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Author Topic: [Happening Now] Live coverage of the Mantenault Referendum!  (Read 5586 times)

Pieter Tuulinen

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That's not my intention. Especially not for things that aren't really within our control.

PF isn't really set up to invade worlds. I really HAVE had 4800 marines in Nonni for about four months or so and have been dedicated time to them IC for training and suchlike, but I'm a little uncomfortable with the wankery aspects of saying 'Lol Invasion from Space'.


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Where is the love.  :eek: But an excellent job all around.

Etienne Saissore

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Enjoyed the event a lot. It was directly addressing some of the core themes of Gallente lore, gave raise to a number of lively debates, will probably be remembered for a long time, and it's not ever over yet - more repercussions seem likely to come. The reporting, story, visuals were all top-notch. It was also a good (albeit risky) call to extend the affair over several weekends, let the players get used to the idea and have enough time to get involved.

Pieter Tuulinen

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I suspect very little more will actually happen (at least from our end). With no way to direct friendly DUSTIES to flip Mantenault planetary districts (all Dust battles are random, apparently) and with Veik's reluctance for us to get too much involved in anything that we can't back up in Space, it seems unlikely that I'll get to push the red button on a planetary occupation. :(

Lyn Farel

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Apparently that thread turned into quite nefariously OOC veiled snipes at the 8th page. People arguing on whether they can not quote stuff that is basically nonexistant in PF OOcly, and other people basing pure fantasies on the same nonexistant material.

Doh, I forgot. We are here to win at RP !  :roll:

The IGS in a nutshell I guess. And when I think we were speaking of godmodding in the other thread... Pretty good example imo.


Katrina Oniseki

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My post was a shameless call-out on what I felt was a crappy move OOC. I also had a discussion with the person via mail about it, which was far more civil.


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Dear God, that thread now.  :lol:

I have no idea why the concept of actually being able to back your RP up in-game is such a terrible thing. It prevents situations such as the case now where it becomes he said vs. they said, like a bunch of children playing, "Whose toys are more super awesome powerful because they said so."

I'm quite disinclined to pursue such a form of "RP" because it will always descend into the depths of impotent dick-waving via IGS posting. It's like no one is able to grasp the simple concept that if/when Pyre Falcon does in fact enact its planned "Asset Realization" operations it will be done so only, as is quite realistic, that it maintains a degree of space superiority in a system for an extended length of time while taking all available planetary districts. This is so that there can be absolutely little to no doubt that corporate jackboots are being applied to faces.

Even then, there's other ways to play any denials of as such to the benefit of Pyre Falcon. It can just as easily be said, indeed, the capture of all planetary districts does not mean total occupation. As such, all the unverified reports of Veik authorizing chemical pacification of urban centres on a planet are lies or propaganda.

Present size of PYRE and certain game mechanics preclude this at present, hence why no claims have been made as far as I can see about it doing bugger all in Mantenault beyond Veik pointing that it's "On the list". If anything was going to happen it would involve a lot more shooting things in space and a lot less shit-posting on IGS.

Also, it's threads like that, that always make me think:

*slams open door*"IT'S PYRE FALCON TIME!"
*sound of sobbing*"No Veikitamo, no!"
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2013, 15:22 by Gesakaarin »

Lyn Farel

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Actually I thought that was a good thread with interesting world building things, where that series of news reinforced immersion and provided depth and insightful possibilities for a lot of shades of RP where everything can not be good or evil.

Then "You can't do that it's illegal according to the CEWPA charter !"
"Oh yeah ? Provide proofs or stfu !"
"No need to provide proofs any idiot can access the charter"
"You are wrong the CEWPA states that you are and says X"
"No u. It says Y, you just have to check it it's available to everyone even if I pulled Y out of my ass !"

happened. Or how to ruin an immersive storyarc.


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I don't think it's the first time the, "proof or stfu" argument has ruined some RP, Lyn, and I don't think it will be last.

Gwen Ikiryo

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I was a bit sad to see the thread end up the way it did, as well. I feel like weird passive-aggressive IC metafiction arguements happen quite a lot in EVE compared to other games, which I suppose makes sense when you think about the setting - It's extremely large, with huge amounts of undefined, uninspectable space, from everywhere from the inside of a Capsuleers ship (crew size debates) to how technology works,  to even large aspects of the makeup of whole cultures and nations.

Putting aspects of the world in the hand of the players is a blessing and a curse. This sort of thing can't really happen (or atleast not without huges streches in the imagination) in a regular MMO where if somebody claims such-and-such is happening in someplace, it's easy to just walk over there and say, "No, it isn't", or "Yes, it is". But in eve, there's no possible way to resolve it beyond the people involved breaking immersion and chatting OOC about what they collectively think it would be cool to fill in the "blanks" of the world with.

