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Author Topic: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!  (Read 3732 times)


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OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« on: 07 May 2013, 03:05 »

That moment when...

...You learn something OOC. The next time you attempt an IC (inter)action within that bit of information's 'sphere' you're suddenly very unsure as to whether your character is acting in a 'pure' manner or whether that outside knowledge is tainting your character's reaction.

What do you do?
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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #1 on: 07 May 2013, 03:33 »

Curl in a ball, doubt.
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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #2 on: 07 May 2013, 03:45 »

Curl in a ball, doubt.
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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #3 on: 07 May 2013, 04:12 »

Old UK fest larp wisdom dictates that ooc knowledge becomes ic knowledge 24 hours after it leaks.

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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #4 on: 07 May 2013, 05:20 »

Typically, if I'm unsure whether the information I know was learned IC or OOC, I'll er on the side of caution and pretend my character doesn't know.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #5 on: 07 May 2013, 07:46 »

A quick OOC mail to the person who will be effected IC usually solves the problem

"Hey am I supposed to know X IC? I think I am"

"Yes go ahead"


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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #6 on: 07 May 2013, 08:03 »

A quick OOC mail to the person who will be effected IC usually solves the problem

"Hey am I supposed to know X IC? I think I am"

"Yes go ahead"


"No super seekrit stahp. Stahp nao."

This yeah. That of course doesn't apply to tactically relevant metagame information.
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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #7 on: 07 May 2013, 08:08 »

+1 to Silas

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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #8 on: 07 May 2013, 08:16 »

I think you peeps misunderstood her question.

I tend to avoid situations like the one Makkal described by limiting my OOC knowledge severely (because I have a hard time remembering what is IC or OOC knowledge, especially in cases where my IC knowledge partly overlaps with the OOC knowledge) and thus I do not encounter these situations often.
If I do find myself in such a situation, it depends on the specific situation. I might chalk it up to intuition. I might make a concious effort to steer in the opposite direction of what my character would do if he did have the OOC knowledge. Hard to tell, really.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #9 on: 07 May 2013, 08:37 »

I remember once accidentally ruining a plot someone was working on, had read something in OOC, forgot about the channel divide, and started discussing it in Summit.


So while it was my fault I would like to caution people that if you want things not to be screwed up, limit who and where you discuss them.

Better to talk about it after ooc than before and have it derped.


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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #10 on: 07 May 2013, 08:39 »

I remember once accidentally ruining a plot someone was working on, had read something in OOC, forgot about the channel divide, and started discussing it in Summit.


So while it was my fault I would like to caution people that if you want things not to be screwed up, limit who and where you discuss them.

Better to talk about it after ooc than before and have it derped.

I remember that too, but I don't remember what it was.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #11 on: 07 May 2013, 08:41 »

I remember once accidentally ruining a plot someone was working on, had read something in OOC, forgot about the channel divide, and started discussing it in Summit.


So while it was my fault I would like to caution people that if you want things not to be screwed up, limit who and where you discuss them.

Better to talk about it after ooc than before and have it derped.

I remember that too, but I don't remember what it was.

If I recall correctly, Valdezi was (IC) seekretly moving a bunch of assets down to my area to try and gank me, and I commented on it IC, making it pointless.



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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #12 on: 07 May 2013, 10:35 »

Typically, if I'm unsure whether the information I know was learned IC or OOC, I'll er on the side of caution and pretend my character doesn't know.

It was learned OOC. Not IC.

"Hey am I supposed to know X IC? I think I am"

It was learned OOC. Not IC.

Maybe starting threads before I go to bed is a bad idea.
« Last Edit: 07 May 2013, 10:44 by Makkal »
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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #13 on: 07 May 2013, 10:42 »

Old UK fest larp wisdom dictates that ooc knowledge becomes ic knowledge 24 hours after it leaks.
I should somewhat hate for this to become the norm.

That said, what if it's been 12 hours and you're interacting with that character now.

I think you peeps misunderstood her question.


I tend to avoid situations like the one Makkal described by limiting my OOC knowledge severely (because I have a hard time remembering what is IC or OOC knowledge, especially in cases where my IC knowledge partly overlaps with the OOC knowledge) and thus I do not encounter these situations often.

Right. I'm thinking of just not signing into OOC channels anymore.

If I do find myself in such a situation, it depends on the specific situation. I might chalk it up to intuition. I might make a concious effort to steer in the opposite direction of what my character would do if he did have the OOC knowledge. Hard to tell, really.

I suppose 'do the opposite' is a good idea but, I then I have the problem where given the volume of information, Makkal is going to start coming off as overly naïve.
« Last Edit: 07 May 2013, 11:30 by Makkal »
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Re: OOC vs IC: Epic (Mind) Cage Fight!
« Reply #14 on: 07 May 2013, 10:49 »

I think the answer is "you do the best you can".

OOC knowledge is always a problem, no matter how hard you work. The very fact of you knowing something changes how your character can react.

I'll give you an example.

(IC) Steve McSample: A supply of Vitoc, stolen, you say? How very unusual.
(IC) Mandy McMyCharacter: Hey! That sounds like you know something about it...

Nothing wrong there. It's a jump to conclusions, but there's enough in Steve's statement to make it reasonable.

Now add the following:

(OOC) Steve McSample: Heh. Steve stole a whole load of Vitoc recently.
(IC) Steve McSample: A supply of Vitoc, stolen, you say? How very unusual.
(IC) Mandy McMyCharacter: Hey! That sounds like ... uh. Oh. Nothing.

The fact that I know OOC prevents my character from guessing something that she might actually have guessed otherwise. Darn.

It would therefore appear that means that you should never talk OOC about your character. And indeed, if you want something to remain an IC secret, it's probably best not to share it with Channel OOC.

I'm not convinced, though. I think in many cases that the enjoyment gained from chatting about my character characters OOCly is worth the small risk of an IC "secret" getting out, and the small negative impact on other people's ability to guess. But it's not a one-size-fits-all-situations answer.

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