.

I've been thinking a lot about NOH recently for character reasons, and it would make sense to me that even small gambling organizations and gladiator leagues on po-dunk planets would be subsidiaries of NOH. It's the only way one can really imagine NOH as a mega.

Lithium Flower

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #36 on: 29 Jan 2014, 09:35 »

Sorry, I am simply getting tired of this.

You mean the CCP/Tony G narrative of: The triumph of freedom-loving Western Democracy (Federation) over the evils of Fascism and Communism (State)?
Well, luckily CCP don't call it like that... yet... I hope.
And yea, TonyG was calling Heth "madman", "dictator" or something like that...
But it's not about this narrative, but rather depiction of Caldari as failures:
- failed to force Ishukone in line
- lost titan
- titan pilot fails to execute orders, or at least to fight back with this machine
- reaction to this tea story as "murder"
- inability of Heth to act (this Heth, who went on suicide mission to capture Armour Forge, and this Heth, who rushed to bring shot down worker from under fire, who attacked Gallentes in front line during takeover of Arcurio on Caldari Prime), I simply can't believe he could be afraid of anything and run away...
- this whole 'terrorist' plot
- Kaalakiota financial crisis
- Reppola, who begs for peace
- infiltration of FIO agents
etc etc etc

All this is examples of uncharacteristic to Caldari unprofessionalism, disregard to Caldari pride and ideals, and outrageous stupidity with softness.

According to this approach, Caldari are what, ruthless to themselves and like soft and spineless to anyone around?...

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #37 on: 29 Jan 2014, 09:45 »

Sorry, I am simply getting tired of this.

You mean the CCP/Tony G narrative of: The triumph of freedom-loving Western Democracy (Federation) over the evils of Fascism and Communism (State)?
Well, luckily CCP don't call it like that... yet... I hope.
And yea, TonyG was calling Heth "madman", "dictator" or something like that...
But it's not about this narrative, but rather depiction of Caldari as failures:
- failed to force Ishukone in line
- lost titan
- titan pilot fails to execute orders, or at least to fight back with this machine
- reaction to this tea story as "murder"
- inability of Heth to act (this Heth, who went on suicide mission to capture Armour Forge, and this Heth, who rushed to bring shot down worker from under fire, who attacked Gallentes in front line during takeover of Arcurio on Caldari Prime), I simply can't believe he could be afraid of anything and run away...
- this whole 'terrorist' plot
- Kaalakiota financial crisis
- Reppola, who begs for peace
- infiltration of FIO agents
etc etc etc

All this is examples of uncharacteristic to Caldari unprofessionalism, disregard to Caldari pride and ideals, and outrageous stupidity with softness.

According to this approach, Caldari are what, ruthless to themselves and like soft and spineless to anyone around?...

If the Caldari "won" you'd probably see similar complaints from Fed types. The thing I've learned is that in the end CCP has their own metaplot of what direction they want events to move forward in, and things will be made to suit as needed.

We play capsuleers anyway whose lives are divorced from domestic affairs so the impact of the news and events is only limited by how much you decide they should.


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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #38 on: 29 Jan 2014, 09:46 »

I don't think retaking Home would be qualified as soft and spineless. But I do agree that CCP handled the downfall of Heth very, very, very (very) poorly.

Saede Riordan

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #39 on: 29 Jan 2014, 10:46 »

To those complaining that only certain megas are getting attention, let me just inform you, that carries over to the other factions as well.

Pretty much all Minmatar oriented news is about the Sebiestor or the Brutor, the other tribes always just seem to be treated like afterthoughts.
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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #40 on: 29 Jan 2014, 10:52 »

There are other tribes?

Morwen Lagann

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #41 on: 29 Jan 2014, 10:55 »

To those complaining that only certain megas are getting attention, let me just inform you, that carries over to the other factions as well.

Pretty much all Minmatar oriented news is about the Sebiestor or the Brutor, the other tribes always just seem to be treated like afterthoughts.

And it's the same for the Amarr. You never see much mention of the Kingdom, or Kor-Azor, or Kador. It's usually Ardishapur and Sarum; Tash-Murkon had a brief reference in recent memory but that's it.
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Lithium Flower

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #42 on: 29 Jan 2014, 11:03 »

To those complaining that only certain megas are getting attention, let me just inform you, that carries over to the other factions as well.

Pretty much all Minmatar oriented news is about the Sebiestor or the Brutor, the other tribes always just seem to be treated like afterthoughts.
On one hand, you can use it for your own interest and write whatever you want.
On the other, CCP can come one day with completely different story  :P

I don't think retaking Home would be qualified as soft and spineless. But I do agree that CCP handled the downfall of Heth very, very, very (very) poorly.
In the end, it is their game, they are game masters, so we have only to wait and see what happens next. In any case, progress is better than stagnation. Just some of last steps were regress instead of progress. Return to the past is often seen as a mauve-ton.

If the Caldari "won" you'd probably see similar complaints from Fed types. The thing I've learned is that in the end CCP has their own metaplot of what direction they want events to move forward in, and things will be made to suit as needed.

We play capsuleers anyway whose lives are divorced from domestic affairs so the impact of the news and events is only limited by how much you decide they should.
Nope, I am not telling just about losing, but constantly depiction Caldari as failures. Unfortunately, we can't change it, since it is their game and they set rules. What we can do, is try to present characters, who would rather be successful, professional, ruthless and selfless Caldari, promoting national interests (or strive for this goal), and not some corporate puppets or selfish pilots, who broke free from corporate chains to become "demigods".

I have a couple of ideas to try to boost Caldari self-esteem, and might even try to get CCP support, but something tells me they won't go for it, because it will be kind of against their plans  :roll:
« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2014, 11:25 by Lithium Flower »

Samira Kernher

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #43 on: 29 Jan 2014, 11:25 »

To those complaining that only certain megas are getting attention, let me just inform you, that carries over to the other factions as well.

Pretty much all Minmatar oriented news is about the Sebiestor or the Brutor, the other tribes always just seem to be treated like afterthoughts.

And it's the same for the Amarr. You never see much mention of the Kingdom, or Kor-Azor, or Kador. It's usually Ardishapur and Sarum; Tash-Murkon had a brief reference in recent memory but that's it.

Wait, what?

Kingdom, Kor-Azor, and Kador get regular mentions (Kador invasion, Kador celebrations. Kor-Azor has Amarrian batman and the recent 'going over the heads of the Holders' controversy. Kingdom is consistently a major thing, even if there hasn't been much news with them lately). Ardishapur and Sarum have both had a bit lately, but there's been plenty from the others.

Tash-Murkon are the ones who seem to get very little, with the exception of the TCMC thing.

Point being, Amarr actually seem to be pretty well-off regarding equal coverage. It's easier to do with us since those groups are localized in easily identifiable individuals. We're nowhere near as bad as the lesser-seen factions in the other empires. I'd actually say the Gallente are the worst off, since they seem to basically never reference any group that isn't the Black Eagles or the central government. We never hear about individual planetary/system interests (with the exception of Intaki and Caldari Prime), or even much of the political parties.
« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2014, 11:27 by Samira Kernher »

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: It took a really big hose, but...
« Reply #44 on: 29 Jan 2014, 11:51 »

I have a couple of ideas to try to boost Caldari self-esteem, and might even try to get CCP support, but something tells me they won't go for it, because it will be kind of against their plans  :roll:

Might be an interesting initiative, although I feel my Caldari self-esteem is doing rather well playing a cold, ruthless, Caldari nationalist and Kaalakiota loyal corporate executive.
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