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The Hyasyoda megacorporation is part of the 'liberal' faction, but is internally extremely conservative in business and its internal culture, with a great deal of pressure for employees to 'fit in'? It is still largely owned by the founding Osmon family.

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Author Topic: Slaver Filth?  (Read 9550 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #30 on: 15 Oct 2013, 13:22 »

Maybe he got bored to be looked down with his main...

Elmund Egivand

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #31 on: 15 Oct 2013, 22:57 »

Why not bring out the locator agent and shoot him?
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Steffanie Saissore

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #32 on: 15 Oct 2013, 23:09 »

That's hoping that he undocks
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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #33 on: 16 Oct 2013, 08:15 »

SCOPE REPORTING LIVE FROM THE AMARR REGION. We've a THRILLING story to tell you about amazing investigative journalism on the part of our brave and daring journalists!


Scope became aware of one pilot by the code name ' Slaver Filth' and his vitriolic ramblings against capsuleers. In a flurry of angst ridden words and bestiality laden insults, he derped a herp and forgot how to Amarr. As a fake ancestor to the legendary Gheinok, he decreed everyone else, including Amarr, heretics!


Scope investigative journalists tracked Mr. Filth to his home in highsec only to find him holed up in his station, preaching on further of slaver sex and an angry teenage god who listened to far too much Depeche Mode.


Scope will keep you updated as the story progresses!

Vic Van Meter

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #34 on: 16 Oct 2013, 10:09 »

I blocked this troll on the first day he appeared on the IGS. I read a few of his posts and didn't care for where I figured he was going, especially when he started claiming noble heritage and being a Speaker. At that point I made a little public service post to remind people about the block function.

I'm not sure why people keep responding to him since it's pretty obvious that he's just made this character to stir the pot and generate as much negative attention as possible. If everyone would block him he'd soon get tired of talking to himself and go away.

Or, keep handing him rope so that as he continues to cross the line CCP will ban his ass.   :yar:

I would have, but I can't say that I wanted to block the character completely.  As if we don't have cringingly embarrassing elderly people in our respective IRL cultures that make you wish someone would just shut them up and soiling all your work to make yourself look good.  It seems, as an Amarr player, it's kind of a cop-out to just ignore that guy permanently.  He's essentially the guy who gives us a bad name and it gives you something to react against in your own culture, however your character does that.

Still, I can't blame people for blocking him.  He pretty obviously started as a troll and has that tendency to troll.  I just can't say he's been completely useless in our community.  Then again, Odelya is sort of holding the same IC role but doing it a lot better, and without being a troll.  So his usefulness is somewhat lessened.

Samira Kernher

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #35 on: 16 Oct 2013, 10:20 »

It's not a cop-out if the blocking/ignoring is being done ICly. Samira's avoided responding to him because even if he's a heretic in her eyes, he's still Amarr of noble blood (or so he claims). It would be inappropriate for someone of her social status to make aggressive responses to him (though she has let slip a few minor quips, like the militia comment).
« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2013, 10:34 by Samira Kernher »

Iwan Terpalen

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #36 on: 16 Oct 2013, 11:38 »

I don't know, really. Middling to fair as trolls go, and although I liked the term "pre-slave", the whole slaver-hound-cum-drinking episode seemed like a break of character. Vea should really lay off the blow.

Aldrith Shutaq

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #37 on: 16 Oct 2013, 12:53 »

Pretty sure that's not Vea.

Iwan Terpalen

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #38 on: 16 Oct 2013, 13:03 »

Nonsense, Vea is the sum of all fears and demonic joining of our enemies.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #39 on: 16 Oct 2013, 13:05 »

I read it as a complete non sequitur and lol'd.

The advice goes for most people, really. Shit's bad for you.
Lagging Behind

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2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Vic Van Meter

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #40 on: 16 Oct 2013, 15:29 »

It's not a cop-out if the blocking/ignoring is being done ICly. Samira's avoided responding to him because even if he's a heretic in her eyes, he's still Amarr of noble blood (or so he claims). It would be inappropriate for someone of her social status to make aggressive responses to him (though she has let slip a few minor quips, like the militia comment).

Yeah, Constantin's essentially stood up like a wall to him, but he wouldn't ICly ignore anyone.  I seriously do look at Slaver Filth like that old guy who lives alone and is stuck in the 50s.  You know, the guy who is racist, sexist, judgmental, and bitter about how society is changing from when he was a kid?  Honestly, outside of a few trollish slips, that's pretty much been how I've treated him and he's played that part pretty well.  If that's the aim, then he's sort of filling that gap.

He's sort of the Amarrian that even most Amarrians are telling to STFU, the Moral Reforms happened a millenium ago, grandpa.  But that character ought to exist somewhere and be recognized that way.  He has a corollary in every culture on Earth, the crotchety old guy that no one likes and everyone tends to ignore when he goes on about Communism and those damn [insert racial slur here] trying to take over the country.  I think he definitely started as a troll, but as the character has grown, I'm not sure if he's stayed that way or if he's become more of an actual character.  For sure, it's sad he can't change his name, otherwise we could take him more seriously.

Either way, I don't think Constantin could ignore him.  When he's on task, Slaver's sort of a necessary evil in RP.  He's that example of what happens when everything that can go wrong in a society does and produces an embarrassment.

Iwan Terpalen

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #41 on: 16 Oct 2013, 15:49 »

Three pages already where three words* would suffice.

(*: "Moving swiftly on..")

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #42 on: 16 Oct 2013, 15:52 »

It is possible to be conservative and cantankerous Amarr with some flair and interest, we have seen this from many in the past.

Just jumping on and throwing out the worst of the culture doesn't add much.

IE if you are going to be an ass IC at least try to make them endearing in some other small ways, like awful people you can kind of appreciate or get behind in some other way.

If you are 100% argumentative and awful IC 100% of the time in every single post why does anyone ever want to interact with you?

Vic Van Meter

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #43 on: 16 Oct 2013, 22:20 »

Well, it speaks for itself, I guess.  While you want to say that the idea of an asshat Amarr doesn't lead to pleasant RP, he gets a lot more interaction than more pleasant and thoughtfully-created characters.  He's exactly what people want to see on the IGS.  We tend to vote with our posts, and he's engendered a reaction if nothing else.

I wouldn't call him the most constructive character ever, but he's the Amarr everyone wanted.  I might have misgivings, but it's hard to argue with results.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Slaver Filth?
« Reply #44 on: 16 Oct 2013, 22:35 »

Well, it speaks for itself, I guess.  While you want to say that the idea of an asshat Amarr doesn't lead to pleasant RP, he gets a lot more interaction than more pleasant and thoughtfully-created characters.  He's exactly what people want to see on the IGS.  We tend to vote with our posts, and he's engendered a reaction if nothing else.

I wouldn't call him the most constructive character ever, but he's the Amarr everyone wanted.  I might have misgivings, but it's hard to argue with results.

That's like saying the most successful trolls are the people we want to interact with on forums.  People have a tendency to respond to abrasive things.
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