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The Hyasyoda megacorporation is part of the 'liberal' faction, but is internally extremely conservative in business and its internal culture, with a great deal of pressure for employees to 'fit in'? It is still largely owned by the founding Osmon family.

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Author Topic: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie  (Read 7510 times)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #60 on: 08 May 2013, 09:16 » Well I can see they're trying to undo the TEA bff coalitions but...I can't see any IG/IC reason Amarr would Reclaim the Caldari at all :\ Unless the Other is going full Derp.

My reasoning's pretty much as Ollie stated, with a few additions.

* There's currently no other trouble between the Amarr and the Caldari, though something could come up in the course of winding up (please God) Heth's storyline, so these rumblings in the Empire seem like dark omens. Alternatively, the "Reclaiming" saber-rattling could be the equivalent of a static charge waiting for something to ground it-- like a Heth-related lightning rod.

* The Caldari are not Amarrian believers. They are heathens, and must, according to the more conservative Amarr (as well as others if pressed), eventually be Reclaimed for God one way or another.

* The State is currently in a state of disarray verging on civil war.

* The border the State is watching is not the Amarrian border. Warnings about the Amarr from various State loyalists have gone largely unheeded-- and even such loyalists normally assume that the Amarr would not attempt to Reclaim the Caldari unless the Federation and Republic were no longer threats.

* Really conservative Amarr have a bad tendency not to fairly weigh the strengths of other cultures or their militaries. "Have faith. God will grant victory to our righteous cause!" is an excellent stand-in for careful strategy where morale is concerned, though not so much in terms of practical consequences. IC reactions to Vak'Atioth suggest that the Amarr still have not fully adjusted to living in a world where they cannot steamroll everybody in sight, and CCP has a demonstrated tendency to pick up IC tropes it likes and run with them.

* The Federation and the Republic are now on the outs; the Amarr may very well sense an opportunity to roll up all three of their competitors, one by one-- but the Federation and Republic are on guard against Amarrian incursion, and the Amarr will need a lot of additional forces to guarantee victory against either one singly. Pity the Caldari war effort has stalled and they're wrapped up in their own internal power struggles. "Oh, wait. We can do something about that."

* There may be certain plans within the Empire that the Amarr believe could place the Caldari State into their hands with minimal loss of power or war material-- especially if they can seize the center of power and ensure that the CEP (or Heth, or both) are dancing to their tune. They demonstrated in their handling of the Minmatar that they have no qualms about turning existing power structures to their advantage.

* Net result: massive but arguably understandable miscalculation with terrible consequences for Caldari/Amarr relations: even if the Amarr seize the whole CEP, the Caldari people aren't going to recognize any leadership under the control of a foreign power. The Caldari pull together as they tend to in times of crisis, and the Amarr incursion finds itself facing the full military might of The Citadel. House Sarum withdraws with heavy losses. The Caldari State formally withdraws from its alliance with the Amarr and fortifies that border, as well.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2013, 09:19 by Aria Jenneth »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #61 on: 08 May 2013, 09:34 »

It's too bad we can assume the Empire and State will bumble this golden opportunity.

'if it were real' Empire and State would just sits back and have a nuka-cola while the Fed and Matari burn each other out.

Empire suggests State play possum and push for peace with Fed. Amarr and Caldari subtly push Fed/Republic into open hostilities, or push Fed to lead charge to have Republic removed from CONCORD, etc, whatever. Federation removes all economic stimulus, funding, and supplies to Republic.

State / Empire use relative peacetime to stack up resources. Wait about a year or so for full blown recession/depression in Republic

Empire consolidates nearly all forces into mega blob invasion force, all the other Heir families have to pull own forces back to core worlds and temporarily abandon frontiers to pirates for duration of campaign.

State does same.

Mega Blob Invasion Force Activate!

Caldari Navy hits Federation core worlds

Jamyl leads burn and pillage tour to Republic core worlds.

Jamyl and Heth share a nice bottle of champagne and we turn the servers off.





