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Author Topic: The Alignment System Game!  (Read 32222 times)

Silas Vitalia

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:35 »

Silas: Lawful Evil. 

"A lawful evil villain methodically takes what She wants within the limits of her code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. She cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life"

Character's views of the following:

Anslo - Chaotic Good
Kalaratiri - Not enough interaction to give proper answer!
Makkal - Neutral.  Too early to tell which way the wind will push her, and who is doing the pushing.
Pieter - Lawful Neutral.  The proper soldier.
Karmilla -  Chaotic Neutral turning to Neutral Evil




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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #16 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:40 »

Silas: Lawful Evil. 

"A lawful evil villain methodically takes what She wants within the limits of her code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. She cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life"

Incidentally, Lawful Evil villians are much easier to thwart than Lawful Good ones. Since evil is about self-interest, you can make a Lawful Evil person change their course by making it unprofitable for them to continue. For Lawful Good ones on the other hand... They keep persisting even if it is not in their best interest to do so anymore.

Lawful Good people will escalate towards a nuclear holocaust if the cause is just. Lawful Evil people simply aren't that stubborn and too self-interest to run that kind of risk.


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #17 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:43 »

Silas - Lawful Evil. Makkal was raised in the estate of a Kingdom Holder. As naive as she might be, she knows enough to know she doesn't want to know more, and Silas seems to be cut from the same despotic cloth.

Additional comment: That alignment system is all male.
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2013, 12:45 by Makkal »
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Silas Vitalia

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #18 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:47 »

Lawful Good people will escalate towards a nuclear holocaust if the cause is just. L

I can't find it right now, but there's that awesome quote I saw on an Amarr's bio somewhere, something like.

"I will suffer no sin, even if it would mean the whole world to burn."

But said more eloquently. Bad-assness Amarr personified.


Katrina Oniseki

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #19 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:50 »

I think I'd say Katrina is Lawful Neutral. She really isn't interested in morality, merely following the path of Ishukone. She's done some nasty things right alongside her humanitarian things.


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #20 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:53 »

Katrina - Lawful good. The Chūjō is wise, brave, honorable, and merited. Makkal hopes to live up to her example.
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Saede Riordan

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #21 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:54 »

I generally characterize Saede as being rather chaotic good. I'm sure not everyone sees her that way, but that's cool. She's a character whose trying very hard to be 'good' in a very dark universe, where it isn't even immediately apparent what it means to be good. But she has a lot of power and she's more then willing to throw it around in an attempt to do what she can. Sometimes this works, sometimes it backfires. I think that's neat and adds a good deal of dynamism to the character. She's always working towards something.
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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #22 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:54 »

Also, my claim is that if you fly around in low-sec with your safeties not on green, you're not Lawful Good.  :D


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #23 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:56 »

Synthia - Lawful Good.

It is Written. It is Righteous.

Merdaneth - Also, Lawful Good - although, clearly, misguided.
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2013, 13:04 by Synthia »
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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #24 on: 20 Jun 2013, 12:59 »

Don't forget to give you alignment opinion to people above you!

Saede: Chaotic Good fits her right. If there was an in between for Chaotic Good and a spin on Lawful Evil where the person helps others even if it means harming them initially, I'd go with that but vOv. HONEY SAEDE DON'T GIVE A SHIT

Synthia: Haven't interacted enough. But on the Beach, she seemed nice, kind, and empathetic despite being a Blooder. Need moar interaction~desu.

Lyn Farel

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #25 on: 20 Jun 2013, 13:04 »

I guess Lyn started as Lawful Neutral, until the end of KotMC. Now she is more of a True Neutral.


Anslo : Lyn sees him as Chaotic Good, "Rebel". Anslo is too much chaotic to be anything else to her. He will turn against any form of authority that he does not seem to appreciate a lot when it goes against what he considers to be right. Usually when you read him, it comes from his heart.

Karmilla : Neutral Evil. She was more neutral good or true neutral back in the days, but the last times on the IGS or considering her affiliations, mostly Neutral Evil.

Pieter : Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good, hard to tell. He is too much Caldari to really be a Lawful Good but at the same time seems to care a lot about how others live for a Caldari.

Kala : Lyn does not know her especially.

Steffanie : Lyn never met her.

Silas : Lawful Evil. Self explanatory.

Kat : Lyn sees her as Lawful Neutral since she seems to obey to her duty for Ishukone. As long as she remains in the law, she does not seem especially benevolent nor maligned.

Saede : Lyn wouldn't be able to decide between Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. At times it seems the former, and sometimes the latter.

Merdaneth : Lawful Good.

Synthia : Lawful Neutral or True Neutral.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #26 on: 20 Jun 2013, 13:16 »

As though to demonstrate Lithium's point, the Alignment Test coughed up this result for Aria:

You Are:

Neutral Good

Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment because when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.

Detailed Results:

Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Chaos --- XXXXX (5)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Neutral - XXXXXX (6)
Evil ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)

That said, the system is better taken to reflect the holistic aggregate of a person than the details-- although a "NG" result for Aria is still nonsense.

Aria would categorize Diana Kim as Lawful Evil (with a partial pass on account of crazy) and Lyn Farel as Chaotic Good-- apparently well-intentioned but too iconoclastic for her own good.
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2013, 13:19 by Aria Jenneth »

Samira Kernher

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #27 on: 20 Jun 2013, 13:18 »

Samira is Lawful Neutral, with a strong potential for going Lawful Evil as she lacks real empathy for other people and needs only be ordered to commit Evil acts to commit them. Either way, strongly Lawful of course, due to being raised to be completely loyal, obedient, and restrained. Everything about her life is strongly structured, allowing her to only let go when in private.

