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Kiaor was a notable Minmatar historical figure attributed with saying, "Those whom you hate so fervently, you must have once loved so deeply."

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Author Topic: Where do we go from here?  (Read 3630 times)

Demion Samenel

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #30 on: 27 Sep 2013, 22:33 »

Rp'ers 'invade' null, it's just that we're too small a percentage of the game to form even a reasonably sized corporation, I think. :(

I like to think we are many enough, but to get all those RP views to fitt into a coalition of RPers is a tricky one (if not impossible) :s

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #31 on: 28 Sep 2013, 00:34 »

Meh. Is that the best we can really do with immortality? It's a bit sad, really, innit? Bubble up around a gate and wait for some chump to try to warp to zero or, if you work FW space, fit out a huge bunch of cockbag sebo-arty Thrashers and camp Ichoriya/Akidagi?

I mean, it's a lifestyle choice and all that. There's nothing wrong with violencing somebody's spaceboat, but I kinda wish, from an RP angle, I could be doing something productive and constructive. Like, FW was sort of silly before Caldari Prime, but now - what happs? There kinda isn't a rationale for it.

Dude, that ain't piracy. That's being an incompetent lazy shit ruining the term pirate for the rest of us.

Then again Piracy as I loved and knew it is dead, there's no proper hunt, no ransoming - or honoring that ransom - and keeping a ransom board and being proud of it. It's all instalockers, OGBs and titanbridges now.

... And Condors, the main choice for the otherwise incompetent now that Dramiel is nerfed.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #32 on: 28 Sep 2013, 01:18 »

Actually the Dramiel seems to be the choice of the kind of person I'm told used to fly a Dramiel.

Although we do enjoy our Kondorschwarm in Pyre.

Ember Vykos

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #33 on: 28 Sep 2013, 22:45 »

Meh. Is that the best we can really do with immortality? It's a bit sad, really, innit? Bubble up around a gate and wait for some chump to try to warp to zero or, if you work FW space, fit out a huge bunch of cockbag sebo-arty Thrashers and camp Ichoriya/Akidagi?

I mean, it's a lifestyle choice and all that. There's nothing wrong with violencing somebody's spaceboat, but I kinda wish, from an RP angle, I could be doing something productive and constructive. Like, FW was sort of silly before Caldari Prime, but now - what happs? There kinda isn't a rationale for it.

Dude, that ain't piracy. That's being an incompetent lazy shit ruining the term pirate for the rest of us.

Then again Piracy as I loved and knew it is dead, there's no proper hunt, no ransoming - or honoring that ransom - and keeping a ransom board and being proud of it. It's all instalockers, OGBs and titanbridges now.

... And Condors, the main choice for the otherwise incompetent now that Dramiel is nerfed.

Emphasis added is mine.

I totally agree with Vince. That aint piracy. I would love to see a return to that type of playstyle, but short of going out there alone to do it I doubt I'd see it.

On RPers invading null: I think we could pull it off if we all rolled new chars or something and had a unified rp approach or if something drastic happened and all the RPers decided to oh I dunno go fuck up Goonswarm or something. I imagine we have the numbers to fill a decent sized corp if not make a pretty decent alliance when counting RPers that dont actively participate in the Backstage/Summit communities yet still RP and perhaps lurk here.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #34 on: 01 Oct 2013, 08:34 »

Although we do enjoy our Kondorschwarm in Pyre.

I smirked when I read this, you relinquished just all and every right to make snide remarks about instalockers, gatecampers and smartbombers.  :yar:

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #35 on: 02 Oct 2013, 15:47 »

Yeah, you'll have to explain that. Anyone who flies  things like Dramiels, Daredevils or Cynabals makes me chuckle when they claim that the Condor is OP.

Jandice Ymladris

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #36 on: 04 Oct 2013, 07:07 »

What everyone said about doing stuff OOC? that, all of that. Toss aside the RP for a bit and think what you the person want to do in Eve that's always seemed fun to you. Once found, DO THAT THING. RP shouldn't block game play avenues or fun. Mold your RP around your game play style, not the other way around. You might find some interesting twists and turns occur for RP goodness.

I can attest to this. Grew bored of EvE myself at a time, feeling I was at a dead end with RP as well. Then I decided to do something with this little hamstering addiction of mine and start up a personal RP project around collecting Civilians. With this as lead, I can do alot tbh gamewise & RP wise.
Do'nt ask what you can do for your RP, ask what RP can do for your playstyle.

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #37 on: 04 Oct 2013, 15:06 »

Yeah, you'll have to explain that. Anyone who flies  things like Dramiels, Daredevils or Cynabals makes me chuckle when they claim that the Condor is OP.

Condors are just as lame as the instalockers you bitch about. All about the easy, effortless kill. Thus you enter as the pot in the "pot and kettle" equation.

Do you understand now, or do I need to draw you a picture too?

As for the topic of Angel ships, they've been toned down somewhat from their height of excellence. Still you would expect a frigate that costs 50-110mil just the hull to deliver a considerably more bang than the one that's dime a dozen at the corner market - such as the Condor, where if you actually lose one it's not an effort to replace.

While my op wasn't about you...

PS. I don't fly Dramiles, DD's or Cynabals so your point is kind of moot and you only look a bit silly. Guess I hit a bit too close to home.  :lol:

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #38 on: 04 Oct 2013, 15:33 »

Oh my? Did *I* say you flew those ships? No?

I'd continue but I'm afraid you wouldn't hear me over the sound of being hoist by your own petard. Sorry I can't be arsed to find a picture of Morgan Freeman for you.

Now since I can't spare the effort of ritually wrestling Vincent to the ground to force an actual explanation from him (as is traditional in bittervet circles), can a GROWN-UP explain why what seems like a run-of-the-mill T1 frigate hull to this newbie is so overpowered? Compared, I mean, to hulls like the Tristan and the Atron (the Atron seems like a counterpart to the Condor imo, since it also does the cheapfit kitey thing, whilst the Tristan seems like a Merlin with five drones - and I wouldn't go NEAR one in a Condor if I was solo.)


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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #39 on: 04 Oct 2013, 19:05 »

All kiters are a pain in the ass to deal with, although there are ways to face them. There is a massive difference between jumping into an instalock camp and fighting a kiter. The later gives you the chance to see what's coming (condor on dscan - shouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be MWDing) and the chance to either chase him off or escape through slingshotting. The camp just means: Blap, you're dead, as every proper ganks.
But you should know this, being a godfather and all that. =)
As far as the Condor goes: I'm not scared of condors. There are worse ships I have to deal with, in equal price ranges.

Iwan Terpalen

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Re: Where do we go from here?
« Reply #40 on: 05 Oct 2013, 09:13 »

Posting to confirm that there is no possible counter to a paper-thin ship that relies on speed and an unbonused TD to stay alive, and that it's a Goddamned travesty that sub-40M hulls are capable of anything at all.
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