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Author Topic: Surviving RP  (Read 12163 times)


  • Clonejack
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Surviving RP
« on: 09 Nov 2013, 10:47 »

Something I've noticed is that when you try to RP your character as anything but someone who just throws in the occasional comment about being Caldari/Amarr/Gallente/Minmatar there seems to be a dedicated group of RP-ers who want to swoop in and just disagree with your characters opinions for the sake of what? It most certainly doesn't seem RP to me, especially when they start referencing things like the fact that my current character is only technically 5 days old as a reason why my character is wrong or the fact that my character recently lost a pod in low sec (which of course is such a rare thing). Some people seem to get very personal when my character doesn't accept their character or immediately bow down to their characters perceived superior knowledge.

This leak and overflow just stresses me out, trust me I've got nothing wrong with losing ships, I just lost my trusty Merlin with all my modules that I didn't sell off (probably one of the most pathetic losses compared to other players) and because all my money is caught up in industrial investments I've been flying around in an oh so threatening Venture to rekindle some cash. That kind of losing everything that matters at that moment in time doesn't bother me.

My question is, is how do you guys deal with it? or do you? is this something I just need to suck up? or should I avoid certain topics completely or should I avoid talking about anything that might offend you and only discuss the topic of my characters attempts to grow Kresh trees for a personal tea supply? Should I even bother with RP beyond writing stories about my character and talking on forums such as this?

I just need some advice, thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2013, 10:48 by Kunarian »


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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #1 on: 09 Nov 2013, 10:52 »

Stay totally silent. Hunt down anyone you see doing this to other people. Vigilante justice \o/

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani


  • Clonejack
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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #2 on: 09 Nov 2013, 10:56 »

Stay totally silent. Hunt down anyone you see doing this to other people. Vigilante justice \o/

Protip advice taken. Shall make huge industrial corporation only to eventually work down a list of people I see doing this by hiring a team of hit bounty hunters to eliminate them. \o/

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #3 on: 09 Nov 2013, 11:10 »

Just try to understand that disagreements and arguments are the bread and butter of EVE. Even the much maligned 'hugglefest' RP is rife with dramatic debates over using the correct word or not. Most of the time, people simply like to stir the pot.

It's not personal. It's just EVE's unique flavor of "everybody hates everybody else".

Arista Shahni

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #4 on: 09 Nov 2013, 12:23 »

Much like OOC, IC characters forget what it was like to be young and innocent and almost still fully human. ;)


Saede Riordan

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #5 on: 09 Nov 2013, 14:12 »

You I assume are referring to me here, with the calling you out on your pod loss, so I'll just go ahead and cut through it.

Your character was being incredibly abrasive to everyone in the summit, and other people's character's, mine included, responded in kind. In real life, people don't generally take kindly when you say things like:

[ 2013.11.09 14:58:14 ] Urisuma Insaiji > Rea I do not think all of those of Caldari blood should be in the state. You are the prime example of why, so that the weak can leave and not weigh us down.

I don't see why you wouldn't expect the combative, self righteous attitude your character showed to have some backlash. And I'll be honest, I start arguments in the summit pretty often. Why? Because its fun. Because 'hugglefest RP' as Kat put it, isn't really all that engaging, and I'd rather get into stupid arguments, because it gives me something to do.

Keep in mind too, that nothing in EVE is sacred. Every loss, every action you take, every move you make, it could be part of RP. This isn't WoW where killing the raid boss can't be considered RP because you kill him once a week. You lose a ship? That happened to your character, and people might bring it up. My character is quite frankly, capable of being a trollish, aggressive, obnoxious self righteous twat, and she is called out on it pretty often. Your character trash talking everyone basically made her go 'okay, if he's going to be a jerk to me, I'll be a jerk back to him' and proceeded from there.

I really don't know how you expected any other outcome from what you did? You think talking about tea and cats is pretty boring? Yeah, I tend to agree. I get into some really in depth intellectual and philosophical discussions in the summit, and things will get pretty heated sometimes, but if you want to have that sort of interaction with people then there's a minimum level of respect that needs to be adhered to, or everyone will basically tell your character to go take a hike.

Just some friendly advice. No hard feelings on any of it really, I as a player don't have any problem with anything you did, but my character responded to what yours did in the way that she would in that situation. You can't expect people to be friendly with you if you're being a jerk to them, and your character was being a jerk.

PS: If you want to avoid losing a pod (except for around bubbles and smartbombs) ever again, then as your ship starts going down, click a celestial, so you bring it up in your selected items, and spam the warp to button. When your ship explodes, your pod (which has zero align time) will instawarp.
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2013, 14:14 by Saede Riordan »
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Isis Dea

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #6 on: 09 Nov 2013, 14:37 »

Heya Kunarian!  :cube:

Some advice:

[11/9/13 2:32:25 PM] [Censored]: lol everyone gets sick of backstage at some point
[11/9/13 2:32:31 PM] [Censored]: only RP snobs go there
(Wasn't me, swears!)

However this is also typically said for The Summit and occasionally the Intergalactic Summit too. The RP community for EVE Online is not very friendly at all, especially when compared to communities such as The Secret World or Roleplayer Guild. Even when it comes to being on-the-ball with the Lore here, as deep as it is.