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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #62 on: 08 May 2013, 09:36 »


I really mean it; people are getting engaged and even "light" RP's are participating. I guess the bucket sometimes need to be turned upside down for interesting things to happen.

ADD: I need a bit more Brutor hooligan mentality, aka. proud warrior that does not acknowledge defeat. Less kumbaya. As Myyona is a dedicated humanitarian I cannot do it myself. :|
« Last Edit: 08 May 2013, 09:51 by Myyona »
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Alain Colcer

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #63 on: 08 May 2013, 09:44 »

wouldn't be nice if it was all Blaque's plotting to make ethnic gallente the "ruling" caste, making the Federation a Xenophobic nation? now that is going to cause ripples.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #64 on: 08 May 2013, 09:53 »

Lyn: Thing is, cause its not IC knowledge in any way, the devs now can basically ignore the worst parts of it. The symptoms of how she is acting can be explained many ways, Gonzales approach is only one of them. All of his nonsense can be removed entirely and dismissed as rumors, because the IC available material never actually used that storyline.

I agree that almost everything about her from TEA is total garbage and needs to go, but the character is salvageable.

The character is salvageable if that goes away, yes. TonyG approach is not one of them. It is written in black and white in the book. As long as it stays that way, it's PF. If CCP wants to get rid of TEA or retcon it heavily, they are welcome to do so, however.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #65 on: 08 May 2013, 09:56 »

Oh-- just thought of another one.

* House Sarum could turn up on the pretext of aiding Tibus Heth against his enemies in the State, presuming he'll be in their pocket in the aftermath. Whether this is true or not proves irrelevant on account of the State sensing a foreign attempt at meddling and promptly turning on both Heth and the Amarr. The net result is to associate Heth and his dubious legacy with the Amarr Empire in the minds of the Caldari public and give Mens Reppola an unimpeded shot at the Executor's seat if he wants it.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2013, 09:58 by Aria Jenneth »


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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #66 on: 08 May 2013, 10:28 »

So does anyone have any ideas why the Federation weren't prepared to at least let some RSS intel officers observe the interrogation of the alleged assassin of Karin Midular?

Is it because the assassin is actually a (rogue?) agent of the Federation?

Is the most likely reason that Shakor would order the fleet in because he believes that the assassin is actually an agent of the Federation, or does it merely serve his purposes as an puppet of the Jove* to further whatever their plans are? </tinfoil>

I'm trying to make sense of the apparent choices by the heads of the federation and the republic, and failing, but as has been noticed before, I sometimes lack imagination.

* From evelopedia, Shakor "was ambushed by the Amarr Royal Guard who killed all of his men and would have killed him as well if not for the Jove who rescued him, held him two years, and returned him a changed, calmer man." (emphasis mine)

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Silas Vitalia

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #67 on: 08 May 2013, 10:32 »

The way everyone is acting a Federation False-Flag does sound extremely reasonable.

Fed absolutely not going to turn them over.

Shakor's Jovian Spidey-sense is tingling and he tries to act fast :P


Louella Dougans

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #68 on: 08 May 2013, 10:36 »

* The Caldari are not Amarrian believers. They are heathens, and must, according to the more conservative Amarr (as well as others if pressed), eventually be Reclaimed for God one way or another.

There are plenty of Caldari believers, according to multiple mission sources. They tend to be on the fanatic side.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #69 on: 08 May 2013, 10:59 »

* The Caldari are not Amarrian believers. They are heathens, and must, according to the more conservative Amarr (as well as others if pressed), eventually be Reclaimed for God one way or another.

There are plenty of Caldari believers, according to multiple mission sources. They tend to be on the fanatic side.

So much the better-- they can help Reclaim their brethren.

The Caldari as a people and a culture, however, are heathens. The faith of the Amarr may appeal to some, but I'd be astonished if it were even 5% of the whole.

5% of hundreds of billions is still "plenty."

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #70 on: 08 May 2013, 11:25 »

Alternatively, maybe it wasn't a Federation job.

Perhaps the shooter was hired by Shakor himself, and the Federation revealing that, even privately to the RSS, would not exactly go over well.

