Several threads on the IGS at the moment, relating to capsuleers use of personal weapons, martial arts skills and such, when out of the capsule. As ever, some are enthusiastically for, some are enthusiastically against.
A thought occurred, relating to the use of humanoid remote drones and why these aren't in use by capsuleers.
I believe the technology exists - there are in existence comprehensive virtual reality devices, capable of simulating to the user a convincing set of sensations - the
chronicle "Particle Tracks" features this in the meeting between Yani and Muryia.
These virtual reality devices are capable of presenting a substantial amount of sensory data to the user, who is presumably wearing a suit with goggles, or relevant implants, to receive this data.
And that suit&goggles or implant set, could easily, in my opinion, be used to present to the user, sensory data, not from a virtual reality simulation, but from a remote-operated drone humanoid body.
And such a remote body, would be able to interact with people "personally", with next to none of the security concerns.
So, why does this not happen ?
I think a possibility is the ability of law enforcement to control the situation - a remote drone person is entirely expendable, and as such, could easily be a weapon, carrying a bomb, or bio-weapon, or other device. Capsuleers have no hesitation in attacking things in space, giving them the same freedom in station would be chaotic.
What are your thoughts ?