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That Sabik's Sepsis is a blood disease that rarely lasts into adulthood, but is considered sacrilege when it does? (The Burning Life, pp. 20,21)

Author Topic: Re: Petition to PIE  (Read 519 times)

Publius Valerius

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Re: Petition to PIE
« on: 24 Apr 2013, 10:52 »

Im to lazy to add this... as Morwen is to lazy to snip it.... So I just copy past it without, the BAD STUFF.

Quote from: Sepherim on Today at 07:34 AM

    Quote from: Publius Valerius on Today at 06:52 AM

        About elites, yeah I hear that even from Goons too :D. Im not joking, during the waiting time until the blobb is ready you will hear a lot of stuff: Sometimes a Dude, which comes along with a category systems for humans (RealLife and/or in-game); miraculously this category systems means that the Dude is in the top group of his system  :D. The same counts for elitism in EVE, it is made up-stuff as the fly and walk along, with NO REAL MEANING, and miraculously this made-up stuff means that you, unlike them, not on top. The question is you are willing to believe it/or roll that way? If the answer is no, PIE wouldnt be a good home.

    Everything in society is "made up-stuff": rituals, relationships, bonds, currency, etc. So, saying power structures are "made up-stuff" is like saying nothing at all. So all the discussion on pointless "dude being over you" in any and all corporations being meaningless because it's "made up-stuff" is like going to your real world teacher/boss/president and saying you are not bellow them because it's "made up-stuff".

Sorry for any misspelling, by any question just ask.

About: "Everything in society is "made up-stuff": rituals, relationships, bonds, currency, etc"
If you go a nihilistic way... Yes, everything is made up  :D.

About: "So, saying power structures are "made up-stuff" is like saying nothing at all."
Can you explain? I would clearly say, that NOT BEVELING IN EVE ONLINE POWER STRUCTURES doesnt equal  "is like saying nothing at all." Or in shorter terms: Power structures in EVE are "made up-stuff"≠ saying nothing at all. So I would reword it to: "So, saying power structures in EVE are "made up-stuff" is like saying ......" I hope I have made my "Can you explain?" a litlle more clear.

But back to the topic. I would like to think, that Im just a half ass nihilist. So I see a different between the "made up-stuff" in the Real world and the "made up-stuff" in EVE is huge. So huge, that I can say: I dont play along or "made up-stuff", and it isnt a threat to my life (Were you in the RL will hit one day a wall, or being a jail visitor or even dead).

About: "So, saying power structures are "made up-stuff" is like saying nothing at all. So all the discussion on pointless "dude being over you" in any and all corporations being meaningless because it's "made up-stuff" is like going to your real world teacher/boss/president and saying you are not bellow them because it's "made up-stuff"."

As for our societies we have made those "power structures" along of necessity: To moderate conflicts. In EVE this conflicts exist only in a limited way. Example, you cant die. A lot of "made up-stuff" stuff in our real word is made around the idea, that we dont wanna die (we selfish people  :) ).  All moderation and conflict solving institutions are mostly around this notion (nicely show by D. North). This isnt the case for EVE (in EVE made up shit exist for the sake of having make up shit  :D). So No, it wouldnt be like going to boss/president/police officer/fireman/teacher etc.... and saying Im not below of them.... next thingy... As this conflict solving institution are saving our lifes (could also take our life), we have a fail save in them: Check and balance, monitoring, competition, etc.... This makes me first "not bellow", it makes me a consumer/seeker. Which moderates HIS OWN CONFLICTS thru this institutions (As for me Im such a rent-seeker on this, that I even  dont fuck with people I dont like. It is the job of my lawer  :D. Im such a selfish person, which uses "made up" stuff for its own benefit. And their is next problem in EVE, I cant rent-seek my conflicts in EVE-online. Wouldnt be great to have PIE or someone else fight my fight against Eterne?  :D Or having a Public Prosecutor fighting for conflict problems (theft, murder); and that even for free  :D).

But I go to far away... so lets get back to your: " is like going to your real world teacher/boss/president and saying you are not bellow them because it's "made up-stuff"." So first I would change some stuff: "is like going to your real world teacher/boss/president and saying you are NOT PART OF because it's "made up-stuff"." So first as you can see, I wouldnt work a below and above arrangement. And why would I? Even they - teacher/boss etc... - are consumers of safety, of this collective good. So NO ABOVE AND BELOW. Secondly, now that we have not this ABOVE and BELOW arrangement in the REAL WORLD. We can say, that the real choice is between being a part of the "made up" stuff or not. And this choice is easy for me, Im so selfish; that I of course choice to be part of the "made up" stuff (I will would even say, almost all of the made-up stuff is better as anarchy.).

