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Patient reporting sleep disturbances, exhaustion, displaying signs of depression, agitation, and anxious mood.
Displaying acute PTSD. (Later inclusion: pre-exsiting stage 3 GAD unresolved from 01.10)
Testing possible positive for one out of the three primary diagnostic criteria for CDD (Reality Testing). It is unclear with current information if this is a differential diagnosis as this time.
Patient has been counseled spiritually in the appropriate traditional framework for their belief-system (the "Terms Method", Edani VI) in a manner similar to AAS (Imperial Navy standard Protocol, Amarr Prime), with exception being a one on one session as opposed to AAS Mass. A cognitive therapy approach was used for non-spiritual issues. Inability to prescribe medication across faction lines to a militia officer limits treatment to naturopathic methods at this time, however if the patient continues suffering acute symptoms, arrangements will be made with the Lai Dai Institute.
The patient appears to have made strides toward recovery within normal parameters and time-frame. Purposeful re-connection with spiritual traditions and teachings has had the expected positive effect on relieving exhaustion, anxiety, and depressive mood associated with the mixed diagnosis of GAD and PTSD.
The inclusion of an involvemet a spiritual leader occurred, as well as a positive life change (marriage), which intermingled in the time frame of consultation. This seems to have added a positive effect in overall mood and outlook, likely due to establishing and/or reaffirming connections with the communal frame-work, despite (or could even attributed to) the danger and difficulty of the tasks. The patient has been advised to spend to spend some time to continue solidifying relations with their partner in a situation that will not add stressors. The patient has mutually agreed to re-consult in four weeks, or if a relapse in disruption of psychic, occupational, or social activity occurs.
CDD is not indicated at this time.
((Added for reference, lawl))
Capsuleer Depersonalization Disorder: Know the Signs
A disassociative condition similar to the Baseliner disorder, marked by a rapid decline of thought processes, reality testing, and synthesis. Episodes can be acute or chronic.
The causes of CDD vary. Though it occurs in all demographics, Pilots with highly inconsistent and/or limited decantating schedules are in the top percentage of reported cases, the second highest being Pilots living in Sleeper space, followed thirdly by high combat exposure.
There are currently no standardized treatment options, though cognitive therapy shows moderate efficacy. Anectdotal reports have been made of ethanol halting symptoms when delivered in a high nonlethal dose, but this is not advised as it is shown to only briefly mitigate the disorder, and the time-frame of an episode can vary from hours to months.