It's not like Shakor has ever been shown to actually think anything good of Midular. He forced her out of government. She was the last remaining beacon of sense and logic in the Republic's leadership that could possibly stand in the way of his belligerent schemes.

He stands to benefit - in the short, term, yes - from her death. A populace that is even more enraged than ever is easier to manipulate into doing what he wants.

Keep in mind Shakor also took power as a result of :tonyg:. If his changes to the universe are being systematically eradicated (the way things are looking now, with Heth, Jamyl and Midular already slipping down the drain), that will include Shakor.

If the Federation reveals proof that Shakor is behind the attack and Caille, he and his minions will find themselves in a lot of very deep shit, very quickly.
Lagging Behind

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2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #71 on: 08 May 2013, 11:54 »

Alternatively, maybe it wasn't a Federation job.

Perhaps the shooter was hired by Shakor himself, and the Federation revealing that, even privately to the RSS, would not exactly go over well.
If the Federation reveals proof that Shakor is behind the attack and Caille, he and his minions will find themselves in a lot of very deep shit, very quickly.

I considered this, and while it would explain why Shakor is being such a dick about it, it doesn't explain why the Federation is behaving the way it is. What's in it for them to hide information about the shooter? If they were keeping the information quiet to try to keep Shakor on-side, then why would Shakor attack? Especially an attack that's so doomed to fail, and executed so stupidly.

 It doesn't make sense to me.
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
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4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

Caellach Marellus

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #72 on: 08 May 2013, 11:57 »

Alternatively, maybe it wasn't a Federation job.

Perhaps the shooter was hired by Shakor himself, and the Federation revealing that, even privately to the RSS, would not exactly go over well.
If the Federation reveals proof that Shakor is behind the attack and Caille, he and his minions will find themselves in a lot of very deep shit, very quickly.

I considered this, and while it would explain why Shakor is being such a dick about it, it doesn't explain why the Federation is behaving the way it is. What's in it for them to hide information about the shooter? If they were keeping the information quiet to try to keep Shakor on-side, then why would Shakor attack? Especially an attack that's so doomed to fail, and executed so stupidly.

 It doesn't make sense to me.

Ego. They might not have cracked the shooter yet and put all the pieces together. But if a fleet comes jumping into their territory shouting and making demands, their pride is too much to not put the guard up and start barking back.
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Morwen Lagann

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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #73 on: 08 May 2013, 12:01 »

Also, timing.

Doing it right after Midular died would be bad.

Doing it right after the incident occurred (if they had the info that quickly) would garner a "pfff, stop pointing fingers".

Waiting until Shakor has overextended himself to reveal it allows for a very quick, decisive and internal resolution as the Sebiestors' rage over Midular's death can be refocused directly onto the man actually responsible for the whole mess.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Republic/Federation skirmish: Colelie
« Reply #74 on: 08 May 2013, 12:24 »

Alternatively, maybe it wasn't a Federation job.

Perhaps the shooter was hired by Shakor himself, and the Federation revealing that, even privately to the RSS, would not exactly go over well.
If the Federation reveals proof that Shakor is behind the attack and Caille, he and his minions will find themselves in a lot of very deep shit, very quickly.

I considered this, and while it would explain why Shakor is being such a dick about it, it doesn't explain why the Federation is behaving the way it is. What's in it for them to hide information about the shooter? If they were keeping the information quiet to try to keep Shakor on-side, then why would Shakor attack? Especially an attack that's so doomed to fail, and executed so stupidly.

 It doesn't make sense to me.

Ego. They might not have cracked the shooter yet and put all the pieces together. But if a fleet comes jumping into their territory shouting and making demands, their pride is too much to not put the guard up and start barking back.

Don't even have to be that, can simply be a case of self-defense, as simple as it seems. Gang of angry people in Dreads force their way into your space? Tell them to leave. They refuse? Tell them again and warn them you will shoot. They start shooting? Shoot back.

It really is that simple. Why should the Fed or anyone bend over when someone want to force their way into their home and take off with something that is yours? It don't matter what it is or why once they start shooting to get it.
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