So, as long you, PIE, havent the level of conflict moderation (saving my life) and the same level of possible consumption (rent-seeking conflict moderation) I will and can say Im not a part of the made-up stuff  :D. And my selfish ass doesnt looses something; because those "power structures", aka Institutions in EVE, arent the same as in the real world.

Quote from: Nicoletta Mithra on Today at 07:55 AM

    While Publius is right that the diphtong /ɛɪ̯/ does exist in the German language and is usually spelled ey or ej, it only does dwell in the lexical periphery ("ey!, Spray, Schwejk") and it's not the pronouncaition of the name in question: Heydrich [pronounced ˈhaɪdʁɪç] is obviously pronounced with the /aɪ̯/ or ei diphtong - which can be written 'ei', 'ey', 'ai' or 'ay'.

No, It would be Hey- like in the interjection "Hey", then drich. Just because Guido Knopp has problems by speaking out names doesnt mean: Heydrich = Heidrich. He is just lazy fuck. If you are german, you will know that we speak out Cicero with very soft with a "z". Which is of course also wrong, it should be "kikero" like the sound of the cock  :D. How this error come? It comes from the error of repetition. Example: "Zurück zur Natur" was coined to Georges Danton; but its wrong. Goethe just mention it falsely (as he was in service in Elsaß), that he, Daton, said this famous quote. Since that day every germanistic teacher has learned, that phrase would be from him (which is of course wrong). The same counts for cicero, aka kikero; and Heydrich. By the way, I could split e-y; unlike ei).

So... Machen wir es ganz einfach. Das unser Mittani für Arme, aka Laerise den Namen falsch ausspricht und daher einen falschen zusammenhang zieht ist SEIN FEHLER. Ist dies so zu schwer zu verstehen? Und ich wiederhole mich gerne den ganzen Tag, Heydrich ist ungleich Heidrich. Auch wenn eine mehr als schlechte ZDF TV Sendung den Namen falsch ausspricht macht es nicht richtig. Das selbe zählt für cicero, aka kikero.... Oder hier für auch beide, ein noch berühmteres Beispiel: Caesar = Kaisar.... Nicht wie es in schlechten ZDF TV shows ausgesprochen wird. Und ja, Ich hatte das Vergnügen auf dem Lerchenberg ein Praktikium zu machen  :D. So, Ich könnte über Stunden Geschichten über den ZDF erzählen.

Um hier die geschichte abzukürzen... Wie würdest du Heydwick aussprechen?
To shorten this debate.... how would you speak Heydwick?

Quote from: Creep on Today at 08:56 AM

    Quote from: Natalcya Katla on Today at 08:12 AM

        Quote from: Creep on 23 Apr 2013, 23:25



            (Thank you for that, Publius. The moral outrage over something so wrong, yet so obvious to a German-speaker, really rubbed me the wrong way in that thread.)

        Laerise and Nicoletta are both German, you know. There's been no "German-bashing" by Americans here as far as I have seen. In fact, as far as I have seen, the Americans in this community tend to show quite a lot of respect for other cultures besides their own. The reverse is unfortunately not always the case. "Murica" is not only a slur, and thus inappropriate in and of itself, but also entirely inaccurate in this particular case.

        And before you ask (or just presume, as the case may be), I am not American either.

    Well, that shocks the shit out of me. As a Schweizer, it didn't even occur to me to connect the name Heidrich with Heydrich.
    I now feel sorry for everyone in Germany who has the name Heidrich, if that's the typical German response.

No, Mithra and Laerise had just fuck with the guy. And woundnt say, that they are wrong. I think both would rather kill themself as saying that they are wrong. But in the end does it matter? As I said before, dont join if your not welcome.

P.S. Next time just let him buy a monocle.... Its easier and less of "arrrg" troll.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Petition to PIE
« Reply #1 on: 24 Apr 2013, 11:51 »


[mod=Not even death is an escape]This post has been moderated for the following : Personal attacks, connotations of YDIW[/mod]

Over all, having read your post several times, I can somewhat see the position you are taking in the debate. However, certain lines that are injected, such as -

No, Mithra and Laerise had just fuck with the guy. And woundnt say, that they are wrong. I think both would rather kill themself as saying that they are wrong

color your post in an overly negative way. This may be because I have trouble understanding the greater context of your writing when such lines are put in. Additionally, as that line is present in your original catacombed post, I can only presume it was by intent you kept that meaning in there.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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