Aria I don't know anything about so can't rate.

Diana Kim is someone I'd consider to be Lawful Evil. She's absolutely dedicated to her cause and willing to give her life to defend it, but she's prone to committing whatever is necessary in the pursuit of that goal.

Quote from: Lithium Flower
According to this specification, how you will call a character, who on one hand is ready for great personal sacrifices, including sacrifice with own life, but on other hand readily kills innocents? It can't be good, can't be evil and completely inverse form of 'neutral'.

They'd be Evil. Alignment refers primarily to deeds (intent plays a factor, but you have to act good to be Good, and acting evil makes you Evil), and if your deeds are Evil then you're Evil, no matter how just your cause. You might have started out Good, but the moment you commit evil actions in the pursuit of that good you'll start dropping down the scale.

Being Evil is NOT about simple self-interest. It might play a factor but you can be Evil without being selfish, and you can be selfish without being Evil as many Neutral characters can be selfish. Even Good characters sometimes can be selfish, too (though it's a path to dropping). Being Evil is about committing evil deeds, which both selfish and selfless characters can do.

The one thing the alignment system doesn't take into consideration is different cultural conceptions of morality. It's designed to be a "classic" western morality system. So, many Amarr would be Evil on the DnD scale, even if good by Amarrian morality. There's nothing wrong with this.
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2013, 13:51 by Samira Kernher »

Aldrith Shutaq

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #28 on: 20 Jun 2013, 13:24 »

Aldy started off firmly in Chaotic Good territory, but has been shoved towards the middle by many embittering experiences. I would say he is currently Neutral Good, dancing towards True Neutral if a few more crappy things happen to him.

Good/Evil Scale:

He means well and wants the best for everyone, but some people simply need to die horribly as an example to all those who would try to repeat their crimes. He does certainly have a ruthless streak now, taking no prisoners when it comes to those he considers irrevocably evil like Sani Sabik, Sansha, pirates and the sort. Killing for duty is able to be respected, but killing for personal gain, fun or the fulfillment of an illegitimate philosophy is nigh unforgivable. Better to just put the dogs down loudly and violently so the rest of the pack gets the message.

This ruthless bent would probably become a central part of him if he ever becomes evil. He is also paranoid about betrayal and might now sometimes push away some perfectly decent people if they have mixed loyalties, hang around scum, have a spotty past, or are otherwise questionable. Still, there is plenty of good left in him, you just have to clear off the layer of crusty bitterness that has formed over it in the last five years.

Lawful/Chaotic Scale:

Aldy started life as a capsuleer not really caring much about tradition, social status and the like. He came from a background that is about as free as you can get in the Empire (privately employed entertainer/artist/intellectual) and never really had to bow down much so long as he stayed likable to the right people. He could speak as a virtual equal to most Holders and could also easily move through the commoner and even slave castes without causing much of a fuss. Life was his oyster and rules were just there to make sure idiots didn't mess up.

Then he was an idiot and messed up. After the whole Izanami ordeal he realized that he needed to be humbled and to get some discipline in himself so that he would never fail his morals so thoroughly again. Thus Bitter Aldy was slowly developed through two years of self-inflicted pain through his training with Otheiran, trying to keep the Knighthood together, and fighting that unwinnable FW.

Now he has come to the conclusion that people are crap and rules exist to keep them from degenerating into disgusting, depraved animals. Nevertheless, not all rules are needed. He hovers near the lawful scale, but still breaks rules when it suits him.

Now! For all you lot:

Anslo: I'd actually say Chaotic Neutral. He certainly goes in the face of authority, but he is more shaky on the moral front. He seems to mean well, but he does have a spotty past and seems a little selfish at times.

Karmilla: Not sure what she has done most recently, but True Neutral with strong Chaotic leanings does seem to fit what I've seen of her. Is mean, but not completely crazy, respects Amarrian tradition somewhat but mostly does what suits her.

Steffanie: Certainly Lawful Good. Thing is she is trying to consciously follow that path, which may or may not work out.

Pieter: Lawful Neutral with Good leanings. Haven't seen him take much of a moral stand yet, but seems pretty decent and well-intentioned.

Makkal: True Neutral with Chaotic leanings. Hasn't taken any moral stances as far as I can tell, and clearly does not care much about the standard rules of conduct insofar as social interaction goes. She might respect her local laws, but she doesn't at all seem like the type to go out of her way to bend over backwards for them.

Merdy: Paladin all the way!

Silas: Evil Overlord all the way!

Saede: Chaotic Evil. Ho blew up my Coercer unprovoked! 3 to 1! When I was defending my homeland! Honorless scuuuuum!

Synthia: Lawful Neutral. Means well, but is Sabik. Can't be a good if you believe there are savants destined to rule over the rest of the wiggly worms of humanity.

Aria: Agreed.

Samira: Also agreed, and she'd better not go evil on my watch!


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #29 on: 20 Jun 2013, 13:26 »

Saede - Chaotic neutral. Transhumanism is a break from what is and so inherently chaotic, and the woman herself seems amoral.

Synthia - Neutral. Robots aren't people.

Lyn - Unknown. Apparently chaotic enough to be kicked from a PIE ball.

Diana Kim - Lawful Evil. Should have been born in the Kingdom, would be appreciated by those who understand zeal in destroying one's enemies is a good thing. '

Samira - Neutral. Like animals, most slaves can't really be described as having an alignment. She seems to obediently parrot whatever others tell her, so there's no sign she's different from the norm.

Aldrith - Chaotic evil. Scares her more than any other character she's interacted with.
« Last Edit: 20 Jun 2013, 13:28 by Makkal »
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