I, for one, am pleased the Backstage community has people willing to reach out and communicate with other players who are perceived to be "doing it wrong".
[spoiler]You are personally entitled to be as fundamentally awful at roleplay as you damn well please (although you clearly didn't need my approval to do so).
The only thing that actually offends me about Church of the Crimson Saivour and similar individuals (Slaver Filth, Constantin Baracca to a lesser extent) is that you're so bad at what you do that it actually embarasses the rapidly diminishing number of old-guard Amarrian roleplayers who possess both actual talent and the patience to stick around hoping that things get better - Rodj Blake, Nicoletta Mithra, Aldrith Shutaq, most of PIE Inc. etcetera.
It's not that you're doing it wrong (although you are). It's that you're doing wrong by other people.
Aldrith disagrees btw. As does Stitcher, Ghost Hunter, Morwen, and several others.[/spoiler]
Yeah, and I stand by what I said. You don't seem to understand the prime fiction of EVE Online or how to portray a convincing or engaging character that isn't based on one of the oldest, tritest sci-fi clichés in history, but there really isn't any point trying to explain that to you because there's essentially no chance you'd actually listen to genuine criticisms even if I bothered to spend the time making them.
should embarass you that both my interpretation of your observed behaviour and
actual, factual evidence thus far has led me to believe that Slaver Filth is more likely to respond to reason than you are, but I strongly suspect you're beyond shame at this point.
[mod]Pattern detected: Flamebait, response to flamebait, YDIW, casting aspersions as to motives/attitudes of other players...[/mod]