It kinda reminds me of the idea of Schrodingers Cat, actually.

You have a box with a cat inside where, due to quantum superposition hypothetically confusing the hell out the universe and human perception, it is paradoxically both alive and dead at the same time. Much in the same way that Mantenault currently exists in both a state of Caldari jackboot oppression and a Federal democratic status quo, and the CEWPA charter exists in both of state of permitting and disallowing militaries to mess a bunch with planetary populations. The only way to bring an end to this state is open the box - To "Observe" the cat and force the cosmos to make a decision.

However, we aren't able to do that, because the ability to interact at all with the box simply isn't in the game. So all we can do is present our own opinions of what probably exists inside the box, what "makes sense" due to outside context, even though they'll never be more then subjective perceptions, just like anything else that we, as players, can't "observe" with our own two eyes while flying around space in the game or reading in the lore.

It's reallty frustrating. For instance, I could make the claim that Gwen's family is so ludicrously wealthy that they actually own an entire continent on Saisio - And there'd be no way to say I'm wrong. Even if you were to plant PI crud all other the entire planet, I could just as easily claim that those facilities don't offer any actual control, and are just peacefully run by the locals, because the game does nothing to say otherwise.

No matter how ludicrous my statement was, there'd be no way to argue with me logically. Because the game does nothing to confirm or deny my opinion.

Hence, since the box can never be "opened" and the truth never "observed", all of the different possible worlds exist indefinitely in parallel to eachother, even though they're inherently contradictory. Which means that the only possible objection to someones perception is to challenge it with your own differing perception. Which by it's very nature, drags things out of character and sours the fun - Since it's a challenge to the both the player and the characters world, not just the character themself.

...Honestly, it almost seems like the only thing to do is for roleplayers to avoid things outside of the context presented by the game altogether. Although, that would create a very limited and kind of abstract world to interface with.

Maybe sandboxes are just bad for roleplay? :s

Laurentis Thiesant

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Well, I enjoyed attempting to find ambiguity in the Pyre-Falcon shareholder agreement. Especially considering there was no way possible at all ever that ISODE would be able to beat Pyre in any kind of action.

So that was fun, but yeah, things seemed to have devolved around the exact text (which is why I focused on Pyre's thing in writing in the first place instead of other documents).

It is unfortunate what happened, but at least we got somewhere at the start.
Cool things can happen when people are willing to throw their faction open to reasonable, but defendable attack. We should do that more often.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Ironically, Seriphyn and I were able to come to a gentleman's agreement on how the mechanics of occupying the planet would work with about ten minutes discussion in a OOC channel ingame.

It only really went pearshaped when someone demanded I provide the full text of a document that's public in canon but hasn't actually been written OOC. Yeah. I'll get right on that...

Anyway, it sounds like that thread has now provided all the fun it's going to. With my boss basically stomping on any further participation unless we can back it up with ingame assets and people stooping to ridiculous lengths, there's not much else to be done...

I don't know, was I wrong to participate?

Katrina Oniseki

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I enjoyed the thread, actually. I think it was splendid, and my short contributions of 'appeals' to both sides was fun to do. I couldn't find a place where Kat would have a bone to pick in it otherwise, which is why I was so late to the party.


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While I don't agree with how it was done in the thread, the actual (OOC) question's not a bad one: is there actually any PF that backs up the CEWPA 'documentation' - no matter how skinny or out of reach of players it may be?

I always assumed there was, but my recollection of where I got that idea from is relatively vague.

Also, was the idea that ground forces were involved with CEWPA warzones always there or did it only come into play after the Caldari occupied Placid entirely for the first time and planetary asset auctions were enacted?

I'm not saying anything is wrong there, but I honestly can't remember (or find with a fairly quick search) where the CEWPA stuff originated from.

Pieter Tuulinen

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There's always been a good kilo of assumption mixed in with the grams of actual fact. I suspect most of our knowledge comes from the game mechanics in the warzone. Certainly the Amarr and Matari speak of taking over the actual worlds when the system control flips.

Now, with the Dusties fighting over planetary districts, it could be argued that FW System ownership determines who runs everything not on a planet, whilst control of Planetary Districts determines who owns the planets.

The real problem comes when everyone accepts that control of an FW system is measured in weeks at best. Basically, putting my Caldari Corporate head on, gaining control of a system would be a signal to send teams of salvagers there to rip the place apart and ship everything out into highsec.

Nobody would invest anything into low-sec. Populations of planets there would wither and die - excepting places like Intaki which has managed to create some stability.
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