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That, even on non-capsuleer vessels, ship command sections are designed to be sheared off and function as an escape capsule? (The Burning Life p. 85)

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Author Topic: Gracious in Victory, Gracious in Defeat (You Faction and You)  (Read 8287 times)


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Orange, my suggestion would be apply a healthy amount of handwaving to save your character. I know it's frustrating that you can't participate and I know this means a lot to your character (and subsequently to you), so perhaps handwaving his participation in some way or another?

Maybe he was there, but he was engaged in fighting off the FedNav at the border gates to buy time for the fleet? Maybe he wasn't there because his duty demanded of him to serve elsewhere? Etc.

I'm trying to help, as I know the situation isn't ideal. Please don't take this as a "urdoinitwrong" post.
"A man's courage can be measured by what he does, his wisdom by what he chooses not to do and his character by the sum of both."


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Have him on the planet. He could have family there he wants to get out or keep safe.


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Keep in mind, not even the entire Caldari navy would be able to show up for this. Despite how much they all want to, it's just not feasible. Just like real life, sometimes people have other obligations. Is participating in the battle important? Sure. But they can't scramble everyone. There are still borders to maintain, patrols that need to be done, pirates that need to be deterred, and civilians elsewhere that need saving. The whole universe isn't, can't, stop just because of one battle.

Trust me, I sympathize with the feeling. There have been events for me in other RP settings that I've missed out on because of school or employment. Some small, some of them big world-changing things. But in the end, the universe will keep on spinning one way or the other. There's a hundred different things to be done that need doing; no less important, just unsung. There's bound to be something any given character can be actively doing to explain why they weren't around.

Example; Bunnies show up to raid a major convoy, just as the fighting starts to break out. And they're right next door to your home offices, galacticly speaking. Or heck, you could even blame the other side; the Black Eagles seem an unscrupulous bunch. I wouldn't put it past them to have sleeper agents here and there even in Caldari space. Maybe you tripped over one of them.


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So, IC, the lose of CP is a big deal to my character.

The RL demands (like work) I have mean that I can't participate and neither can my character.

Since, my character can't participate, he has failed his society and ancestors.  His disgrace at failing to perform his duty demands he make amends.  Entering exile are the appropriate traditional response to such failings and in the "modern" world that includes biomassing of clones.  Put another way the character I have invested years of play time in dies.

That does not sound particularly fun and really drives me towards giving up on RP and just focusing on the challenge of bottom up null sec economics.

Posted using phone.

Then I'd suggest making RP characters that don't have 'loss' conditions that require you quitting the game.

I doubt that Orange thought "hey, I think I'll RP a character who has to commit suicide".

I might be more gracious in losing if we'd ever been allowed to "win", even when we did win. In any case, having been on the receiving end of some Grae-rants that were both enjoyable and epic in scope, your efforts to shame us into shutting up are not likely to be effective.

Natalcya Katla

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Some years ago, I made a corporation dedicated to promote the idea of a common space-dwelling society and culture united under the common law and leadership of CONCORD.

CONCORD ended up sanctioning a gargantuan, racist arena war, and my corporation and the movement around it, as much as it existed at all, crashed and burned.

So Katla and I rolled with it and joined Sansha's Nation, because it too was a multi-ethnic, extra-cultural society that appreciated law, order, a structured society and a united humanity. For a couple of years, I tried to promote the idea of some kind of reconciliation between the Nation and CONCORD, arguing that the four empires behind CONCORD were the ones responsible for the hostile relations, and that CONCORD itself was more of an unfortunate victim of its signatories.

Then Sansha himself walked out of history and declared CONCORD our Enemy #1. CONCORD itself returned the animosity in full measure, of course.

I've rolled with the punch, even though Katla's identity has been torn so badly that there's barely any point in her undocking anymore. She's a Sansha loyalist/sympathizer who refuses to take action against CONCORD or break their laws. Turning coat against the Nation is also not an option for her (or for me OOC, for that matter).

It's a difficult position to play, and I do feel a little taste of bitterness sometimes at how I've made her paint herself into a corner like this, but it doesn't make her unplayable. It just make her a messed-up person and more than a bit of a failure, and playing off of that is an interesting experience in itself. I still love the character, and I still get awesome RP with her, which is the main thing for me.
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Ava Starfire > Outright evil.
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Silas Vitalia

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I might be more gracious in losing if we'd ever been allowed to "win", even when we did win. In any case, having been on the receiving end of some Grae-rants that were both enjoyable and epic in scope, your efforts to shame us into shutting up are not likely to be effective.

Your bitterness at things not going your way has been shared with us, repeatedly. 

There's plenty for all of us to bitch about, but don't let it consume you; you are setting up conditions where you will never be happy and will see insults and malicious intent from CCP behind every corner, when in reality they don't care about you or you bitterness.

