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That there was a total information blockade during the Caldari occupation of Placid, only lifted when the Caldari Navy in the area was destroyed or driven out?

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Author Topic: [Happening Now] Live coverage of the Mantenault Referendum!  (Read 5584 times)

Laurentis Thiesant

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I'm doing a thing.
World-building, Gallentean politics, Intra-Faction Conflict, that sort of thing.
Trying to break the mould whilst keeping it in a familiar setting (good old Caldari/Gallentean drama).

I'd love to have anyone get involved in anyway they want. I have no real 100% set plan and am adaptable. Get in touch if you want to do something please.
The citizens of Federation colony Mantenault VI go to the polls today in what will be a deciding moment for the future of not only their planet, but also for the entire tone of the Federation and Caldari warzone brought in under the CONCORD Emergency War Powers act.

This is how the parties on Mantenault have been campaigning leading up to the voting period today:

 Under normal Mantenault law, government affairs are handled on an ad hoc basis built on the foundation of a direct democratic system with suffrage held by all registered citizens of the colony. Shortly after the start of the CONCORD-sanctioned conflict in their region, the people of Mantenault voted to give up their authority to a 'National Administrative Government' overseen by the four sizable political parties on the planet. While in the past the 'parties' have acted more as community lobby groups in the Mantenault system, this reform in YC 110 gave them direct control over colonial affairs for the first time.

6 260 455 voters are eligible to cast a vote in this referendum authorized by the Administrative government, with three of the four council members supporting the move. While records on council decisions are sealed for six months immediately following, it is widely believed that the dissenting voice was Marnian Veroe of the Ultra-Nationalists.

With voting commencing shortly, the Institute of Social Development has decided to cover this poll as the the people of Mantenault decide – is it time to go back to business as usual after years of back and forth, or is it too early and too much of a risk during ongoing hostilities?

Have your say. Contact Laurentis Thiesant or respond on the IGS and tell us if you think it's time liberty or security reigned on Mantenault. Is the militia war no longer a direct threat to planetary colonies or is the worst yet to come?

Stay tuned for more updates as the day progresses.

The vote is being covered on the IGS here: and on the ISODE site here:

Join in!

Laurentis Thiesant

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Sociocrat reforms now up.

Lyn Farel

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I'm seriously torn between creating a sociocrat or an U-Nat.


Laurentis Thiesant

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Next two updates are available, featuring the following two pretty pictures.


Laurentis Thiesant

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Today’s events are not the first time that the controversial National Administrative Government has been the subject of heated debate. Since its inception several years ago, there have been near constant questions raised (mostly from outside sources) about the NAGs status under colonial law. Some academics believe that the structure of the emergency government, while put in place by democratic mandate, was in fact a violation of parts of the Federation charter which all member worlds and colonies agree to upon formation. Much of this debate has remained highly theoretical however, as the isolated and usually unimportant nature of the Mantenault colony meant that for the most part, the mainstream of Federal academia and law didn’t care enough to investigate further.

The decision to eventually hold a second vote on the NAG was brought to the party-based council after pressure began to be applied to the Progressor and Sociocrat parties from their superiors in the Placid region. Sources have said that other regional divisions of their parties were concerned about the effect the NAG could have on their public relations and campaign potential. One regional independent was believed to have called the NAG the death of democracy and spent much of his campaign highlighting the links between this ‘death’ and the major parties.

Back on the campaign trail, colonial militia forces have moved in to monitor the protest and calm minor scuffles that have flared up as counter-protesters have moved in to lodge their opposition to those calling for the vote to be scrapped.

As things stand, the no vote is now ahead on 1 102 388 with yes trailing slightly on 1 077 603. The feeling that we’re getting around the community is that many ‘yes’ voters are holding back and waiting for an ‘all clear’. The question now is whether or not that signal will be sounded in time, or will the negative campaign reach its quota of votes before the affirmative side can rally and make a comeback.

Laurentis Thiesant

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I need to sleep. Stay tuned for more from my wall of text.
I hope you're all enjoying my experiment in doing a thing.

Kaid Haiden

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This was an interesting thing that you just did. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it, will try to stay updated. Thanks for your hard work!

Laurentis Thiesant

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Interesting. I like this. :)
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So...basically this is an event of a colony deciding how they want to be governed?...sorry, I'm not very good with Gallente politics. Can I get a more summarized, laymen version of this?  :ugh:

NOT SAYING THIS IS BAD OR BORING!!! It's good someone is doing something, I just...sort of suck at following in-game politics.

Laurentis Thiesant

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Oh just read the two pages of posts on the IGS and you'll be fine!  :s

A big thanks to those who have participated insofar, less so/more so those on the Summit who have bombarded me with constant questions about democracy including every negative scrap they can find (whilst shrouding it in 'innocent nativity').

Those who are jumping in on the IGS - you're also good folk, talking this story to the next phase and the first 'opening' of the storyline.

What comes next will require some more capsuleer support I think, so please do help when the opportunity arises.

Arista Shahni

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Fortunately Arista does have a Gallente officer in her crew roster who can explain it slowly and in terms she can understand. :D

Laurentis Thiesant

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Fortunately Arista does have a Gallente officer in her crew roster who can explain it slowly and in terms she can understand. :D

Good because all that was tough to deal with at 1:30am in the dark.  :lol:

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Hehe, sorry about that.  Tib Haaaaaaaaaates Democracy.  Such a misguided system, to his eyes.
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!


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I've been really enjoying these.  Thank you.
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