Some people are very determined to believe their piece of the pie is the best and they're empowered within a group which (should they want to or not) enforces a standard which caters to them. This standard is to met by others or they'll end up outside the social circle very quickly.

If you're outside the circle, like me, prepare for endless waves of sarcasm, mockery, and plenty of personal attacks. If you're ever needing a little pick-me-up, just take a look at what I get to sort through within my posts, as I'm pretty inviting within my type of character for that kind of attention.

In the end, you can't please anyone by being independent and/or standing out, and if you like never using constructive criticism, and prefer sarcasm alongside jabbing one-liners, this might totally be home for you!  :D

Truthfully I hope not.

The Lore of EVE deserves better than that,
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2013, 14:39 by Isis Dea »


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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #7 on: 09 Nov 2013, 14:43 »

I will be the first to admit that I'm the one who looked at your killboard and pointed it out to Saede, since I like to verify a character's mechanical combat experience when they start discussing tactics. In this way both I and my character can determine whether or not to pay mind to the other character's words or to take those words with a grain of salt. For me, at least, I was interpreting your character as making statements about an area in which he appears to have little experience or authority. Of course in principle he could have been in one of the Empire's navies as a baseliner and thus have some experience, but no indication of that was made.

In other words, your character was making positive claims in an area that public kill records indicate he has little experience in. And yeah, he was being pretty abrasive towards others which certainly didn't help the situation. People in The Summit love calling each other out on things and argue over semantics pretty frequently, and this was just another example of that happening. It happens all the time, so I generally avoid topics that I can't back up with some sort of experience or otherwise contribute to in a constructive way.

Arista Shahni

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #8 on: 09 Nov 2013, 14:54 »

I'm sorry you feel that openly hostile about it Isis - as one of 'those Summit people' I wasn't aware you felt this way OOC about me.   Don''t be afraid to talk to me to see if there is any way to repair this, as the RP community is small enough as it is.  It does no good for us to wall ourselves off from eachother - especially with true hostility.

For the OP: there is no division between IG action and RP.. likely the best first fast rule.  But someone else already pointed that out.

Very best that if you are going to bark IC, be expected to bite, or be bitten - either in ships or in words.  Not being mean, just advice. 

Isis Dea

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #9 on: 09 Nov 2013, 15:07 »

It's not you specifically, Arista.

It's a lost art for role-players to look at a post, even a poorly made one, and work with it. It's just easier to insult these days than it is to try and navigate around someone's words in reinforcing/wording their statement better. This can be witnessed all the time in-game and on the forums.

I'm not qualified enough and my emotions get the better of me far more than they should but even within all my edginess/desire to bring conflict to all sides of New Eden, I'd like to say I know and try to work with people's posts (I got through to Diana Kim after all), I'd like to do that more often.

So Kunarian, if you ever need an RP partner or someone to (somewhat) show you the ropes, just hit me up in-game anytime! I'm sorry you caught this side of the community this early, try to believe me when I say the worst thing you can do right now is throw in the white towel on roleplaying here.

With a little work, I think it's possible to shove it all back in everyone's faces.  :twisted:

As said, call me.
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2013, 15:10 by Isis Dea »


  • Clonejack
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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #10 on: 09 Nov 2013, 16:55 »

Your character was being incredibly abrasive to everyone in the summit, and other people's character's, mine included, responded in kind. In real life, people don't generally take kindly when you say things like:

[ 2013.11.09 14:58:14 ] Urisuma Insaiji > Rea I do not think all of those of Caldari blood should be in the state. You are the prime example of why, so that the weak can leave and not weigh us down.

I'm RPing a character who was taught the patriotic version of Caldari basic beliefs of business and society. Rea was a character that disapproved of Caldari action to reclaim Caldari Prime, who said she generally disliked the state and found aggressive business practice bad. My character is not going to respond to that positively, I RPed the best I could a character that yes in our liberal western world would not be approved of but Caldari are the furthest from liberal and western in the game in reality.

I don't see why you wouldn't expect the combative, self righteous attitude your character showed to have some backlash. And I'll be honest, I start arguments in the summit pretty often. Why? Because its fun. Because 'hugglefest RP' as Kat put it, isn't really all that engaging, and I'd rather get into stupid arguments, because it gives me something to do.

I don't mind that people backlashed, it was when people seemed to try and go beyond RP that I got stressed. Also I like an argument (although I prefer debate) as much as the next person although pointless ones about the meaning of a word just aren't the ones I'm looking for! (Although this happens in real life so this one may be a suck it up moment.)

Keep in mind too, that nothing in EVE is sacred. Every loss, every action you take, every move you make, it could be part of RP. This isn't WoW where killing the raid boss can't be considered RP because you kill him once a week. You lose a ship? That happened to your character, and people might bring it up. My character is quite frankly, capable of being a trollish, aggressive, obnoxious self righteous twat, and she is called out on it pretty often. Your character trash talking everyone basically made her go 'okay, if he's going to be a jerk to me, I'll be a jerk back to him' and proceeded from there.