Svetlana Scarlet

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The problem I have is that it is possible to construct a storyline where no one side is portrayed in a particularly good or bad light, but gives people of all stripes a good reason to feel good about their faction. I've given multiple examples of this sort of thing in the past. When I get upset at how the Caldari are being portrayed, it's not because they are "losing," it's because the the plot is being handled in such a way that I just don't feel like it's worth my time to invest in supporting them. I can play the besieged defender fighting a hopeless battle, but I don't want to be told that if I do so it's clear evidence I am supporting a mad dictator in his bunker.

Silas Vitalia

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The problem I have is that it is possible to construct a storyline where no one side is portrayed in a particularly good or bad light, but gives people of all stripes a good reason to feel good about their faction. I've given multiple examples of this sort of thing in the past. When I get upset at how the Caldari are being portrayed, it's not because they are "losing," it's because the the plot is being handled in such a way that I just don't feel like it's worth my time to invest in supporting them. I can play the besieged defender fighting a hopeless battle, but I don't want to be told that if I do so it's clear evidence I am supporting a mad dictator in his bunker.

There are Caldari factions loyal to the State but not to Heth.  You have room to pick a side. 

I'm not saying it's all sunshine and roses for our factions, plenty have gotten a bum deal PF wise.  It's what we do in response that matters.  Things will be changing. Take it on faith. :P



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I might be more gracious in losing if we'd ever been allowed to "win", even when we did win. In any case, having been on the receiving end of some Grae-rants that were both enjoyable and epic in scope, your efforts to shame us into shutting up are not likely to be effective.

Your bitterness at things not going your way has been shared with us, repeatedly. 

There's plenty for all of us to bitch about, but don't let it consume you; you are setting up conditions where you will never be happy and will see insults and malicious intent from CCP behind every corner, when in reality they don't care about you or you bitterness.

I've been complaining about these things since TEA came out. Whether CCP is malicious doesn't actually matter. Given some of the responses Caldari RPers (not just myself) have gotten from CCP Falcon and other devs on the Eve-O forums, it may actually be malicious. But the thing is, when it's been actual players doing something, I have been gracious. When the Gallente had CCP change the FW system in their favor, I complained about it. When they took all the systems, I said they should get a medal.

If you don't want to read about how people disagree with what CCP does, why not stop reading the grand total of two threads on this site currently devoted to that purpose? It's not like Caldari RPers are running around pouring sewage over everything. But if we express dissatisfaction, we're whiners and "ungracious" in defeat. Nuts to that.


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I'm not saying it's all sunshine and roses for our factions, plenty have gotten a bum deal PF wise. 

Plenty of people have gotten a bum deal RL politics-wise throughout history. Patriotic Caldari facing the dilemma of whether loyalty to the State demands supporting or opposing Heth are in the same situation many people have faced, and do face, on our own planet.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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I'm not saying it's all sunshine and roses for our factions, plenty have gotten a bum deal PF wise.  It's what we do in response that matters.  Things will be changing. Take it on faith. :P

Faith is not a virtue. And even if things do change, the faction and our characters have been irreparably harmed.

Svetlana Scarlet

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Plenty of people have gotten a bum deal RL politics-wise throughout history. Patriotic Caldari facing the dilemma of whether loyalty to the State demands supporting or opposing Heth are in the same situation many people have faced, and do face, on our own planet.

I will point out that I am perfectly able to play a character who is loyal to the State but not to Heth, which is why 4TH is out in Providence and not in FW anymore. That doesn't mean I have to like what has been done to the Caldari, turning them from a complicated corporate plutocracy to stereotypical fascist dictatorship.

Silas Vitalia

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...the faction and our characters have been irreparably harmed.

That might be a touch dramatic?

Also as was just said, people don't get to choose these things in real life.  Sometimes governments turn awful, people have to make awful decisions and manage as best they can.

None of us have a 'right' to our faction being represented positively, or with well-written plots we all approve of.

I've absolutely done my fair share of bitching and moaning about TEA and what happened to the Amarr, and Jamyl.  I've also gotten over it and not let it ruin my gameplay.


Svetlana Scarlet

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Here's the problem with "sometimes you have to suffer with bad events," though. In a game where you are trying to get active participation on all sides, with a lot of enthusiasm, you need to think about how you want to construct things such that people will actually have that enthusiasm to propel your storylines and game events beyond your direct action. If people get frustrated and fed up with it, they aren't going to get excited about things and give you a ton of free content for it. That goes for all sides, not just the Caldari.

Silas Vitalia

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Here's the problem with "sometimes you have to suffer with bad events," though. In a game where you are trying to get active participation on all sides, with a lot of enthusiasm, you need to think about how you want to construct things such that people will actually have that enthusiasm to propel your storylines and game events beyond your direct action. If people get frustrated and fed up with it, they aren't going to get excited about things and give you a ton of free content for it. That goes for all sides, not just the Caldari.

Generating participation and enthusiasm for things we do in space is generally our own responsibility. 

We the players came up with our own events, our own storylines, and our own winning and losing despite a lack of CCP involvement for years. 

Now that we are getting some actual PF support for the first time in years some people can't say 'thank you I'll try and have fun and work my RP in and around this, or try to collaborate on new content' it's

'you aren't doing it the way I want it done'

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