I wouldn't have a problem but your character brought up: A) that my guy was a five day year old pilot, which is only true to EVE subscription OOC not to IC where he has been flying an a non-independent pilot for several years already. Ignoring my RP was what annoyed me here. B) that my character lost a ship/capsule in low sec, now if you have an RP reason for knowing then great but that's unlikely to be honest.

I really don't know how you expected any other outcome from what you did? You think talking about tea and cats is pretty boring? Yeah, I tend to agree. I get into some really in depth intellectual and philosophical discussions in the summit, and things will get pretty heated sometimes, but if you want to have that sort of interaction with people then there's a minimum level of respect that needs to be adhered to, or everyone will basically tell your character to go take a hike.

Normally I don't get into overly heated arguments, I guess the problem is that arguments I commit to are the wrong ones about something my character feels too strongly about and so comes across as a bit OTT.

Just some friendly advice. No hard feelings on any of it really, I as a player don't have any problem with anything you did, but my character responded to what yours did in the way that she would in that situation. You can't expect people to be friendly with you if you're being a jerk to them, and your character was being a jerk.

PS: If you want to avoid losing a pod (except for around bubbles and smartbombs) ever again, then as your ship starts going down, click a celestial, so you bring it up in your selected items, and spam the warp to button. When your ship explodes, your pod (which has zero align time) will instawarp.

Protips accepted.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #11 on: 09 Nov 2013, 17:06 »

Firstly thanks to Isis Dea, your post really cheered me up.  :D

I will be the first to admit that I'm the one who looked at your killboard and pointed it out to Saede, since I like to verify a character's mechanical combat experience when they start discussing tactics.

I'm not a big combat pilot if you haven't guessed already and I'm fine with being called out for it (as Urisuma would say "I serve in other ways, we can't all be soldiers..."), it was just at a time when I was already stressed and it just piled on. In this case the problem was that Uri was having a debate from a business and more generalist point of view, when it seemed that everyone else was thinking of military tactics which I can understand as it's a big part of EVE, but this lead to many stressful misunderstandings.

In this way both I and my character can determine whether or not to pay mind to the other character's words or to take those words with a grain of salt. For me, at least, I was interpreting your character as making statements about an area in which he appears to have little experience or authority. Of course in principle he could have been in one of the Empire's navies as a baseliner and thus have some experience, but no indication of that was made.

For future reference he's skilled in personal combat due to history, not a bit space gunner though.

In other words, your character was making positive claims in an area that public kill records indicate he has little experience in.

Sorry but my character wasn't and this is the reason I got stressed. Please point out how and where this was said, your character assumed Uri was talking military and made a mistake. Don't spread the idea that Uri has ever made a claim to be anything of a military tactician falsely because people DO react differently to peoples characters if someone is spreading false ideas OOC about them and I'd rather not have my characters RP spoilt because of that.

For the OP: there is no division between IG action and RP.. likely the best first fast rule.  But someone else already pointed that out.

Very best that if you are going to bark IC, be expected to bite, or be bitten - either in ships or in words.  Not being mean, just advice.

Protips accepted.

Vic Van Meter

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #12 on: 09 Nov 2013, 17:08 »

Yeah, as a relatively new player, the background noise here is surprisingly virulent.  It's just one of those things you deal with.  Dig through the layers of UAD and there are people here that make roleplaying worthwhile.  Sometimes, you just have to tune out the static and wait for something worth replying to.


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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #13 on: 09 Nov 2013, 17:11 »

It's a lost art for role-players to look at a post, even a poorly made one, and work with it. It's just easier to insult these days than it is to try and navigate around someone's words in reinforcing/wording their statement better. This can be witnessed all the time in-game and on the forums.

I agree here, OOC I'm a co-operate and inclusive role player and if it wasn't breaking my character, every time I would support the newbie or person in trouble. I can only do so much OOC and so can other people but outright douchery for no reason gets on my nerves.

So Kunarian, if you ever need an RP partner or someone to (somewhat) show you the ropes, just hit me up in-game anytime! I'm sorry you caught this side of the community this early, try to believe me when I say the worst thing you can do right now is throw in the white towel on roleplaying here.

Roleplaying too long to stop now. The worst I'll do is just roleplay by myself, which is a sad and unfulfilling way of doing so.

As said, call me.

Thanks, shall do. :D

Sometimes, you just have to tune out the static and wait for something worth replying to.

Thanks for the advice. :)
« Last Edit: 10 Nov 2013, 02:59 by Kunarian »

Lyn Farel

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Re: Surviving RP
« Reply #14 on: 09 Nov 2013, 17:36 »

I am having a really hard time to understand what is the issue here ? I mean, looking for conflict, debates, and then not happy ? You are not happy about the form it took and what people chose to stomp upon ? Which means, that they chose to point out your capsuleer combat record because your character said that he preferred the weak to stay out of the State ?

I mean, from what I read there were plenty of ways to make your character defend himself, what does his combat record has to do with his opinions ? That's a very Eve thing, to always get back to epeen meter and ingame actions. While ingame actions are always mandatory to back up some claims, for things like that really it's a piece of cake to defeat them and make the one making the claim so silly...

Just trying to understand better.
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